

So you think you're controlling the Pokemon but really the Pokemon are controlling you :O

rely maek thnk

wOW,, That really makes one think

Was the long neck really necessary

really decalcifies my pineal gland

where is the pikachu GOing?

wtf i hate pokemon go now


wtf........... my brain..............throbbing...

>the meme pic again

Fuck off.

Copy that.

my almonds have been activated

This really doesn't make any sense. I mean after all before Pokemon Go they were doing this. Nothing has changed

So..... deep.....


Is this thing still even relevant?

These "really makes you think" threads are cancer and need to stop.

pokemon go is old news

that post really made me think

really gets the noggin a joggin



yup sure does.. *turns on CIA spy equipment*

whoa, hey guys

>facebook trigger shit

that really bleaches my asshole

Reminds me of Man after man.

what is this image trying to convey

wow made me think :-0

I can just imagine the "alpha male" neckbeard that made this.

>clint eastwood
>most known for pretending to be a cowboy

even I grew out of playing cowboys and indians when I turned 10

Truly does makes you ponder

>tfw failed my man license practical again because instructor was shouting at me and I broke down
fucking kill me

Really makes you stink.......


The creepy part is imagining humans actually evolving long necks like that from staring down at the phone forever.

really makes you think that your mom is going to die in her sleep tonight

reply this post, to prevent this thought.

im detecting just a hint of butthurt itt

that's a lot of work to put in to saying "I think I'm so much better than people who play pokemon go/use smartphones"

We're just pretending to be butthurt.

You really think Sup Forums is there place where you find people who were really into Pokemon Go?

yeah i know that feeling

It's one of those "people don't think for themselves" pieces. It's trying to convey that people are just mindlessly going wherever Pokemon GO directs them.

I don't understand why anyone cares about this image or gets upset by it.

It's basic art meant to convey we're controlled too much by our devices.

There's literally millions of these pieces of art.

idk this thread is like irony covered in sadness

Really makes you think...

O really ? The same could be said about absolutely everything if you think about it

This artist sucks. His entire gallery is over-dramatic simplistic "woah dude what if society is bad" tripe.

Really activates your almonds...

wow made think

Thanks Soejima

Really activated my almonds

Really gets the hamster running on the wheel

the simpsons meet south park


"mmmm, time for that mid game snack..."

Really programmed my pistachios

Gee... wow...

My brain... its really going now

make me thinky muscle hustle

Really activated this curse if don't reply to this everyone you know and love will die in their sleep tonight

is this how CIA agents get butthurt when they get out think by a literal meme




Fuck off

"eat a banana"

Hmmm.... consider this braingoo stirred....

I don't get it...

Can someone explain?

pic related, it's possible


this thfred is liek teh salt mines... .. ..

I'm a slave to serotonin. We only do things that make us feel satisfied. We need to be free of this control on our minds.



yes this post gives me a good old dopamine boost

>questioning the alpha neckbeard
Back in line, grunt.

It's okay pal, just man up and re-aplly next summer,unless that was your 5th attempt otherwise have fun being a the gay.

If you're going to keep spamming this, at least have the gif version.

Fucking hilarious

fuck off

Just how butthurt could someone get just to make this?

you could say his explosion was fucking nuclear

You have to be a pussy to let other people tell you should think and act

Is this the thread were we post cool stuff found in Facebook?

are you talkin to someone fatso


Leave him alone biggot!

Edit: Wow so many upvotes,thanks guys!

Edit 2: OMG Thanks for the Season Pass, you guys ROCK!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!one

The last thread I saw there was at least 10 images of various newspaper artists making illustrations toward Pokemon GO. Only one of em had a joke, the rest were just passive responses towards it.

I dont even give a shit about Pokemon GO, but you have to be this butthurt to take the time to draw something like that. It's almost like Tom Preston would do

idk the only funny thing i ever saw about pokemon go was hillary trying to use it to get votes boy did that work out well

Clint eastwood never said this

reply to mine or your reply to this is negated

almonds now active


Really makes you think..


an oldie but a goodie

Where's all the fucking rape stories surrounding pokemon GO? Shit is so bizarre. You would think it would be a breeding ground for it.

his "man card"?

This is why they have a long neck.

wtf!? I hate smartphones now!