Is anyone going to get this for the 3ds release? I'm not quite sold yet. The censoring I can tolerate I suppose because cero being prudes can't be helped but I'm pretty upset they're removing the orchestra music. It was so good.
Is anyone going to get this for the 3ds release? I'm not quite sold yet...
Depends, is there any extra content?
A bunch.
>two new playable characters.
>new dungeons.
>new scenes.
>new ending.
There's more, but I can't recall them.
What's getting censored?
Off the top of my head:
>instant alchemy pot
>enemies now visible on the field
>couple of new characters
>new optional dungeons
>new arena stuff
>new ending where you can marry Jessica
>rebalancing to some things: angelo not being so far behind on skill points for instance and other things like actually being able to see what skills you can get in the trees ahead of time instead of it being a mystery
You can marry Jessica.
Also, Red and Morrie are additional party members.
Pretty much all of Jessica's outfits got censored with the exception of the dangerous bustier I think it was called. It's the white/blue one. I don't know why that one escaped censorship. Also Red's outfit got toned down as well.
>replaced soundtrack again.
Two scenes, one of which has a hand no longer being stabbed and another where a person is no longer forced to eat dog food.
Jessica and Red both have a few outfit changes, but they also both get many more outfits.
Don't care, it's fucking Dragon Quest VIII. I don't get triggered easily like all of Sup Forums.
I'm buying it but i ain't gonna play it. I'm too attached to the PS2 version.
Who cares?
What is even hear appeal besides tits?
I won't.
>I'm buying it but i ain't gonna play it.
What kind of retarded white boy shit is this?
nah, they all got censored except her starting non-lewd dress and her normal iconic one
Her personality.
What's Medea's appeal besides she's a horse for most of the game and you don't even actually meet her until you're about halfway through.
Never thought I'd say this but actually I do think I'd feel better not watching a guy eat dog food. Guess censorship does work sometimes?
>I'm buying it but i ain't gonna play it.
literally autism.
I thought we were over this whole censorship thing by the end of the 90's. I guess the industry hasn't learned anything.
ive got the jap version because i was impatient.
its nice that its portable, but the battle load times hurt it even though theres a speedup animations toggle.
imo i don't like the change that you can see enemies encounters in the world. they're very easy to dodge and you can make it to the first boss without a single encounter from the town. the game is already easy enough with tension.
the jap version being censored is a downer, but I dont think i can support an official english version that ruins the music. i don't feel comfortable recommending it to first timers either because that reason.
Games have only became more censored in Japan since the early 2000's with the formation of CERO.
I think with the fact that I have the PS2 version, and I have the phone version the 3DS version just doesn't seem that appealing even with the added content.
I kind of expect they'll release an HD version of this on the Switch. I may wait for that.
>owning the phone version
But why?
Apparently it was available for free some time back.
I picked it up a few years back with a gift card. Initially it was really slow and jerky, but now it actually runs quite well on my current phone which is a mid-range phone from a year ago.
The only really annoying thing about it is there's no way to put it into landscape mode and as far as I can tell there's no way to play it with a gamepad with no on screen controls in the overworld.
How late into the game do you get the new characters?
The "Censorship" was the Japanese version.
Im gonna pirate
I've always wanted to play this game so i'll probably pick it up
It wasnt