Stumble upon a channel with hundreds of Let's Plays

>stumble upon a channel with hundreds of Let's Plays
>zero views on 99% of the videos
>no subscribers
>assume they're just walkthroughs with no commentary first
>click on vid
>tfw it was kind of sad but mostly pathetic

There are thousands of people out there who archive themselves talking out loud for hundreds of hours to literally no one.

Why do they do it? Are they just delusional?

Other urls found in this thread:

If they're having fun so what?
I like to have conversations in my head for hours

They think one day they'll hit it big and at that point everyone will love trolling through their back catalog.

They're fucking idiots who think they can make it big like pewdiepie or game grumps

Bonus points if they're playing Minecraft or CoD or something.

The market is extremely saturated, you need to have something unique to get popular. Whether it's your humor or what. Most people don't have that.

I hate walkthroughs with fucks insisting on talking. Those are called Let's Plays or commentaries. Walkthroughs should be videos of the video games alone.

In fact, fuck it. I'm going to start a channel consisting of silent walkthroughs.

channels that mod/corrupt games are the only ones i see that are popular right now
and top 10 videos

>How many videos?
>When was the first video uploaded?

YouTube ruined the common person's ego. Remember in the early 2000s when making a flash cartoon, even a shitty one, required at least the bare minimum of skill?

Now everyone's ego is massively inflated because it's so easy to broadcast themselves to the world.

They seriously think people give a shit about what they have to say.

>They seriously think people give a shit about what they have to say.
some people do. that's why gaming news channels are a thing even though they are all the same shit.

Because you can't teach personality.
You either entertain or you don't. You can't force it.

But people will endlessly pretend to emulate people capable of it.

>In fact, fuck it. I'm going to start a channel consisting of silent walkthroughs.
please don't, there are too many of those as well.

Social media, not just youtube, ruined the common person's ego.

god forbid humans actually shared opinions and thoughts on things

>he thinks you can just get popular by being unique
Not a chance. In order to get popular, you have to either be mentioned by someone popular, or somehow take advantage of a Youtube algorithm flaw and get a video of a popular game to be in the top results / recs.

How are you supposed to impress people with your amazing comedy when they don't even know you exist? Exposure is 99% of the business. You could be boring and derivative as shit and you'd have 50m viewers per video if Youtube suddenly decided to shill your shit.

Here's a depressing game you can try:

>go to youtube
>search for a "let's play *insert game here*"
>click Filters
>sort by Upload Date

Post the worst one you can find ITT.

>stumble upon a channel with less than a hundred subscribers
>thousands of videos uploaded
>mostly old X-Play reviews
>most of the vids have less than 10 views
>it's the official Youtube channel for G4
>they still upload old clips every single day

I feel kind of bad for whatever poor social media kid has to put this shit up every day, knowing nobody will ever actually watch any of it.

The Truman Show setting would be great for a video game, think Deadly Premonition but about finding out you're a subject of a reality show and you have to escape or you just fuck around the town interacting with the actors/ town's folf.

Please end this suffering.

Go back to your cell, nut-case

you say boosted ego when everyone tears you apart for everything?

I kinda appreciate them when I'm looking up play styles I haven't done yet and these guys are usually the only ones doing it. The big popular guys all have one style and they never try to do everything.

Hes streaming right now.


>2 hours of this shit

Jesus christ. You already won this game.

>playing game
>think in my head how'd I'd narrate it in a LP

>somehow take advantage of a Youtube algorithm flaw and get a video of a popular game to be in the top results / recs
Too bad that's gone now. YouTube literally just shitted on all the small time people by making the algorithm work for likes and comments.

>has 13 subs

"Guys lets get try to get to 100 subs"

post the link

what the fuck is that noise holy shit my ears

It's like someone's playing a fucking recorder and just blowing as hard as they can.

He has big dreams
Don't kill his dream user.

>Walkthroughs should be videos of the video games alone
Usually those are called Longplays. Kind of the opposite of a speedrun.

This is why you are better off starting on Twitch and trying to make friends with other streamers to try and leech some of their viewer base

nothing is as pathetic as dspgaming channels

If you kill his dreams he'll grow up to be one of us.


Do we really want more jaded closet homosexuals that don't play vidya?

They are probably all already uploaded and set to automatically be set to public every day


Why are we still watching this. Jesus christ.
>rawr i'm a t-rex
>sorry guys it's been a long day

>tfw youtube will start unsubbing people that dont watch your videos

>"I guess this has gone viral"


roblox online games is /our/ guy

It's like recording your own radio station when you're a kid

he said hang niggers

I'm not sure how to feel about this

Thinking of starting a channel named VidyaWars. It will consist of nothing but long videos of edited gameplay where I point out Jewish and cultural marxist influences or anything relating to the cultural egalitarian cancer that plagues our modern world. Of course I won't be doing any talking. I'll be using images, and text circa 2007 style with some infographics tossed in for that extra conspiracy like feel. I'll use super cool synthwave and vaporwave music as well as dark ambiance to get the feel right and all my editing will be done with the vaporwave aesthetic theme to it. Whaddya all think? Can I be the next InfoWars but for video games?


>tfw you created "i'm nazy and i'm deleting my channel" drama to get them back
>tfw it actually works

Oh fuck me he has a ton of irl videos too

its better than not doing anything and just complain...

poor dad


roblox youtuber detected

Not sure if serious. For starters, if you want to pitch a channel idea, it might be a good idea to keep it concise. If someone asks about your channel, is that how you would explain it?

>What's the link.

hi guys.

>tfw had 3k views from my Dissidia gameplay video from 6 years ago
I just kept refreshing the search page until the tags placed my video in first if someone were to search for Dissidia gameplay.

we should brainwash this kid, and bring him into Sup Forums and Sup Forums

when you read something, you're talking to yourself in your head

>tfw 6k views on a stupid skyrim video

Holy hell this is everything you gotta hate about let plays

>5 fps
>records taskbar too
>can hear is mom or sister or whatever in the background
Jesus fuck

dare you to type "webcam video from"

his stream looks very vunerable to troll, someone link him porn, he will click it


there's literally nothing wrong with that

Why not just make him delete system 32?

>tfw this kid is getting more views than me
even with potato quality


>kid streams roblox
>other kids wanna watch it
>most views are neckbeards from 4chin
Simple really

hey man I just shaved today


>tfw had 40,000 views for dead rising Wii gameplay
>end up deleting the account
One of my many stupid decisions of my life

>2 hours.

Well at least he looks like he's having fun

What's worse than that is my roommate who literally just imitates all of the aspie channels he likes. He streams on twitch all day while yelling and laughing loudly. For hours. Every Day. I'm not sure if this is his first time really feeling "in" on the internet, or that he can be himself? He's HAD girlfriends and has real friends, but he laughs like every second of every play is the most entertaining pico second of his life. He used to be pretty quiet and now he he has to be making noise constantling, from the time he's awake and home until he sleeps. He talks to himself more, he whistles, he makes comments on the things he's doing as he's doing them. It's not my life, so it's not my problem, if it really is a problem, but it's annoying as fuck and all thanks to Let's Play and "GAMER" youtube channels.

>tfw inbox flooded by comments and stuff
>no idea whats going on
>ignore it

>Mother Murders 3-Year-O...

frig off emptyhero

>Walkthroughs should be videos of the video games alone
but thats wrong. a walkthrough tells you how to do things as they're being done. A lets play is personality based gameplay. a silent gameplay video is a longplay. you will fail at all of them.

how does a person frig?

>kid now has 21 viewers
>cant even get 3

by friggin

i'll frig you, frigger


He's streaming right now

frig off

i know that when i do it its because im saving the livestream recordings and there are usually people in chat watching

however if someone is just recording the video and doing that its a little weird.


What the hell is Pokemon brick bronze.

It sounds like he's doing it for fun with his sister.

Have mercy

They look like a happy family.

I wish nothing but good things upon them.

"I just noticed that the videos I make are not that good guys let me know if you want good videos leave comment bye"


i'll frig off all over your face you filthy frigate

Actually you need huge tits to get popular easy. Look at how simple it is to get replies on Sup Forums when you post with a picture of a girl.