When will you learn that sony was always patrician

better than the same shitty rehash mario every year.
Also lbp was mariomaker before it was cool.
Platforming and level creation both in the same game.

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Is criminally underrated here on Sup Forums

i loved LBP2

Why did 3 flop i never played it?

Guess the series is dead yeah?

LBP2 had really weird jump physics

Media Molecule abandoned it after LBP2 and they kind went a bit down hill, focused too much on gimmicks rather than making it a more solid experience, it kinda lost it's charm.

MM is making dreams now though, which is like LBP on crack and looks amazing.

Also it was buggy as fuck in the PS3. Lost my story mode save three times and I can't play multiplayer at all because of disconnection issues.

They should've dropped support for PS3 and focused on the PS4. Right now, it's just not playable online.

I love LBP.

Have a soft spot for 1 'cause of it's charm-- 2 went fully on board with the creation side of things and lost some of its character as a result (that, and feels more humble/less developed.)

Kinda wish the PS3 wasn't so shit though. It always felt like the game was barely managing to run/wasn't designed for the machine (input lag, poor net code, the game would just slow down, etc.)

Very lovable game though, and was the first real game where I made friends with strangers online. I actually logged into my PS3 for the first time in years yesterday, and this one wheel chair bound guy was still sending me 'Merry Christmas' messages.

because it's for faggots?

>When will you learn that Media Molecule was always patrician.

Fixed. In Sony's hands, you get half-assed shit like LBP3.

Little Big 1 was good.
Little Big 2 was still good, but felt slightly worse than 1.
Little Big 3 was mediocre.
>Sony was always patrician
Sony was never patrician, they just knew what games to make to appeal to the lowest common denominators and some of those developers knew how to make it also appeal to die-hard fans of some genres.

LBP1 had a god tier soundtrack


I wish it was 2009 again

Is LBP3 worth $20? Loved the first two but never touched the third.

>western """""""""games""""""""""
what did he mean by this?

LBP would have been great if the jump physics weren't garbage for actual platforming

Probably would have been my favorite game of last gen had they not fucked that up

I'd personally say no.

Hey I really wanna play the lbp games only have the PSP and vita versions.
Is the ps3 lbp community still alive.
I'll get a ps3 for lbp and gow series.

its dead jim

Like i can't go online dead dead?
I can still download levels right??

yup, it handled like garbage so even if the level was alright it still wasn't very fun

I meant that almost no one plays it now. And the people who still play it are retarded children or people with huge egos.

Do u need to play multiplayer to enjoy it fully like borderlands?
I'm more of single player person.

Little Big Planet is one of these games I look back on and feel nothing but sorrowful nostalgia.
Everything about it was solid, and fun, and interesting. It was enjoyable meeting people, playing their levels, fucking around in their pods. Now it's all gone - an experience that happened and will never return.

I truly, honestly feel that anyone who never got to experience Little Big Planet during its prime has missed out on a fantastic gaming experience.

And I'm sad that I can't go back to it.

Yes you can, but I found the game more charming and fun with friends. There are some segments in levels that require more than 1 sackperson. I'd say get LBP1 and 2. Forget about 3 less you want to create things for nobody.

LBP had heart and a fantastic toolkit sure but it played like hot fucking ass and doesn't hold a candle to any Mario in terms of platforming.

Is it really THAT bad?

Come on guys, I know some of you LBPCentral oldfags are lurking.

>tfw the one troll on LBPC that I forget's name got me onto Sup Forums in the first place

>tfw Media Molecules new game is just LBP but with voxels and 3d platforming

I actually really liked LBP3. After all the bugs were fixed, the creation tools were top notch and the ability to truly make 3D levels was cool. That being said, it is definitely flawed.

It doesn't have any of the life or charm the original game had. Part of what made LBP amazing was the part that actually did make it feel hand crafted. No fancy cinematics are pre-made AI. It was just paper, card, scissors, and glue.

Too bad its never going to come out, and if it does it'll probably flop like Tearaway did (twice). Man I miss Mm games.

>Beta 2016
>MM missed PSX and E3

LBP is a glorified overhyped tech demo.

Nobody cares.

>it's a bomb survival level

sorrowful nostalgia. i used to play LBP1 co-op with my girlfriend back in the day all the time. then she died and the thought of this game is ubearable


PlayStation Home says hi.

What a weird fucking experience, experiment even.

I hate consolewar bullshit, but LBP is the one of the biggest examples of a console killing something. LBP3 was a disaster, the servers were killed in Japan (I think), and eventually they're going to die everywhere else as well. If they aren't making sequels, the game is going to be forgotten eventually and it will die, which is awful considering how heavily it relies on online play. It's an amazing game and I really wish it was on PC where i'm sure it would have picked up a dedicated fanbase to host servers and keep level creation active for years to come.

I feel your pain, user.

I also lost someone who I used to play LBP with. Years later I went back just to dick around, and then I found our old shitty creations in giant empty levels that was spent hours slapping together. I spent hours just playing with the stuff, remembering everything.

I'm glad I got to spend that time with them...

It doesn't matter how charming LBP is or how much content it has or how creative people can be with levels. The platforming is shit.

Decided to log in to LBPCentral for the first time in years.

>Join Date: October 2009
7 fucking years ago. Time flies.

Little Big Planet is shit because you can only jump up one Sackboy length and physics based platforming stopped being cool around 2007 or so.

Get fucked.

I'm going to play some of my old levels in LBP3 now. I want to see how much I remember.


wow, that´s amazing pal.
Hope you wrote back to him!

I play 2 and 3 weekly, and they are a lot of people playing.
LBP has one of the best communities ever

I hope none of you wore those really faggy, over the top outfits, with anime hair n' shit.

>When will you learn that sony was always patrician.
When they will stop releasing cinematic experience games

>He didn't wear the dragon hat with the cape

If anything LBP is the perfect example of how shitty Sony is and how they aren't Patrician.
One fumble and they abandon it completely like all their other IP. A good series will die and be impossible to experience again due to how important online is for it. It will never come back unless Sony figures out how to make it a cinematic meme game like the new GoW and the order.

LBP deserved more attention than it got.

After the first game, it seems like the "gimmick" stopped being interesting and everyone left.

But then Mario Maker shows up and EVERYONE loves making their own levels.

Was LBP's creator too complex to be accessible? What went wrong?

Do either of (You) even know what LBP is?

No it was not the series is great. I don't even play much modern games anymore but LBP is pretty damn special in today's shitty industry. Probably why it is so underrated. A franchise like this 10 or more years ago would be top tier. These days faggots like you only want muh FPS, muh TPS cinematic experience and FEELS.

Fucking die

I certainly did have trouble making complex levels back when I was playing LBP1
I have a feeling just more toddlers have a nintendo system and mario maker cruised by on marios fame and then it is also a shit load more simple than LBP

3 was short and had more of a kid-oriented focus

I don't remember too terribly much, what I do remember is MM removing the ability to dislike levels and the result being the flood of shit was now front and center with everything else.

I´m sorry man.
I really hope someday you´ll play it again with someone as special to you as she was.
take care of yourself mate

LBP3 is like LBP1 and 2 but shorter and without any of the charm. It also feels like it tries to appeal to kids too much, rather than trying to appeal to people of all ages like the first two games.
>Was LBP's creator too complex to be accessible?
Mario Maker is incredibly simple and easy to figure out, while LBP is a lot more complicated if you want to make anything other than an incredibly basic platforming level.

someday some people will take a look at what Home was and will shit bricks.
Man, I miss "playing" it

Playstation® VR exclusive

The childlike wonderment of the LBP trailers didn't match up to the actual game and limitations, so I didn't end up enjoying LBP like I thought. Fun to mess with though.

shit guys. i hope you will reconciliate with the game again somehow. It must be a very bitter thing


More or less it goes like this:
>LBP1 has this odd charm because it looks like a kid's fantasy world got slapped together into being
>LBP2 looks like a teenager's world hand-crafted to be really interesting and sometimes it works, sometimes it fails
>LBP3 is the equivalent of that same kid who made the first 2 games going on to be an adult and making a really nice world, but he's lost touch with what charm the first 2 had and no matter how nice he makes it, it's just not the same, even going on to add new characters, but they just don't feel right

Problem with modern "DIY" games is the sheer inacessibility for the average joe. I was dicking around in the map editor in Age of Empires 2 when I was 7 years old. I made dozens of maps and scenarios, and I truly loved little big planet's editing tools because they were just the correct amount of complexity. Nothing over the top, nothing too simple to do anything cool.

LBP 2 just felt worse for this reason, and 3 even more so. Adding complexity/extra options != more playability. Since the average person ignores map editors and mod tools, most people are more interested in what the game has to offer. Much of LBP 1 was getting friends and trying to 100% levels. Community works came when story mode was exhausted. When the main appeal of a sequel is content most people wont touch, there is something very wrong with the direction of your game.

I guess the best way to summarize my feelings is that LBP2 and 3 didnt feel like games as much as they felt like addons to me. Not enough innovation to keep me paying 60 bucks on launch.

Mm is the shit though. Tearaway made me very happy when I played it a year ago.

This soundtrack was so damn eclectic, and awesome

Is there any other game where you can go from Jim Noir to Battles?

>that Spanish track

this in LBPK (shit starts at 2.00```)
fucking glorious

>TFW never had any friends to play LBP with and I had no Internet connection on my PS3
Rip. I never got any of those Multiplayer outfit pieces in 1 or 2.


I was an LBPC regular until it got hacked/closed down on Christmas eve and the site admin was shitposting on Twitter and not keeping anyone informed on the status of the site.

>tfw the one troll on LBPC that I forget's name got me onto Sup Forums in the first place
That might have been me.

>Subpar platformer that had to rely on its "creativity"
>Along with not being a platformer
>Sony dropped it in less than one generation

Yeah, real patrician of them.

The difference is sackboy controls like a sack of shit so the idea of just making a regular ass platforming level in LBP is immediately off the table. You need to do some goofy Rube Goldberg visual extravaganza bullshit to make a fun level, unlike Mario Maker where you can just make some basic crap that's fun to play.

I used to spend so much time making levels in LBP2. I eventually moved to LBP3, but only had enough time to make one final level before losing my ps4. I haven't gotten a new one yet.

I still feel proud of that level, though. I spent almost half a year on it and the end result is pretty alright. It also got lots of positive feedback and more plays than all of my other levels. It feels good to know that I created something that some people still come back to replay every few months.

My main complaint about those games would be the community. The most played levels are always just copies of other levels, and often times quality, original levels don't get much attention at all. You have to sift through so much garbage to find them, too. It's like Youtube, kind of, but with levels instead of videos.

All of my best console memories were had playing LBP. Hands down the best multiplayer in any game I've played yet the game was so underrated. It's so painful knowing that we'll never get it back, will never create wacky stupid shit with friends and randoms or go exploring what others have made. I'm just glad to have played it while it was huge.

Why didn't it take off?
It had all the right marks for appealing players old and young.
It's soft, colorful, and vibrant

Thoughts on the licensed costumes?

Its a shit platformer, far inferior to its competition

The generally crummy physics, combined with the absurdly complex and broad level editor, basically meant that designing a level was difficult for both mustering up good ideas and making them fun to play through.