man, good memories of playing this with my dad. 4 and 5 on PS2
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I cant wait for AC7
Has there been any word whatsoever since the first teaser?
>tfw no good at ace combat after six years of attempts
a-at least I can play dark s-souls...
I thought the one on 3DS was decent and that was like 5 years ago
Friendly reminder that the AC3 translation patch comes out in a few days
All I hear is Steve Blum's raspy voice.
I hoped they fired the guy who thought Ass Horizon was a good idea
>PS4 Exclusive
Fuck you Sony, this game better release for others at D+1 year like AC:AH did.
> try to keep formation for the ceremony
> squad keeps telling me not to fuck up so hard
It ain't easy being a demon, and to fly in pretty lines
I hate that mission just because they killed the best character.
>Unreal Engine 4
Just like Tekken, it will probably come out on PC as well, but since this is pushing Sony's VR shit it may take a while before the PC version comes out, if it ever happens
It's on PSX right, is it going to come as a complete .iso or am I going to have to find another .iso and patch it in somehow?
This is what V2 was for!
>tfw can finally emulate 5 and Zero without the horrible texture glitches
Fuck yes, I just wish my PS2 hadn't died
Can I play burned PS1 games on a PS2 with FMCB? With the AC3 fan translation coming soon I'm going to marathon the whole series and don't really feel like having to set up my PC just for 3.
what about 4, user
Yeah but you have to burn them to CDs and not dvd I think
Go to /vg/ you fools.
Or play a proper flying game like DCS world :^)
Wait, WHAT
Since when? I bought a PS2 just for these games but it looks like shit on my TV. Dying to be able to emulate them.
They've implemented some fixes on the latest builds that fixed both the ground textures and black lines on non-native resolutions
AC04 is still being worked on
New PCSX2 patches added minmap support which fixes the texture problems with AC games
If you get PCSX2 1.5 (bit of an experimental branch) in the "Video" part PCSX2 where you can choose like DX11 and shit theres an option for "MipMapping" turn that on to "Basic" and the flickering textures are gone. I still get the black lines with 1920 by 1080 though even with the option of "Align Sprite" to get rid of those.
Anyway, just turn on the mipmap thing and the ground textures wont look like a seizure anymore. The mipmap option also fixes the Rachet and Clank games too. Just finished Going Commando like 2 hours ago.
>Looks like shit on my TV
Are you using composite cables? That is, the Red/White/Yellow jacks. Spend 5 dollars and buy a Component cable(5 jacks).
Is it worth it? Well, put it this way. With the Component Cables you can actually read the Axe & Hammer disclaimed on the briefing screen. That's how sharp it is.
Getting VR just for this. Dont care if VR is shit I want to blow up superweapons in first person.
05,5, Zero remaster when?There's still hope before 7 is released Right?
There was a playable VR demo at PSEx
god I hope they make it compatible for non-VR play for when the gimmick finally craps out
>god I hope they make it compatible for non-VR
Of course they will. The fact that it works with VR is a "feature" not a core component.
Jumping off of this, does anyone know how to get rid of the black vertical lines in AC05? I turned on the "Align Sprite" which specifically states that it will fix the black lines and it doesnt in 1080p but just using something like 3x/4x native and putting it into 16:9 causes no black lines at all. I'm very confused.
Do I need to change any of these settings to stop the black lines? Ignore that Align Sprite isnt on I was playing Rachet before.
>implying VR for flight games isn't a godsend
>not wanting VR for a game where all you do is sit inside a cockpit
The only thing it could go wrong was for the actual thing to run like shit
>trusting an unproven gimmick
because 3D was such a game changer
I only own a DK2 but it already fucking works you dipshit
it is you who is shit here
In hardware mode I take it?
So is Ace Combat have some crazy Wapanese stories? If I love Kojima san will I like Ace Combat?
You're in for a treat. They kinda have the same themes as MGS (nations/borders, WAR IS HELL, etc)
Also insane super weapons. All around great gameplay and fun stories.
Did they ever release the second season of the campaign?
in Infinity*
It's been a decade since the last good ace combat. What are the odds of this being worth a shit?
It's not Assault Horizon, and it's not a shitty F2P game.
Also, literally being made by the same people who worked on 5 and Zero. They going full fanservice with this one.
Infinity is actually very solid in the gameplay department. Not sure how the story will go, I assume they will have the same people who worked on the scenario in the past games to work on this.
Screw that, he needs to be put in charge of every future game's multiplayer.
At PSX they said it wasnt fully a VR game. so fingers crossed.
I just finished this a few hours ago. Wanted to die at the start but by the end I started to warm up to it. It was still terrible
>final ace fight theme was supposed to be his dead wife singing
The very first console release of ace combat features flying aircraft carriers and its the 2nd most grounded one in the series
Being able to have the idol planes was my favorite part.
Simply because it was so out of place in the serious cutscenes.
Hey Sup Forums
Go dance with the angels