Who wants to play some Brawl on Wii?
Who wants to play some Brawl on Wii?
You mean like... online?
Yeah, the game sucks otherwise. The best part of Brawl is the online feature.
Uh, kid, sorry to dissapoint you, but uhh... that game isnt online anymore... at all.
Yeah wait let's go to stage builder first
Are you sure? I'm online right now.
Proove it OP, show your profile online WITH a timestamp.
He isnt back... got em good, user.
>You wanna play the shittiest game in a franchise despite better alternatives
I hate the fucking file limits, I had to screenshot my picture
Self replier
Damn what fucking year are you from
user got btfo
eww brawl
is there sm4sh weekend thread yet?
I dont know anymore.
I have a Windows XP in my room despite having a Windows 10 nextbook, and I have an original Xbox on my side table.
Best Smash to date, Melee and Smash 4 fags can go suck a dick.
Thank you.
Do you have a friend code for Brawl?
I see you have homebrew too.
turn that shitty brawl off and go play some altered beast
Does anyone want to play online together?? Seriousley, the only otber online Wii game is piece of shit world at war.
I'm about to try and play COD online here instead. I'll try, I swear to god.
What the fuck, I cant reply to any other threads.