What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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fuck off you memeing little shit

nothing, it's literally perfection in video game form

I took too long to make. When it came out humanity had already succumbed to cancer and no one was left to appreciate it.

Controls and performance. Other than that, I really liked it.

took too long to make.
by all means it seems like a solid game but it's outweighed by how damn long people have been anticipating.
it's a team ICO game so regardless of quality blind idiots will still call it a masterpiece anyway just because of their style.

It was fine considering it took and was hyped for 10 years. It's like a solid 8/10, which is a lot better than all the other games that took forever AND were hyped multiple times during that time

turns out that "being famous" for one game doesn't mean you're gonna be famous for the others

The game is just a shitty scenario, there's nothing more to it.
Seriously, a little Asian boy riding a trans- biological class giant animal?
You need to have a really vibrant imagination to play this clusterfuck of a game.

This. It looks and plays like a remastered 2009 PS3 game, but if you liked the other ones this will be fun too. Don't know if they will ever make another game again, but holy fuck they need help with the camera and controls

>It's like a solid 8/10, which is a lot better than all the other games that took forever AND were hyped multiple times during that time
but wasn't FFXV a 8/10 too? what other examples are you talking about?

They saw how frustrating and shitty Agro's and Yorda's AI could be when you're not in direct control and decided to make a game entirely about that.

I guess. I just don't like new FFs so I'm not following it. I thought it only got hyped as the edgy versus game 10 years back, then it was forgotten for like 8 years and then they started reminding us of it again.
I was thinking of Duke Nukem Forever, Spore, Too Human, Prey, Aliens: Colon Marines

FFXV is a solid 4.

It was released in 2016.

Year of Garbage.

-Original creator left the project early in its
-Most of Team Ico was restructured and many people who worked with the original director left soon after he did
-8 year development hell ensues
-Tons of hype based on two pre rendered cutscenes, takes almost 7 years before we see actual gameplay
-Actual gameplay is still hiding how flawed the 'industry shattering AI' is
-Sony rushes the game out just to make good on a promise

Trico should have died. Would have maybe gotten an emotional response.

Kind of a 'fuck you I liked it' situation from here.

shit AI, shit platforming, shit controls, and shit performance

Not much.

My key complaints are:

>not much in the way of secrets/extras
>Trico is hard to control in water sections
>unpolished in certain places, like the opening/title and with prompts

Otherwise I'm loving the game. Easily one of my top two games this year. The puzzles are pretty fun.

good ending should have been NG+

>Trico trying to wake you
>Trico excited after fighting knights
>Trico with his head in holes
>Trico saving your shit
>Trico generally
>no emotional response

What the fuck is wrong with you, m8.

Puzzle Platformer with two mechanics
>Platforming is shit due to camera
>Beast control is shit due to AI

Also unoptimised shit.

They waited 10 years and two consoles to realease it. Nobody cares now.

>trans- biological class giant animal
if I recall this is not a proper way to pronounce "griffin".

Trico is not a griffin. Trico is a trico. That much is said in the opening loading screen.
Trico in the game is named in a "cat named cat" sort of way.

I didn't know Team Ico visited Sup Forums.

>It looks and plays like a remastered 2009 PS3 game

Which remastered ps3 games run sub-30fps?

trico kugi punch

>PS3 title like 9 or 10 years ago
>Sony: "actually no, let's just stop, we don't want waste money and we have other franchises right now. you guys can go"
>years later
>Sony:"actually yes, lets just bring it back but as a PS4 title because fans demand and we need more games for the console. Team Ico just get your asses back, just make the game happen somehow, who cares about direction or initial thoughts"
>Team Ico: "okay, we will make the bound between a kid and an animal emotional because people liked the link between Wander and Agro for some odd reason and not Wander with the girl
>sony:"btw, we will launch around the same time as FFXV"

Another hell development.
The creator didnt even understood why people cared more about the horse than the girl. Probably, but probably, because the game doesn't explain who the girl is or its relation to Wander, probably because she is just there to save it and probably because the girl in the end doesn't give a single fuck about Wander in the ending like she never knew about his existence and just lives with it taking some random baby out of nowhere(random to her). Probably because the game has no words or no explanation about the events and leaves us to imagination, probably because we are not inside Ueda's head to know what he thought in the first place.


No the fuck it is not. The framerate is awful, the controls suck ass, and the game consists of babysitting an AI that barely works. The story and aesthetics are not worth going through this slog. It's a 6/10 at best.

>Game is not good
>Oh, but since lots of vidya coming out lately is trash, it's worth playing
You're one of those guys, huh? Whose time is so valueless that you'll play anything slightly above average.

>not waiting another decade for a HD remake
shiggy diggy

It was a team ico game.

It runs like crap but it'll have a niche fandom.

The same as they always do.

People totally forget that SOTC ran like hot garbage, too.

>sony haters trying desperately to find something to shitpost sony about
>oh my favorite eceleb made a shitty video about it! that means its shit! i better spend the next month and a half shitposting this game like i ever even played it!

Trico isn't an AI. It's a living animal that you had to care for. I bet you've never even had a pet.

Movie puzzle games are mainstream now

>retelling of the boy and the iron giant
Did we need this?

>Trico isn't an AI
>Playing Trico on PS4
>Trico is real

I can't even form an argument to how retarded you sound right now sempai.


Ueda wasn't even in the loop for most of it's development.

Get a tampon emotion-nigger

Getting sick of hearing people defend the AI

It's giving me flashbacks to people defending SOTC's framerate back in the day
"It's suppose to be bad, so it's like your playing the matrix!"

>mfw I notice Trico has a butthole

Shut up, nigga

>Trico will never swallow and digest you whole

Mostly expectations. The game was good, it was honestly about as good as ICO and SOTC but hype was built to insane levels that it could never live up to. People thought this shit would be some big system seller when it was obvious to anyone who played the other two games it would be more of the same.


>The game was good, it was honestly about as good as ICO
So it was shit?

Faggots with this fetish need to die, slowly.

Mostly, yes. Its a nice little artsy puzzle game and not much else. The novelty is largely that no one else makes these sort of games.


Bad controls

>The novelty is largely that no one else makes these sort of games.
I don't know, man. Every other indie game that comes out nowadays seems like some artsy fartsy bullshit.


>You will never lick Trico's juicy butthole

I thought that was just a normal japanese thing.

>user has schizophrenia

My question is why wasn't anyone talking about it? My sis was waiting years to play and we didn't even realize it was out until like 3 days after it came out

>shiggy diggy

yeah but those are all pixelshit


>40 year development
>director fired
>fanboys actually thought it would be good
I understand console exclusive fanboys are dumb but the people who thought this had a chance are extra stupid.

All of you keep saying this shit about Ueda leaving but there there isn't any source.

This is artsy fartsy in an artsy way though from a company who legitimately understands what it's making and has more depth then just a nihilistic, depressed view that any indie game with meaning tries to make out. It's the same style of story telling that someone like Miyazaki would use in a video game (Nothing like the movies, just the same pacing and story motives) and I think it works well.


He's nervous to play his game people have waited years to play. I can't blame him.

>The AI goes full retard in the second act, user!
>Play the game waiting for Trico to go full retard
>It never happens and I finish it
Guess I'm lucky?
But oh god the framerate though, going through the forest gave me a headache.

I hope the devs acknowledge the framerate. Almost everyone has a ps4 so why ignore that demographic

>framerate hovers somewhere around 20-25 FPS

we'll start with that

dude ico and shadow of the colussus had even worse framerates on PS2, look it up on youtube. SotC was like 10-20 FPS in fights and had shit controls too. You play these games for the atmosphere which is still pretty much unmatched (Dark Souls 1 comes pretty close though).

> why ignore that demographic
The demographic has proven over and over that it does not care about framerate at all.

I played the Ico demo way back in the day, but other than that I haven't played Ico or SOTC and hadn't even heard of the last guardian until it was announced last year. I really enjoyed it other than the shit frame rate and camera. Might just be because all of you had been looking forward to it for too long?

>You play these games for the atmosphere
So basically you're using the same argument people use to defend shit like Gone Home and other bad walking simulators. The game itself is shit, so all you have to fall back on is the "atmosphere".

>What went wrong?

they gave trico a huge, detailed anus, but no dick. wtf, immersion broken

>Powerpoint tier frame rates
>Clunky controls (which combined with low FPS makes platforming a nightmare)
>Poor AI on the main focus of the game
>Most of the gameplay consists of boring and awful platforming and puzzles for children that pad the game time. Hope you enjoy climbing towers.
>Combat is non-existent and you only watch it happen
>Drags on for way too long as you do the same things over and over again while you wait for your AI to do things for years

It's literally a perfect game. Team Ico can do no wrong. They made SotC after all. That's perfect. I'm a real gamer and I enjoy quality games with little gameplay because it's deep and Team Ico made it.

If you dislike happy endings then I will hang you

guess you never played SotC, not saying its acceptable but it was almost expected


It doesn't have guns so the kids of today don't like it.

People complaining about it have never player the other games or completely forgot it's a team ico game.

I have

I didn't like it very much

I'd say the terrible framerate in SoTC is more of a problem than the the last guardian soon as the last guardian isn't really skill or timing based in the gameplay in any fashion, but I mean fuck it's 2016.

Spaghetti and meatballs

Except Gone Homo ends in about 15 minutes and consist of just walking around reading useless shit. It (unfortunately) falls into the atomosphere genre but the difference is its shit and doesnt challenge your brain with a puzzle just how your sister is a faggot.

>Except Gone Homo ends in about 15 minutes
And with the shit framerate, horrible AI, and bad controls and camera, I'd say this game would be much better if it was only 15 minutes, if only to get this shit over with so you can return it quicker.

So if anyone else made this game it would be shit?

So Team Ico cannot possible do anything wrong and can't just make a bad game?

You had an entire generation of games between SoTC and Trico.

This means you had an entire generation of gamers who more hadn't played SoTC or ICO or played them 10 years ago. Sure, you had the HD collections, but you were still playing "old games"

The issue is that the industry has become far less experimental as the bigger companies try to drive out smaller companies by constantly pushing the standards of graphics forward and higher more consistent frames per second.

The game itself is fine. It's not genre redefining, but it's still a game I'm enjoyed.

The conflict between PC, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo has escalated in that time to the point where if a game is exclusive it will be relentlessly attacked for not being perfect.

This was not an issue back during the age of Ico and SoTC because the PS2 was objectively the best platform

>dude ico and shadow of the colussus had even worse framerates on PS2
and that makes it alright because...? That was the fucking 2 generations ago too, the fact that their games still have awful fps is just stupid

>You play these games for the atmosphere
Oh fuck right off.
is this what Sup Forums has become?

>by constantly pushing the standards of graphics forward and higher more consistent frames per second.
no AAA devs give half a shit about good fps in 2016

Does the dog thing really have a butthole

I haven't played video games in so long.

Did this game actually come out?

Yup, and it's shit. It was delayed because it's garbage, but it got revived because people meme on Team Ico really hard.

Trico in a nutshell

>-Sony rushes the game out just to make good on a promise
You mean Sony makes the game an actual thing. Seriously, how is it even acceptable to be making a game for seven years and have nothing to show for it? Even Duke Nukem Forever is better than that because it was continually being created and tossed due to new technology and the creators wanting it to be up to date.

Final Fantasy XV and Last Guardian are some of the funniest things ever. They both took forever to actually come out (both were suppose to come out for the PS3 and announced fairly early on for them) and when they finally came out you don't hear of it. If I didn't come to Sup Forums I wouldn't have known either game would have came out. They have zero impact on anything. It is hilarious.

Have fun with a mediocre action JRPG (which is all of them) and some game that decided to implement archaic PS2 controls.when during that era they already worked out movement in 3D space from learning in the PS1 and N64 era.



I don't want to defend Final Shitasy, but it's selling some major units, getting great scores, picking up lots of media and stream attention, and has pumped out TV commercials. To say it's under the radar and has zero impact is pretty silly.

TLG is true vidya kino.

Most people on Sup Forums are detached from what is going on in the real world. People here like to accuse people of living in a self-contained echo-chamber, but they are no different.

The only good parts about it are Trico being adorable and the small details in the interactions you have with him.

When you get to the actual substance of the gameplay though, it's a puzzle platformer with a bad camera, iffy controls which become horrically inaccurate when you need Trico to fucking do anything.

Love the game all you like but if you willfully ignore these major gameplay shortcomings and fail to see why many other people wouldn't look past them then you're mentally challenged.