Start with a tour de force of great voice acting, music, tone, aesthetic...

>start with a tour de force of great voice acting, music, tone, aesthetic, and Treasure-esque melee and projectile based combat with Platinum-ish bosses.
>then the gay forced fishing in pic related

Thanks for deflating my boner to the point of posting on Sup Forums instead of playing, Nier. I guess I'll force myself through this, and I should expect the game's lelquirky factor to fuck me now and then.

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Wrong area to fish

all JRPGs have a fishing minigame. that one is just a shitty one that they happen to force. I agree it was a mistake.

also tfw I still haven't beaten Nier. stopped playing after laura bailey's character was introduced. can someone give me ONE (1) good reason to finish it other than nier automata?

Its good

>great voice acting

do i have to play nier to understand nier automata

fishing isn't even that bad just wait till you have to start farming if you want the platinum

no, taro yoko said that its better to go in fresh

You're jn the wrong place

Game automatically skips ahead if you fail enough times in the right spot

You barely played any of it and it's a goddamn masterpiece

I jnow liking shit this much gets you made fun of on Sup Forums but holy fuck get at least the second ending, this game is really special

No but it'll probably help with some things and you'll get important lore

Also watch YoRHa

>I want these pink flower seeds!
>Where the fuck you do you get pink seeds, I can't buy them anywhere
>Look up how to get them
>See the % on the Lunar Tear growing

And I hate mucking with the date/time stuff to cheese these things out too.

Heh there's cheats to give you 99 of all items right off the bat, making fishing real easy because you just turn in the items from your inventory and all sidequests can be completed nigh instantly.

The only thing you will need to grind along the way is grabbing 50 different materials from glowing lights on the ground and the only fishing thing you need to do is catch that huge fish in the desert.

Fuck that quest, you get nothing significant out of it, just skip that shit Jesus Christ

what do you mean watch yorha isnt that the main character?

where did he say this

No, her name is 2B

YoRHa is the stage play that takes place between Nier and Automata, during the war mentioned in Flames of Prometheus

having shitinumgames make nier automata was a mistake.
>not getting that sweet 100% on your quest log and getting all of the achievements/trophies.
sorry for the below potato quality pic, it's several years old from a shit phone and god damn it why did i love this game so much when it's objectively mediocre?

rng was on my side the whole game. only took me literally once to get the lunar tear. and i got all my weapons fully upgraded in just 1 and a half days.

Wish gameplay was better

While the instructions on how to fish are terrible, and basically lie to you on the order in which you're supposed to press the button and pull back on the analog stick, in Nier's defense, it only forces you to fish once.

And gives you a funny cutscene to skip it if you fail.

someone post the video of that one reviewer gettign pissed while ignoring the big red x on the map more...I cant take this anymore....

How the FUCK can I buy this in Australia, I can't find it on the psn store

I'll never understand the issue people have with the fishing in that game

What makes nier good? Because the combat looks terrible in it.

Everything else.

Okay so Nier isn't available but drakengard 3 is, is that worth playing instead?


>that sweet 100% on your quest log

I tried doing that myself but I missed the hidden sidequest in the first half of the game.

The framerate is terrible, and it's otherwise pretty mediocre.

Drakengard 1 is insane, NieR is a good game plain and simple.

DoD3 is really something you play after you've played DoD1 and Nier and want more Taro, if that makes sense

I still can't believe I live in a reality where a sequel to this is getting made by Platinum.

>want to play nier
>no digital
>can barely find any copy where i live
>used one are as expensive as original price

check amazon they're not that expensive

It's 20 bucks used on amazon.

Are you that 1-Up editor who gave it a zero?
The soundtrack is overrated. It loops way too quickly and most tracks have the same leitmotif but of course Sup Forums will tell you that its supposed to be like that and you just didn't get it.

>that side quest where a lady wants you to smuggle suspicious shit
Did you give them to her,anons?

please dont shit on daddy nier or hammy weiss

I dont care about laura bailey but the rest of the cast is objectively great

Not every country is Murrica. Lot of Amazon sellers won't sell it to certain places.

>bought nier for $7 four years ago in a bargain bin
>automata hype has the game skyrocketing in price

>Nier, a PS3 game made 6 years ago has better graphics than XV, a PS4 game in development for 10 years

that's what you get for living in the 3rd world

Apparently Father was the original concept but they added the teenage one to appeal to the Nip crowd and based the rest of the canon on it.

Isn't the literal entire gimmick with a leitmotif is that it reoccurs often?

Why was the 360 version different from the ps3 one? And which is the correct one?

cmon man nier is notorious for terrible textures and graphics

Fairly sure Australia is better off economically than second world Murrica having about 30% of the population living under the poverty line.

I thought the same thing when Hyrule Warriors happened, too.

Guys I think I died

The plot isn't terribly good. The concept is ok, but the execution is weak. I spent more time thinking "I guess this scene was contrived just to make me feel sad/happy/melancholic/surprised" than actually feeling anything.
The exploration isn't particularly good either.

It was supposed to be a 360 exclusive with the Father (Gestalt) but they developed it for PS3 as well and added another version with a teen (Replicant) for the Japanese market. Both consoles have Gestalt and for some reason Sonyggers like to claim the games as their own.


People keep saying this but really they're "okay" at worst

Strongly disagree

I prefer Papa Nier but he was second, added after a meeting with Squeenix's 'murruca branch to appeal to a western audience which is why we only got that one.

It doesn't really lend itself well when the entire soundtrack is like that though. Gets really repetitive. Only really Yahtzee mentioned that in his review and I'm surprised more people didn't instead of BEST SOUNDTRACK EVAR.

Never played this or Drakengard, aside from watching a friend play it a long time ago, and reading the plot and endings to them is crazy. I don't know if I would have been pissed or satisfied playing through them and seeing that shit.

What motif are you talking about because I did not detect one overused through the game's tracks at all. Can you point it out?

Nah you're right. I interpreted the fact that it was a 360 exclusive initially as Father coming first but yeah he did say. I thought for a while teen came first but I read that the other day which threw me off.

NieR is my favorite game from the last gen and I ended up giving up on farming those fucking eggs.

Next you'll tell me SMW has a repetitive soundtrack as well.

How could you not hear the main Northern plains melody in the other ones? It's in Seafront and the template of it is used heavily in the other overworld areas and the Village. Facade has a very similar theme as well which is different but similar in structure.

Metal Piercings were the worst for me.

I'll review

I guess when I think of Nier's OST though I mostly think of Song of the Ancients, Kaine, Emil's theme, Wretched Automotons though.

Its not so bad considering you only have to do it once and there's a failsafe where if you fail too many times the game just slides you a pass.

>I've been fishing for an hour. AN HOUR.
Just be glad he didn't go for the Rhizodont.

And yet, even our poorfags can afford nier

Funny, huh?

Damn aussies get bent out of shape anytime someone mentions their country being shit. Sorry your dollar has gone to shit and everything there is inflated as fuck. You enjoy paying over twice as much for electronics?

Same, then my ps3 died shortly before I got the last ending.
Suffering but also a chance to do it again in the future without missing it this time.

>doesnt have a fishing minigame

kill yourself

It is not. Seriously stop memeing so much, the game is average at its very worst. Also the visuals are beautiful imo.
Drakengard 1 is the torture-to-play one.