Was it really that bad?
Was it really that bad?
No but one guy on reddit said it was so all of Sup Forums decided to say it was bad
It was mediocre. Plenty of 5 dollar indies are much better in every aspect.
Literally TORtanic.
It wasn't the second coming of Mega Man, which is what was promised. But it's ultimately good for the industry, when enough overblown kickstarter-fueled hype trains crash they'll stop happening
Better then nothing.
Getter fucking RIPOFF
Compared to its inspiration and creator's previous works? Yes
I don't know what you're talking about user. that's totally not Getter-1 or something no sir.
I bought this for Wii U during black friday for $10. I think its worth at least that
lol no they won't. Retards with too much money will always be funding hype.
>that 8 hour long credit roll
It's even worse considering fucking millions were raised for it.
I thought the porn produced off Call was pretty good. Speaking of which anyone got any more?
Was there anyone dumb enuff to do that YOUR FACE IN THE GAME besides Arin?
how did you miss the level that's literally a hallway of people's faces
Sup par game+ constant delays x inflated budget / Staff treating it's backers with the utmost contempt = YES, yes it really was that bad.
I didnt play the game.
Yeah, but you will have "Look at me, I'm counter-counter culture," fags defend this shit.
>Sup Forums shitposts about a game they haven't played
Like clockwork.
Stale gameplay, mediocre level design, below-average visual style, nothing like what was promised.
Oddly enough, the big red flag for me was when the community picked the Call design that most resembled Roll. That's when I realized that they didn't want a Megaman spiritual successor, they just wanted a copy of Megaman; and no game that ever tried to copy what another game franchise did turned out well. Battlefield went down the drain the moment they tried to present themselves as the COD rival, and every MMO that set out to be the "WoW killer" ended up just being an inferior WoW clone that later went free-to-play.
>the big red flag for me was when the community picked the Call design that most resembled Roll.
Were you an E guy? Or perhaps someone else?
I was an E guy, yeah.
I liked that she was dressed like a WWII radio operator, which is pretty fitting for a character named Call.
Don't worry though, I wasn't one of the retards that blamed H voters for the loss. H would probably be my second choice.
They were asking a question. Is there something wrong with asking a question about a game you've never played you fucking retard?
on another note, D looks good in fanart.
>E and H don't make it into the game
>people in the backer forums make a campaign to bring back E in some way
>only manage to have her blueprint show in the background during some cutscenes, and not even in a clearly visible way
>D doesn't make it into the game, doesn't even make it to the 2nd stage of voting like the other two and in fact got few votes
>design looked like it was half-assed
>some people in the forums decide to make a campaign to bring her back in some way because she was made by Inafune
>not only does she make it into the game, but becomes the fucking final boss and even gets a CG mostly dedicated to her
It was fine. It's on the same level as the PS1 Mega Man X games. Not great, but not worth all the hyperbole surrounding it, either.
I'm wondering what the fuck was up with not-Aero when she wasn't anywhere in the final game either.
Also Mighty No. 9 is a perfect example of poor business and marketing for a hyped project that had way too much hype versus how it was actually being handled. The game is a mediocre, unpolished mess that reeks of a lack of effort, love or care, while Inafune tried to make a multimedia massive success story out of it and failed.
You don't just start big. You gotta earn that, and Mega Man had backing as one of the main Capcom mascots for the longest time alongside a multitude of games spanning up to 25 years of notable status before he got shat on. Inafune thought the people following his name and backing his Kickstarter meant easy money to make Mighty actually mighty right out of the gate.
>The game is a mediocre, unpolished mess that reeks of a lack of effort, love or care
That's pretty much what I think of the game after trying it out myself, it's pretty forgettable as well, the least I can remember is the OST because personally I like some of it, but the game's audio balance is really bad to even hear it.
A pretty big coincidence too that his kickstarter was around the time when people lost faith in Capcom after what happened.