Super Mario RPG will be available on New N3DS Virtual Console on Dec 22th

Super Mario RPG will be available on New N3DS Virtual Console on Dec 22th


Eyy, my birthday

Hell yeah!!!
I freaking love this game! And this is the first and only time it's been rereleased, right?
So there's no other way to play it without busting out my SNES, right?
I mean, this is awesome. I'll finally have a way to play Super Mario RPG again after 20 years.

Oh no way! OMG I'm so excited for a 20 fucking year old game that costs way too god damn much money.

>Super Mario RPG is available on PC, modified consoles, modified handhelds, mobile phones, potatos and has been for over a decade.

What a thread!

why is Nintendo so fucking late with these always.

ayyy lmao

>Literally it's only okay when Sony does it.


It's not okay when Sony does it either. It's not okay when anyone does it. Stop perpetuating a "console war", it's what they are banking on. Retard.

Expect when they are super late PC ports rite?


Well that's pretty neat. I've got $8 in eShop credit just lying around.

>I have a point, I just don't know what it is yet.


Cool, I was hoping to get this.Thanks OP!

Oh my god! I got this for Wii u vc and loved it but I will gladly play this game all over again. Most fun I had with a game in years.

Bowser was adorable too.


You have to buy it twice?

Fuck Nintendo, I like you, but sometimes I really fucking hate you.

>"I disagree with the pricing therefore me commiting a crime to play the game is more justified than Nintendo/Square selling the game on Virtual Console."


I'm seriously the first person posting about this?


I have it for SNES. But your argument is great.

>srs guis, srs

What about a game made on the 21st century?

Life would be a fucking pain in the ass without committing crimes, waiting for the crosswalk to turn to the white picture of the guy is too much work

I don't rightly recollect liking your type.

Well if you got it in one console and want to play it on another, yes. I dont mind, its cheap anyway and as much as I enjoyed other games, srpg is one i have no qualms playing again.

Neat. I'll keep playing it on my Wii. I'd be playing the original cartridge, but the save battery died.

where's the source faggot

Shit mine too.

What sort of time dilatation are Nintendo stuck in?

Just emulate the game on your computer, you fucking idiot.

Fucking neck yourself, drone.

>I dont mind
wow. Can I sell you things twice too?

>people saying COOL NEAT CANT WAIT
>cant be bothered to take one fucking second off their pathetic forums to see if it is true
and it is not, dumb fucking niggers


I don't have a n3ds...

fucking finally

after months of waiting for a custom injection it's finally here


every fucking time

guess I'll have to download a SNES emulator to my 3DS


I never noticed that before. Based Yoko Shimomura, Shigeru Miyamoto, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Chihiro Fujioka, Yoshihiko Maekawa.

they censored it in the us version

Ah, lame.

Good old silly 4th gen censorship.

I rather not steal user and I dont like pirating.

Oh hey Emily, still waiting on that Mother 3 announcement ;)

Based Nintendo selling 20 year old roms




>I rather not steal
>pays for roms Nintendo gets off the internet

copying is not theft

You'd rather pay for ROMs?
Because that's what Nintendo's giving you with the half-assed 3DS/Wii U VC.

>every fucking time

How is he wrong though? This hypocrisy needs to stop.