Terraria build rate thread

Do you like my build user?

it looks really terrible. nothing about it looks good. nothing.

did they ever increase the max res past 1920x1080

it looks really good. nothing about it looks bad. nothing.
Why didn't you finish it before posting though?

No, tested recently.


It's finished now but too lazy to open the game just to take a picture
and also i know that if i open it i won't stop playing for 3 hours

It looks like a railway layout.

good if your new and it's a beginner house

These were my first houses in this world

better than mine bro

although you don't want to be compared to me

Just preparing for hardmode and giving myself some more space to work with. Planning on beautifying it soon.

Post them
that's the point of this thread

I'm gonna be a wiener and post the late-game home I made on my friend's server last year.

Great khrushevka, comrade



this is actually decent


Been working on this for a while, on and off. Getting close to complete.


Wow, got this game years ago but didn't know you could make things. Never actually played it, I might install later.

haven't even beat the wall of flesh yet and I've practically quit out of laziness


>tfw my snow biome is corrupt so can't get best wood or build in best biome

not shown is the corruption biome kicking in a couple screens to the right and the grass biome one screen to the left (and also a commieblock)

I'm torn between calling this awesome or autistic.

Naw. Most likely done in an editor.

Would still require autism to know exactly how each block would work and look.


I never end up making cool houses because I focus on the progression. I'll start out with an idea but eventually I'll need more NPCs to move in and start making commieblocks and abandon my original idea. By endgame my world is a mess with corruption, hallow and boss arenas and I stop playing.

Dunno why people say this, it's not like placing blocks ingame is hard.
There are so many different materials and paints being used too, that you'd need the ingame rendering to see how the final product is looking.

>want to build
>don't want to disturb pristine landscape

Build underground

this was me before I realize I need to let the autism go
>still hate leaving ropes or platforms around in caves
>can never ever place a torch so it's attached to the side of a block, it's gotta be on the ground or on the background wall so it looks straight

build a base/house inside a mountain or underground

I haven't played in a while

the dungeon defenders crossover thing sounds dumb

I fucking hate the minecart tracks on caves,i can't light anything without destroying them. they should make it so you can place torches and a stick or something comes out of the ground.

>There are so many different materials and paints being used too, that you'd need the ingame rendering to see how the final product is looking.

Drawing a sketch and calculating the right scale isn't that hard.

t. dumbass

It's not bad, but it's obviously not a huge scale update