Be NEET for over 8 years

>be NEET for over 8 years
>have all the free time in the world to play vidya
>no money to buy vidya

>find good full time job
>have all the money to buy all the vidya i always wanted
>too busy or tired to play any

how do people deal with this?
do i just have to give up on vidya forever?

Other urls found in this thread:

buy more games

>how do people deal with this?
By pirating their games.

I work full time, I pirate games and I play them them.

The secret is git gud.

>too busy

Bullshit. Unless you're working fucking 80-hour weeks you have time for vidya.

>or tired

You spent the last 8 years doing absolutely nothing but sitting on your ass, playing vidya and eating food. It's a pretty big lifestyle change, but your body will get used to it. Start eating right, waking up early and exercising.

If I can work 40-hour weeks while also being on-call 24/7 (Respiratory Therapist here, if I get called-in and don't answer it means someone is going to die that night) and have time for vidya, so can you.

>too busy or tired to play any

That's just you becoming old.

Fuck this, I think I have enough shit for 2 years.

This, your bodies not use to it since the only exercise you've done in the past 8 years is waifu fap. Hit the gym, do half an hour of cardio a day.

>hit the gym
Nobody here would actually do this y'know

>>>no money to buy vidya
I get a pittance every month and I can still buy the odd game. Just pirate anything that's SP.

Drink more water.

Which games can I pirate which will give me more spare time?

I think most people just grow out of video games. You're getting old just like me.

you gotta find balance in life. I worked full time for a while and pocketed a bunch of cash, now I got a shit part time job that makes ends meet and I got enough time and energy to still feel slightly NEET joy.

>Hit the gym
>pouring your precious hours into vanity
don't waste your life like this

>I think most people just grow out of video games.
No, video games are just mostly dogshit these days, and they have been for years. I picked up the new Hitman, and even though it has dumb always online shit, it's still a great little return to form for the series, and there's a crazy amount of content and ways to kill targets.

That doesn't explain how I can't even play my old favorites for more than 20 minutes before getting bored.

>not increasing your total precious hours by increasing your overall health

to add to this, multivitamins and drinking more water also helps a shit-tonne if you were an unhealthy sack of shit.

there's other reasons than just vanity to lift user. He'll be able to better withstand hours of work if he's fit, giving him more motivation to play vidya after a long tiring day.

Well, maybe you are just a faggot then. Or they weren't actually very good and you're just riding on nostalgia.

you just have to play tired then. coffee helps, fucking having a friend over or stuff to eat, anything.
but you wont drop a job coz of games you keep working and if you can, play while you´re at it. there´s no going back

>implying weight lifting extends your lifespan

Some people really are that vapid.

You can get maximum benefits from just 30 minutes of light exercise or so a day, which you can fit in anywhere.

Being a gymrat is only for dumb cunts looking for pussy.

>get home from work
>too tired to do anything, spend 6 hours sitting in an exhausted heap then fall asleep


>spend an hour before work at the gym
>get home, feel energized enough to spend the next 6 hours doing literally whatever
>net 5 hour increase in time for hobbies

aite user so listen, you download a big game that will take a while, and when you uninstall it, you get your time back, but since you didn't really lose the time, you get it back. got it?

>You can get maximum benefits from just 30 minutes of light videogames or so a day, which you can fit in anywhere.

Have you ever considered that people engage in physical activity because it's fun

Autists like that have no valued opinion

God I miss being NEET. Play runescape for 40 hours straight, fall asleep for 5 hours, grind for 40 hours more. Shit was great. Then I got my wife pregnant. Twice. So I have 2 shitters crying all the time. Gotta work 60-72 hours a week because mommy wants to stay at home. I play maybe 10-20 hours a weekend and that's if I ignore my family. I switched to 3rd shift just so I could play games at night during the weekends but now I'm too dogshit tired because family obligations keep me up throughout the day. Before my son was born I took a month of paternity leave. Played like 400+ hours on ARK and put my family in a bit of a financial crisis for 2 months. Because no paid paternity. Stay NEET or live with parents while working part time. If you get hitched your vidya life is gonna be over. No more 100 hour gaming sessions during the week anymore.

>because it's fun
So is jerking off for 12 hours a day, but that isn't as socially acceptable.

It's a boring, masturbatory way to live your life, taking pleasure from a few hormone receptors and reward pathways. You might as well spend your gym membership fees on some drugs, you fucking degenerate.

>be NEET for over 8 years


You act like going to the gym twice magically gives you the energy to stay awake for another 6 hours.

I'm a noodle armed fuck and i've been at the gym for 2 months. I'm making miniscule progress on weights because I can't lift dick to begin with and burn out after 2 sets. I still feel no different.

You can just go outside for your cardio, try zombie run or a good play list to make the half an hour go by. Point is cardio helps. And yeah you can probably get the same results from taking light bumps of cocaine all day but we're trying to prolong our life, not diminish it.

>taking pleasure from a few hormone receptors and reward pathways

That's LITERALLY what the act of playing videogames is, you retard. "Fun" from playing videogames is the exact same chemical process as the high you get from running, lifting, painting, building a house or literally any other action you can possibly think of.

Europe :^)

Focus on being a good parent instead. Also, the price of being cummed inside.

Get a better job where you don't have to work all the time. Become a pimp or something.

I've been a NEET for about 5 years now. Pretty easy, I just have family that takes care of me. Would they rather I have a job and be normal? Yeah, of course, even I would. I have unironic crippling social anxiety courtesy of hyperhidrosis (my hands sweat constantly, at random, for extended periods of time). I get nervous meeting people because if I have to shake hands or physically touch someone the most common reaction is "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST PISS ALL OVER YOUR HANDS AND NOT WASH THEM? WTF?".

If your question is how do I sustain myself, I take what I can get, as far as food, clothing and a roof over my head. Other than that, I don't enjoy much luxury.

>26 years old
>Never had a job

I've been using the same laptop for ~5 years. I can barely keep it working. Once this computer craps out, I'll be forced to get a job simply out of desire for entertainment.


Hey Sup Forums, I've never filed my taxes, ever. How fucked am I? Never made more than ~600$ in a year.

If you're burning out after two sets you're lifting too heavy. Start with low weights and slowly progress.

Look into iontophoresis it'll stop your hand sweating.

And you're acting like you get results immediately. This is not some rpg skill that you are +1'ing every time you go

Spending time with them and disciplining them when needed is all I do as a parent. But if I give up my hobby for more sleepy time I'm going to become more miserable. And I've seen what angry parents do to their kids. They take that anger out on them. Little shits already get on my nerves like pouring bubble liquid into my computer because the fans may create bubbles.

All of these involve moving more than just your fingers

wtf you antisocial twit

if you have sweaty or wet palms just fist pump instead of shaking hands
not only would it work it would probably make you look smooth

but no, youre too much of a loser to have thought of that

>Implying Sup Forums and /fit/ aren't married
gtfo user

I don't think I can get any lower. I mean shit on incline chest (machines cos im a pleb) i'm only getting like 20KG.

Any lower and I just breeze through the first 8 reps and the last 4 kinda burn a little. I don't feel any pump or anything either I just stop being able to lift the weight. Fuck knows if I'm doing it wrong or.

>be NEET for over 8 years
>find good full time job

Sounds too good to be true

How do I get a job? I'm 2, maybe 3 months before I'm homeless.

Not the person you responded to but I started the gym a couple months ago only doing machines. 2 months ago I made the switch to free weights and trying really hard to eat 4 or more meals a day and made huge gains compared to the months beforehand. Just read the /fit/ sticky and pick up starting strength

>Sounds too good to be true

No shit.

I can't find full time, only part time, and I've never been unemployed longer than a few weeks.

I'm not looking to get big, I just wanna lose my man tittys, gut, and noodle arms. I've honestly just been doing cardio to try and lose weight around my tits and stomach but it's not been doing jack shit for me.

>How do I get a job? I'm 2, maybe 3 months before I'm homeless.

You're fucked. Being desperate for money means they don't want to hire you. They only want to hire people who don't need the job.

If they catch a whiff of that during the interview, you're cucked.

I'm a NEET and I have plenty of money to spend on vidya.
I live at home and my dearest mommy and my grandmother give me $300 a year total for my birthday and christmas along with $100 from relatives during chinese new year.
With that $400 I can buy all of the best games and consoles and also saved up over three years to buy my gaming pc two years ago.
Now I just download games for free on the internet.

Yeah I was skinny fat with moobs. Around 75kg (cbf converting) and from the research Ive done and progress Ive seen lifting heavy weights is the go. Also cardio is good and all but youll also lose muscle doing so but thats more of a personal preference thing. At the moment I weigh 74kg with a flat chest and a bit of flab on my hips, but thats steadily tightening

>tfw work 5 nights for 10 hours each shift
>travelling takes over an hour
>good pay but bad sleeping pattern and barely any free time
>on one of my days off I just sleep through the day because i'm tired as fuck
I'm going to hope I can downgrade to 4 nights in the future and that I can live off that comfortably still.

Nigger I have a full time job and I managed to play over 40 hours of Final Fantasy in a week. "too tired" is a shitty excuse, just admit you don't care about games any more.

Cola Swag

Night shift is pretty comfy, but it really fucks with your schedule and overall quality of life in the long run.

When I used to work nights at a grocery store the shift itself was actually fun - just pop your headphones in, put in a podcast or some music and stock/clean your section - but it got so fucking lonely after a while basically having zero direct contact with friends/family because they're all sleeping when you're awake.

You don't even have to go to the gym. Buy some dumbbells and you are set. Do simple exercises at home 3 times a week, you can even do it while catching up on TV and Cantonese cartoons. That and some mild cardio, maybe go running every now and then, will go a long way.

More like they're too lazy

> I just wanna lose my man tittys, gut, and noodle arms
This is literally my situation when i started working out over the summer. I dont know what youre doing wrong and what im doing right but i made great progress. All i do is bench, squat, ez bar curls, dumbell curls, different kinds of crunches and pushups with some random other stuff split up into 3-4 days a week. And this is coming from a guy that has done 0 physical activity since PE in highschool 10 years ago.
My chest has flattened and broadened, bigger shoulders, first biceps i have in my life and my tight jeans fit loose on me now (still have a noticeable gut if im sitting down hunched over though).
Also i do no cardio except light walking and cut out pretty much all junk food and sugar out of my diet and increased my protein intake massively.
If a lazy fuck that faps on a daily basis like me can do it so can you.

>Be NEET with money
>Buy all the games
>Play all the games
>Nothing is fun anymore

>wanna work out between vidya sessions to have something to do
>recently been missing a lot of meals
>went from 4 a day to just breakfast, coffee and sometimes dinner
>on the days i do eat well i almost always end up tired as shit because something kept me up
>that happened again today
I'm sitting here and just debating with myself if I should just try to finish the workout I started last night even tho I'm tired as shit and haven't eaten yet(I don't feel hungry at all). I know I'm gonna hurt myself trying but I've missed like 3 days worth of workouts because something's always fucking up and it annoys the hell out of me. I don't even wanna start up my vidya, I hate this. How am I gonna handle a job when I get one if I can't handle myself

hmmm I dunno maybe get a job that lets you have a life?

I have none of these issues

Being NEET is the best thing
>End up NEET again
>Start up going to the Gym
>Just walk everywhere, don't use the bus or anything like that anymore at all
>Masturbate 4 hours per day, video for 4 hours per day and lots of walking and gym
>Able to save up to ~200€/$ per month from the benefits

It's pretty good, lost some weight and gained some muscle mass.

I still eat like shit though, as in not too often and starve myself because I can't be arsed to make food all the time.

>How am I gonna handle a job when I get one if I can't handle myself
Take a super cold look at your life and see how much of it is a bypass, a running away from things rather than a loving, passionate indulgence. You can decide to work out, eat well, play games, etc, all through an ideal of "the effective management of my life", but you can still be an unfeeling robot through all of that and eventually kill yourself out of boredom if you can't let the finer things touch your feels through those iron bars. My impression is that genuinely successful people felt massive profound feeling compelling them towards realizing their vision, rather than burdening themselves with iron-clad obligations and metaphorically putting a gun to their own head.

I don't know if any of that describes you at all, but if you start neglecting things like, meals, hygiene, sleep, etc, that suggests to me a lack of immersion in immediate things and feelings (including hunger and sleepiness), bypassing/numbing them so you can execute some program to your liking. However, those immediate sensory appearances and experiences are literally the only thing that matters, even if you can lose touch with them. I get like that when I have something on my mind that constantly pulls me away from games I'd otherwise enjoy, and sometimes there's a good reason for that, but I have to learn to put those articulations away so I can focus on the human things again and get some rest.

I feel you, don't hate the job security shit and its nice to just appreciate the calmness of the nights, but its just living in a whole new world where everythings backwards for you is pretty depressing at the same time, only contacts I get are with others who do the same shit as me.

That's why I said i'm going to try cut that down because doing 50 hours a week at night while others do 40 in the daytime is depressing shit.

Welcome to adulthood.

> pouring bubble liquid into my computer because the fans may create bubbles
user, I'm sorry but it just looks like your kids might be retarded.

pirate or play f2p
cut your sleep down to 4 hrs a day

what kind sense does that make? do they seriously think anybody WANTS to work? work in a sociteiy is a neccesaty, not something yyou want to do.

>You can get maximum benefits from just 30 minutes of light exercise or so a day

I think you're onto something, I definitely feel like these past few days I've maybe been neglecting important human needs to get more time with Let it Die. I don't know, maybe it's time to put it down for a bit. Told myself I was done with overly grindy free to play shit because it's all designed to be addictive, draining BS and here I am. There's a fun game buried beneath the crap, though

Is there a way to do daily exercise and shitposting here at the same time? There isn't, and the latter is much more important.

I stopped being neet, got a wife and still have plenty of free time. But I don't play video games because they suck ass and the good old ones are no interest to me since I played them many times. It's not you, it's the industry. Souless, bland and full of jews. Let it go.

I actually go to gym after getting out of work around 3-4pm. Shit's exhausting but satisfying as fuuuck

here is wat do
1. be NEET
2. pirate


gyms are shit if you are a lazy piece of shit that actually has to move there
and in my region they are either expensive as shit or way too fucking far away

and you´re somehow privileged coz you waste your entire fucking life on childrens entertainment like games? nobody´s gonna remember you, you´re gonna die with a lot of regrets and a sad, shitty life wasted on movie wannabes. Lmao

and are also healthier and more rewarding than video games, but no one says you can't play games and do a couple of the others.

If you've got a girl in your life, then that might be a different story.

A lot of this sounds like scarcity-based thinking. Why else would you be looking back so fondly on pathetic time wasting NEET days? You should reconsider your conviction of its greatness. The truth is probably more that you burned up your time on an ugly browser game because you lost yourself or got blocked up, which isn't so uncommon among anyone with an imagination. I don't mean to sound like a dick, I come from my own world of excessiveness and could be merely half the dude you are anyhow.

My understanding is that people haunted by scarcity, meaninglessness, always pursue meaning excessively. Some chase really low level signs of it (junk food etc), some are pushed into really subtle paths. Either way, "too much" is a basic formula for people who are haunted by a thought/feeling of "very little". Too much junk food, all-u-can-eat, too many drugs, getting as high as possible, too many movies to watch, games to play, women to fuck, etc, these are other signs of obsessional fear past a certain point. Fear of what? Meaninglessness, of course. Just think of how much better life felt in childhood, or in a dream you had, and you might get what I mean.

>finishing around 3-4pm
Thats why you can get away with it, depending when you start of course.

>Neet for 8 years
I envy you, fàm.
My longest stretch was 6 years.

>taking pleasure from hormone receptors and reward pathways is degenerate

This is how you feel pleasure from anything in your existence, you fuck

>being fit and going to the gym is degenerate

I love you, Sup Forums. Never change

>pathetic time wasting
I hate to break it to you, but that's all life is. You waste your time on whatever you find the most appealing, and then you die.

A life isn't somehow less pathetic if you have 20 kids and become a CEO. You're still going out the exact same way, your choices have no greater meaning.

All you can do is spend your time as optimally as possible on the things you enjoy. Having a fondness for a time where you were happier is far better than being a mindless drone cunt pursuing the American Dream because the grass is greener and the TV tells you you're a degenerate otherwise.

It's how you get pointless lizard brain pleasure. It's the same with eating a greasy hamburger loaded with sugar, it tickles the absolute basest of hunter-gatherer instincts.

True pleasure comes from intellectual pursuits.

cardio doesn't do anything for your vanity. it doesn't build muscle, it just keeps the fat off and your blood flowing normally. if you spend most of
your time in a state of non-motion, you're going to have a much shorter life than someone who does regular cardio.

I catch myself falling for games that create that impression of constantly climbing the ranks (stupid Game Dev Tycoon lol), especially if I was worn out and cynical about stuff. Stuff like Cookie Clicker is very funny like that, it's just a constant impression of ascending the ranks... yet without any kind of chance of toppling over, so it's incredibly depressing to play. But hey, the morbidly disenfranchised settle for a pretty dishonest impression of empowerment, and clearly it has nothing to do with the game itself, at least beyond how said game shows up beyond that glossed-over interpretation. It's basically substitute empowerment, but a seriously pathetic kind.

A lot of this can start with a proposition about yourself, your day, your life, whether it's right there on the surface of your mind as a spoken voice, or a deeply embedded belief that has to be summoned with a strange ritual. These viral propositions can be things like, "today probably won't be meaningful", "my body has always felt meaningless/empty", "this game won't be fun", "I can't enjoy anything until I take care of ___", "I can't focus on anything", etc. A funny thing is that being stuck at a level of propositions/signs is enough to prove the proposition "life is meaningless", because being stuck at that level will actually make your life meaningless (something you might desire if you always feel sick to your stomach, for example).

>Finding work after not working for 8 years

God speed, user.

Don't listen to these fucks, they're /fit/izens trying to hog all the precious gains for themselves. The more people become fit and healthy the less they can reap the benefits of it themselves.

You can do all of these if you manage your time

>I hate to break it to you, but that's all life is. You waste your time on whatever you find the most appealing, and then you die.

You're basically right, but that's not necessarily pathetic, just appealing in many different ways. There's lots of pathetic kinds of excessiveness and wastage that demonstrates nothing about life at all (beyond its uselessness and wasted nature, that is), lots that can only intoxicate the morbidly stupid, but the profound part of the world shows up there too. The whole "useful management of muh life" thing is just a way to access that human excess that doesn't factor into our society's whirls (which dominate the stupid).

Anyways, look over your post and see what's really speaking there: a prejudiced pathetic person. Just because we all die everything is meaningless, apparently. Everyone is equal, everything is meaningless. I hope your kids can find a real father, considering who they're stuck with.

>Just because we all die everything is meaningless
If you can't reach this conclusion, you might be retarded. Your impact on the people around you will have no meaning in 100 years.

All you can do with your life is enjoy it. I'm not that cuck, but if I was dumb enough to get into that situation, I'd just fucking run. Find a new country where they can't get you for alimony, and leave it all behind. Get a simple job with low hours that pays the bills, and spend the rest of your time having fun.

Having kids is years of investment for a pay-off that will never come.

>implying /fit/ is just not a bunch of skinny losers that play vidya every second they are not talking about muh gainz

Thats exactly what i'm implying tho

that's why I indulge in only the most patrician of loli-shota-trap porn, senpai

>be on Sup Forums on and off for 10 years
>get a girlfriend
>she wants me to move in
I'll never see Sup Forums again

Good trucking riddance

>All you can do with your life is enjoy it.

That is plenty meaningful. You've got an excessive requirement for what's meaningful.

If you think death makes things less meaningful, or meaningless, you've got a really backwards view of things. Do you think immortality is desirable at all, or that we shouldn't be shielded against what lies on either side of our deaths (the one we come out of and the one we'll fall into)? Also, even if nobody picks up on your existence in a hundred years, it's still perfectly meaningful. These are your versions of life rearing themselves, your criterion of 'meaning', and enjoyment somehow being outside of that. These lines you draw across things actually pass right into your guts as a secondary articulation of the worlds appearance.

I agree that all you can do is enjoy it, and that you do things either for fun right now or in the future, but you need to reclaim the word 'meaning' for yourself, and really see that 'fun' is the most profound intersection and unfolding we've got. It's possible (even common) to be immersed in an idea of fun that is actually just an endless resolving of tension, and endless fight against insecurity. Real fun is seeing your instincts explode into amazingly intoxicating feelings in relation to the immediate experience of something, so you ought to treat it as the most profound intersection we've got.