Arabian Fantasy Vidya

There are too many vidya focused on european medieval fantasy and I'd like to play some games that focus on arabian fantasy instead.

What do you guys recommend other than Prince of Persia or Assassins Creed ?

Beyond Oasis
Xenogears (sort of)
Secret of Mana 2

But yeah there's no decent vidya based on the Arabian Nights, and that's a fucking shame.

Because they are muhammadian savages.

Oh look its the alt-right dipshit who is mad about Trump going back on his promises again

The more you try to shout down Islam, the more of us will stand up to kick you back into the dirt where you came from

There's one or two beat-em-ups I think? There was one where I summoned big ass genies to wreck shit.

Oh speaking of that anything with a genie fits. Shantae, Dark Cloud 1 (not 2), that's all I got.

Monster World 4(Kinda).

Defenders of Oasis if you don't mind playing old ass Game gear JRPGs.

A big part of Islam is *not* developing a mythology like Christianity got bogged down with after it was adopted by the Roman Empire.
Original Arabian mythology is well over a millennium old, and frankly there just isn't much to go on anymore.

African mythology would be cool though.

He probably just wants something Aladdin-tier which is fine. Japan has that naruto-tier anime that has the same setting and has been going forever.

>African mythology would be cool though.
Bullshit. Africa has no aesthetic to bank on.

A lot of interesting pre-Islamic tales/mythology from that region are only available in parts or through oral tradition that might have changed the original story over the course of time.

What we know of Babylonian/Assyrian mythology is pretty cool though

This. No culture, only religion, and since depicting things from Islam is a big no-no from asshurt fanatics there's just nothing to work with.

Your closest bet are old time SNES RPGs because quite frankly people just didn't give a fuck back then.

I'd say Final Fantasy XII and Tactics Advance could also be considered "arabian" because of the setting.

Dude SMT games have moves called "mortal jihad" in them RIGHT NOW.

which anime? im interested


Well if "naruto-tier" didn't scare you away then you're the target audience. It's called Magi.


Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse. Maybe the Dark Sun games would server too.

Actually I'm not thinking only about Islam, normally the Arabian Nights trope also adopts Mesopotamian, Phoenician and Persian mythology. I think there's a lot of stuff there, it's just that no one seems interested to work with it.

Are you still here OP? Have you plated Baldur's Gate 2? That game's Hub city is very persian.

Slave trainer i guess?

Or was the title actually princess trainer i forgot.

Yeah I'm here. I'll check it, thanks

There are many European medieval fantasy because most devs are from America, European and Japan; if you want more Arabians than you'll have to ask the Muzzies to make them.

>b-but Europeans can just make them instead of racist Medieval setting!

It won't be the same shit, you'll get something like Watch_Dogs 2 where everything is so damn cringy because the devs only knows the setting on the surface and won't deliver anything decent with it.

It's the consumer's fault, really. Whenever you set a game in not-what you just mentioned the game flops, see Asura's Wrath.

>Asura's Wrath.
That was a case of very bad marketing and certain "Other" things(Yeah okay make the ending fucking DLC Capcom. See how well that goes)

My man. Asura's Wrath was a movie game and I, and many others, did not buy it because of this.

When capcom comes out with a new ip you expect it to be all about great gameplay desu.

Define Arabian

Because Egyptian & Persian are not Arabian

& making a game around Islam will probably get the devs blown up by peaceful & tolerant Muslims

Played Exile?

I mean everything middle easterner. Persian, Mesopotamian, Islamic, Egyptian, etc etc

I call it arabian because normally this genre I'm looking for is named after Arabian Nights.

Magic of Scheherazade if you can fuck with NES Action RPGs.

Come on, am I really the only one who knows that this exists?

Fuck. I knew there was another game I wanted suggest to OP. Exile's pretty fun.

Legend of Opala 1

What's the name of this game?

I guess, but that game is terrible.

Arabian Nights for SNES

nigga of refined taste

is it good?

The story is nice, but the gameplay is meh. Watch a video on youtube and make your mind about it.

>Oh look its the alt-right dipshit who is mad about Trump going back on his promises again

>everyone is 'murrican

You have oceans separating you from the migrating muslim hordes, so you really don't know what you're talking about.

On the topic though, there really should be a game where you're a terrorist warrior fighting infidels for the glory of Allah Akbar.

a review on Gamefaqs gave it a 5/5 but all the reviews on youtube said it was shit

>expected alibaba's low-power trickster adventures and dungeon diving parties
I was really disappointed

The issue is that godawful encounter rate it has. If that shit bothers you. You won't like it.

Niji no Silkroad (NES)
Arabian Nights (SNES)

There are translation patches for both.

It is pretty shit, desu.

You realize that with the time you spent researching the game you could've already started playing it. It's a fucking SNES game.

youre not entitled to take over foreign nations faggot

the arabian conquest is a crime not a birthright and you are a born criminal by nature

wait what?

what did trump "go back on"?

It's OK.

I loved Exile. Too bad the series just stopped.

>Africa has no aesthetic to bank on
you wot m8?
africa is a great pool of aesthetic ideas. tribe-masks, spears with shields, bows, vodoo kind of blood rituals, huge animal droves, bones through everything..
africa is as rich as arabian and european mythology and i could throw out game ideas out of the ass.

>africa is as rich as arabian and european mythology

actual history professor here yes really

you literally have no idea what you're talking about

now indo-chinese mythology on the other hand...

Re5's direction of 'shoot black people' did it well

>best shoes for the girl make a fucking RING RING RING sound with every step


I'm not a racist, but niggers and nigger aesthetics don't work for many people.

I'm confused.

So basically African culture is the culture that normally Imps and such have in rpgs ?

He always reminds me of Nicholas Cage.