Liking FF9

>liking FF9

Boy you sure showed me.

>ever playing a Final Fantasy game instead of sticking with Nintendo (old fags might have played it on Nintendo, I get it)

that game has no redeeming qualities
even FF8 at least had great music

out of 100 anons, 99 were impressed.

what's wrong with that? sounds like you have issue over your own favorite final fantasy not being liked.

>Liking ff6 and ff7

>disliking FF9

>not helping on purpose

>liking non-American games

FF2 (NA), FF6 and FF9 are the best FF games desu

>liking ff10

This may not be the place to ask this but:

I just finished XV and as much as I liked it it also kicked off the urge to play a more traditional JRPG, I'm going to my parent's house for Christmas soon and I'll only have my 3DS with me. Is Bravely Default a good pick? I've heard "something" happens about halfway through and the rest of the game is terrible. Is that accurate? What about the second game? Should I get something else?



>Thought I saw a Tonberry
>See it's yet another shitty Pepe edit

I don't care about your opinion on any Final Fantasy but I hope you get into an accident where you become a complete invalid and you're stuck in a bed unable to do ANYTHING but watch the television channel your caretaker believes you want to watch because you made the most enthusiastic grunt at while your family slowly begins to hate and despise having to rework their entire lives to fit around your pathetic existence until you die decades later unloved and unaccomplished.

Pretty much like you are now outside of your dank Pepe memes.

You don't belong on Sup Forums.

Bravely Default is a great game that 'fixes' a lot of the problems that make more traditional JRPGs feel like a bit of a chore to play sometimes.
The "thing" that happens is a bit of a bummer, but it shouldn't deter you from playing the game, I certainly had a blast with it, and being a little let down by the 'thing' wasn't enough to ruin the entire experience.

I personally recommend it, its essentially just classic FF by a different name.


Patrician opinions only.

>hating FF12

>Get to the Tonberry Knights bounty hunt in XV
>Figure it can't be that bad
>It turns into Yoda from Episode 2 and start flipping all over the place

Underrated post

Tonberries are NOT for meming

Bravely Default sucks. The job system is half-assed, with 20% of the jobs being completely and utterly useless, 40% existing only for support abilities, and another 30% that are only useful for a few hours before they are outclassed.

Also, the XP/JP system encourages you to grind at the start of each chapter until you're leveled enough to beat the asterisk bosses, then just turn off encounters when you're navigating the dungeons. Everything the game tries to fix just creates a bigger problem.

I'm sorry you didn't have fun with it, but I enjoyed the job system quite a bit and had fun experimenting with different combinations of jobs.

Grinding isn't an issue either since they allow you to change enemy encounter rates and exp gain. I also didn't mind losing at bosses a few times, so I barely ever spent time grinding unless I really wanted a certain skill from a job to try it out.

Again, personally I enjoyed BD quite a bit and don't regret buying/playing it. I can understand why some of the more dedicated JRPG fans might have been unhappy with it, but it was a refreshing throwback to SNES style FF games as far as I'm concerned.

dont you mean Tonpepes?