Post you steam activity
Post you steam activity
I've mostly been playing non-steam games lately but here you go
Doom's new infernal run mode is fun
I swear to god FF13 has been festering on my hard drive for almost two years now, yet I can't muster any willpower to keep playing. Vermintide and The Pit are more of an ongoing effort.
continuing the hitman train apparently
150~ hours on ds 1 + 3 doesn't justify that file name at all.
I clock over 350 hours on ds 2 alone (the only one I got on pc instead)
I just have been playing games
I beat bioshock 2
i got the meme ending
i'm an inch away from giving up on tf2
i almost exclusively play console fpses and fifa now
>buy GTX 1060 + i7 6700K
>only play 10+ year old games
such is the life of someone who owns a PC
Siege addiction continues, planning on finishing DOOM soon though.
I think 28 hours to get to the Looking Glass Knight is pretty reasonable considering that I've been playing this solely at work and at least half of that playtime is idling while dealing with customers.
Beyond Divinity and Aquaria aren't very fun. If you're going to play the former, avoid the Battlefields like the plague (oldschool Chalice Dungeons except arguably worse), if you're going to play the latter just mute it.
Doing it at a pretty slow rate, famalam.
Nothing wrong with that. Games don't age.
Not until you get hundreds of hours just spent on PvP and novelty builds while defending Frombotchware to the death do you earn that filename.
Chinese f2p Mount and Blade is surprisingly good.
Been trying to get back into Natural Selection.
The game is a bit dead but there is always alteast 1 server with enough people to join.
Also trying to get Autumn Aurora 2 to work for STALKER but it keeps crashing on a new game.
Is DOOM any good?
Is DS2 keyboard controls any good?
If it's F2P how do they make money on a single player game?
>didn't give up on tf2 long before it went f2p
i'm sorry to say, but you have trash taste, friend
>Is DS2 keyboard controls any good?
I wouldn't really know, I've just been using my trusty dualshock.
You can safely assume they're fucking terrible, though, there hasn't been a single console port action game with decent keyboard controls every, and the few action games designed to be played with a keyboard feel fucking terrible on both gamepad and keyboard, like Vindictus.
Floaty, jank, slow garbage, the lot of it.
I suppose Gurumin is the exception, but they had to be badgered into controller support. Originally it had some retarded drag and pull mouse system.
Seem's great so far, really engaged in the combat, music works well with it and the main character not giving a fuck in a non edgy way is a breath of fresh air.
>just bought Hitman during the sale
>haven't had the motivation to play it
Bought the Resident Evil games during the Halloween sale, finally beat both of them on hard for the first time. That Chris run of REmake on hard was tough, but it was also insanely fun. Shit's the definition of how a survival horror game should work.
Beat DOOM a while ago and I loved it. It's a fun movement based FPS with kinda mediocre level design.
why exactly?
if you didn't want to play against third worlders and 12ies you could have played on one of the various lobby systems
i'm fully aware that my taste is basic as fuck
>Not enjoying pub stomping
I'll admit i'm not THAT good at the game, but going any attack class and top scoring is always fun.
>Playing Turbine
>Go Pyro with Stock/Reserve Shooter/3rd degree
>Sit in the air ducts behind the corners
>Insta kill any light class
>Soldiers and Demos get their shit blown back
It got to a point where they just went Heavy to get me to fuck off
Do not hate, plz
friend told me to buy miscreated but I refused because it looked like another generic early access rust/dayZ clone. He ended up buying it for me even though I told him not to so he could guilt me into trying it and I alt-f4'd after an hour.
playing mount&blade made me want to play chiv but the duel servers I used to play on are all dead and ffa servers are cancer
Mostly been on non-steam games and working the past 2 weeks
Looking forward to revelator
forgot image
>meme ending
what did he mean by this
awful game
Yar har.
i got the "good" ending where I saved all the little sisters and got absorbed into Eleanor, which is objectively the wrong way to end the game
I played Tiger Knight for a while but suddenly lost interest. I guess it's good when you have absolutely nothing else to play, some stuff from the Steam Sale distracted me. Anything keeps me out of the Souls hell is good.
Been playing nonstop since friday
shitty retarded [email protected]
>In his work with memes Dr. BadkingUrgrainEsq. VIII was twisted by the Deep Memes he was exposed to. With his meme warped mind he founded a community of the memeist game of all time, TTT