FFXV is coming to PC in 2018, as well as the FFVII Remake


>Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions and Chrono Trigger could be released on Steam before the end of 2017.

>Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy XV are coming to PC, but likely not until early-mid 2018.


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To the surprise of no one

i'm more hyped for ff1, ff2 and chrono trigger coming to steam tbqh famalam

Indeed, anyone with a brain could see Square is shifting gears towards PC releases

But this didn't prevent NEVER EVER shitposting.

Out of these news I'm very hyped for FFT war of the Lions.

>It's another open world RPG with a shit story
Consolefags can keep it.

I'd sell my soul for proper PC versions of Chrono Trigger and Secret of Evermore


I'm not after I saw what they did to VI.


Holy shit how pathetic can pcfags be and is just a fucking rumor

>death stranding
>ace combat
>ps vr
>nier 2
>rdr 2

its a fake rumour from a thousand years ago

What NEVER EVER shitposting? Square already said that they would work on a pc version but that they would have to start from scratch. The shitposting was that it was going to take over a year for it to come out.

>ps4 waited 10 years
>pc is gonna have to wait 12

>war of the lions

>half of these you could already emulate
>the only ones worth getting excited about are not until 2018

Whelp, time to buy FFT for the fifth time.

Actually pretty okay with that.

I'll wait for them to go on sale before buying them but

they never go on sale god damn it

The other week the square enix store used the percentage off values as the price for the games for several hours.

What is thisfag talking Nier automata was already said its going to be in steam

>death stranding

he doesnt know lol

>chrono trigger and fft on steam

FFT maybe, CT? Not happening.

already got it on ps4 pro the other day

although I primarily play on pc, i'm sick of being late to the party when it comes to exclusive console games

ps4 + pc is the way to get most out of gaming

Still not interested in FFXV, but I am still hoping they don't fuck up FF7R

Why would anyone buy old ass games on PC when you can just emulate them. PC users can't be that stupid, can they?

Fuck that shit, most of those games I already have.

I'm still pissed that the PS4 won't play PS1 games. I bought FF VII, VIII and IX for the PS3 and now I can't play them on the PS4 and I'm not going to buy those games again.

Fuck them and their 20€ for 20 year old games.

who will play shitty ff3 for trophies?

Why would you buy a PS4 just to play PS1 games on?

I could get FFVII but I'm not sure why FFXV would take so long. I mean the engine is already designed for PC, they did a DX12 demo and SE is very familiar with DX12 at this point.


>death stranding

he doesn't know lol

by 2018 maybe they'll have actually patched in all the content that's missing from FF15

I didn't, simply I had bought the games for PS3, then my PS3 died and I bought a PS4 to play ps4 games and I thought I'd be able to AT LEAST play the digital versions of the games I bought back during the PS3. But nope.

Fucking greedy bastards, I bet they'll release some type of PSXNow so you have to buy everything you already bought again.

It'll take a year for them to finish adding content and fixing shit so they can release a "Complete" version on PC.

>They all don't know that it's just a shitty fucking movie

FFXV on PC will be the definitive version, so they need to fix lots of shit.


They did leak that numale god of war concepts and some other shot. Besides there is nothing unbelievable in that leak

>Death Stranding
>Funded and published by Sony. >running on Killzone and Horizon engine.
>ever coming to other platforms

They also leaked that bloodborne is coming to steam.

Tnx for literally beta testing Console fags.
Considering all the content being planed for the game by the time we get the game it will pretty much be the final build.

>Running on Killzone engine

I need fucking source for this, because as far as I'm concerned I have seen zero gameplay evidence of there being any engine for this piece of shit to run on.

dumb slut, clean your face.

Don't worry. Just doing our job. When you finally get to play XV, we will be beta testing RDR2

>open world
>japanese videogame
Hope it flops hard and Japs fuck off from PC altogether.
I'm tired of seeing weebcrap on Steam's main page.

Sony Playstation experience

Kojima literally said the game is running on the Decima engine, which is Horizon's engine, which is an upgraded version of Killzone's engine.
Both trailers were running on it.

>running on Killzone and Horizon engine.
That's irrelevant, if it's exclusive, it'll be because Sony paid for it to be.

Guerrilla's pioneering spirit in exploring this level of new technology is all the more impressive given how much of Killzone Shadow Fall would have been developed on PC hardware while the PS4 technology was still work-in-progress (indeed, the Killzone engine also has a PC version)

I don't give a fuck what that insanity ward escapee has said.

Thanks. Unfortunately it's going off the word of Kojima, who has yet to show anything.

The moment i saw the word dies i stooped reading the the name is so convoluted i didn't even completely read it so nice try.

i complete the game so i dont care but i reported you

That's nice user.

>I don't give a fuck what that insanity ward escapee has said.
You don't care what the game's director says about the engine?

>who has yet to show anything.
He already has two trailers even though the game has been in development 6 months.
Far more than any other developer has ever done, I think.
Hell, CDPR announced Cyberpunk 2077 4 years ago, and we have nothing at all.

>Unfortunately it's going off the word of Kojima, who has yet to show anything.


Watch this. He literally brings out the director of the decima engine and they have an interview together. At PS experience. The engine is 100% confirmed.

Of course he has two trailers he needs to convince his rabid fans to buy another of his shitty games.


you should see how thirsty you guys are for 2d vr porn on the torrent sites

>Shitty games
Come on. Kojima has made plenty of mediocre games but shitty? That is a real stretch

does it matter when we've been emulating them for decades?

>FFXV is coming to PC
>in 2018

Good, I'll be sure to fucking pirate it then. Fucking assholes.

So, Kojima shouldn't show his game?
You just complained he didn't show anything.

Wouldnt be strange if all of that was true

except for

>Final Fantasy releases in 2017 to celebrate the anniversary: Square will launch Final Fantasy VII Remake (first episode)

No fucking way.

fucking newfags

Can you pirate DE:MD yet?

You mad?
I'm going to pirate two copies now and delete them.
120$+ down the drain they will never get from now, ever.


That would make sense if you were stealing the physical copies.
They don't lose anything if you pirate it.
It's virtual space, it's a copy.

Piratefags, can you please pirate FFxv?

Can't wait for more single-player RPGs with always-online-requirement to hit the PC!

More than a year old scraps for the "Master Race"

Bought FFVII and I dropped it after 2 hours.
Considering people keep saying that's the best of the franchise, i'm going to pass.

Secret of Evermore is forever forgotten and the Chrono Trigger release will just be an emulator.

Sorry buddy. I want it too but I know what's actually going to happen.

>could be released

>Secret of Evermore is forever forgotten

>having a gf(male)

Physical copies don't cost much to make a disc and some plastic, it's still virtual space.

I don't want XV or the inevitably terrible remakes


It's literally nothing

no thanks. I know it will come to pc, look at the gamestop promotional photos which were uploaded after their "release event", but I also don´t believe in 2018. Maybe mid 2017.


>tfw I bought a PS4 just for this

WOW! Now I can experience disappointment ON PC

I got this game on PS4 and I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think antialiasing or better graphical features or a higher framerate are going to fix the fact that it's not very good.

>being this much of a butthurt sonygger

>tfw were going to get FFXV for a cheaper price
>every bug and techincal issue has been fixed by then
>all content updates such as the enhanced chapter 13 will be out by then
>60+ fps

Feels good being a PCbro

Thanks famadillo, at least you have a positive outlook about it!

So will modded FFT be a thing? Or at least more in depth than the hacked versions that are out now?

Are these going to be "remastered" versions? Might be cool.

Enjoy getting comfy waiting for the game. Don't die until then.


I was going to buy a used PS4 but for some reason used ones cost just as much as new ones.

Guess there is no reason to buy one now unless used prices drop.

>FFT and XII for steam





>Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Fuck the rest. I'm down with this. I'mma go think up of weird builds right now just for this.

me too famm

Pending Community.

Nier is coming to PC though, same date and everything.

>sonyggers are happy about the fact that sony is trying to monopolies the gaming industry and bribe as many devs with jewish jap bux as possible

Sonyggers truly are the cancer

There's no source.