Are original model PS3's worth it? Do they have any technical issues? Is the PS2 emulation good and the PS1 emulation still shit?
Are original model PS3's worth it? Do they have any technical issues...
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The original PS3 does not emulate the PS2, it literally has the hardware of the PS2 inside it. That's part of the reason it's so huge and was so expensive at launch.
No, they aren't. The only PS2 backward compatibilty model is the 60GB one, and that model overheats like crazy, get used to the reballing if you buy one of those.
>The original PS3 does not emulate the PS2, it literally has the hardware of the PS2 inside it.
That is with the USA versions.
The PAL 60GB Fat PS3 cut out the Emotion Engine, and replaced it with emulation software, which is a-OK level. Many games work fine, some have minor visual glitches (ie. James' other leg randomly disappears in SH2), while some games like Fatal Frame 2 don't start at all.
20GB yank version also had BW-compatibility with PS2 discs.
As a side note, I've had my EU fat PS3 since 2007, and it's still working fine.
Ah, I am sorry for speaking so ignorantly. thank you for the correction.
Of course the other issue is the small hard-drive. Would I need to buy an external for it to be bigger?
Like here's the thing, I currently have a Slim 160GB but I'm just wondering if the original's flaws are outweighed by the aesthetics and functionality.
The ps2 emulation is shit and they have problems with overheating
>Would I need to buy an external for it to be bigger?
No. You can swap the HDD like usual. I recall only specific kind of HDDs working, but you can use at least up to 500GB ones.
I have also seen people mention that you can mod-in the emulated PS2 support by jailbreaking the earlier Slim models, but I have no experience with that.
With the 60GB model you will have like 40~ GB availabe. Make the count.
Yeah, you pretty much need to buy another HDD
But like I said, it's not worth it. Just buy a regular PS2 instead with YPbPr or S-Video
>PS2 emulation
it's true. current jailbreaks can emulate ps2, ps1 and psp games off isos.
>I have also seen people mention that you can mod-in the emulated PS2 support by jailbreaking the earlier Slim models, but I have no experience with that.
>it's true. current jailbreaks can emulate ps2, ps1 and psp games off isos.
Ahhhhh but that's really sketchy isn't it? Like doesn't Sony easily ban those consoles?
my general recomandation is not to go online on a hacked console. however, there are plenty of homebrews that mask your jailbreak in case you do want to go online, and also some that change your MAC address in case you were banned, but you need a real MAC address from another console for that.
I bought one on eBay for super cheap about two years ago with the harddrive already switched out for a 100GB one. It plays all my old PS1 and PS2 games and is loaded with movies. It's my home's entetainment hub basically. The previous owner must've really looked after it because I've never had a single fault with it.
So yeah, it's worth it in that regard. But it's a gamble to find one that hasn't been thrashed.
>Do they have any technical issues
Yes, look up YLOD. It's a time bomb and I'd avoid fat models even if you wanted to play PS2 games
that shit hit like what, 17% of all (American) fat PS3s? A quite tiny problem compared to the roughly 75% chance of getting RROD for Xbox360. Not to mention way easier to fix.
500 I mean.
17% is still unacceptable. Are you saying EU fats don't get it? This is the first I've heard of it.
I had my bluray drive die on me. It was such a fucking bitch to replace because every replacement laser/drive I bought was either DOA or worked for about month.
I have no statistics or anything, but I've just never heard a fellow Europoor to complain about their PS3 failing.
I got a vague theory that since PS3 and others from that era forward were technically active-cooled "PCs", but people still jammed them into cramped livingroom TV stands and such, their cooling was pushed to the very limit, together with obvious risks of increased dust collecting in the vents. Mine started sounding like a jet-plane after some 30mins of playing games, just few years ago, which stopped once I took the machine out and let it sit in the open, next to the TV.
What's the best way to play ps2 games on a HDTV? Was the PS3 fat even viable in this case?
Is a brand new 120gb ps3 slim worth it for 170?
The original PS3 that can emulate PS1 and play PS2 is worth it. They have an actual PS2 built inside of them.
The only thing that goes wrong with them is the thermal paste dries up, which a seller on ebay totally replaces and refurbishes all aspects for 60 dollars.
>Was the PS3 fat even viable in this case?
What are you talking about? Of course it's viable.
The PS3 is by far the best way to play PS2 games on an HDTV.
You're a moron. PS3's can be totally repaired and last another 10-15 years with a few bits of maintenance. You can pay someone to do it.
Don't buy the original 60gb, It is not worth It. It ha d a really common problema with an Orange light, It haooened to mine and I had to buy the Slim model
This. I had 3 lasers die on me before I gave up and bought a non-BC PS3. Once the laser dies you wont be able to use PS2 OR PS3 games, and once you replace the laser it's only a matter of time before it happens again.
If you're looking to play PS2 games on a PS3 your only stable options will be jailbreak/modding or buying the few games Sony ported for PSN. Honestly easier just to get a PS2 and mod it.
Hey. Welcome to the thread.
>and once you replace the laser it's only a matter of time before it happens again.
Yeah, only a matter of 5-15 years before it happens again.
>your only stable options
Until that PS3 dies, just like the fat PS3. You fucking moron.
No console is stable. Every single one will need refurbishment if you keep it for 15 fucking years.
>Are original model PS3's worth it?
Play on PC.
More like weeks. Demon's Souls just came out when I got my PS3 phat, my laser died just around then, and kept dying every few weeks. When did you get yours/how often did you use it?
Bought my fat PS3 in 2006. Thermal paste died on it last month, sent it to the guy on Ebay, he replaced tons of shit, it's up and running fine with 60 day warranty. He has been repairing PS3s like this for 2 years and hasn't had any issues with the ones he's repaired yet, so they last at least 2 years after repair.
Mine is still going strong
You replaced the laser and it keeps dying each two weeks?
What the fuck?
That's literally unheard of.
>kept replacing it with new lasers
>they kept dying every few weeks
wh... what
once you replace the laser it should be good for years.
Who on ebay? My slim I got in '08 is now having a rattling fan and I suspect the thermal paste is drying up due to age, so if he repairs for under $80 then I'd want to have it done.
Calm down buddy, I'm talking about the laser specifically in old BC PS3s. I'm aware that all systems have problems down the line and need maintenance, but there's literally nothing you can do to stop this problem from reoccurring in rapid succession. If someone wants to replace their laser over and over that's fine, but from what I've read AND what I've experiences it's not going to stop happening and will be a headache forever
Drive issues
And this is the best guy for all other issues
>tfw your phat ps3 still works
Alright, well, you have a totally unique phenomenon then, because no one I've heard has to replace their laser every few weeks.
Normally laser replacement takes years, not weeks. You're either doing something wrong, or have no idea what you're talking about. I have a total of 6 fat PS3s that all needed new lasers and the new lasers are not dead yet.
>NEVER EVER going to get fully hacked
I'm so disappointed in the console hacking community. I've pretty much played all of the PS3 games that I've ever wanted to play, but I still want to load this baby up with PS1, PS2, and PS3 games.
this is a PS3 beneath an xbox
>what are you talking about
I didn't know, it's why I asked lol. But thanks, I might get a fatty for the holidays. My tv is mounted and therefore those ypbrp or whatever cables won't fit :-(
if you want superslims (4000) and 3000 models to be hacked you need to dump metldr v2 keys which are only possible to be dumped from a DECH3000A which are quite rare to spot
one showed up, no idea if it sold.
Essentially the only reason it hasnt happened is because this one specific model that has the ability to is so stupidly hard to find
Make sure you buy a refurbished fat. If you buy an untouched one it could go bad quickly.
What exactly do you mean by "fully hacked" I Have a hacked PS3 and it does everything I would ever need
Bit price, but now if my PS3 drops dead or the fan dies I'll know where to go.
3000/4000 models still cant have cfw is what theyre implying
Yeah, the price sucks ass, but unfortunately it's the only service to insure your PS3 is long lasting.
This is correct. I have a 60gb model I've had since launch, never had a single problem with it, probably the best console I've ever owned since I never had a PS2
If there was a way for the PS3 to fix fucking 480i in PS2 games it'd be even better.
But some games I can barely play because they look so fucking awful thanks to not being able to force progressive scan.
Alright, they're pretty expensive for canucks but I'll be on the lookout.
theres some cases where you can
shadow of the colossus' in game video settings override the ps3 settings for some fucking reason
but yes im in full agreement
I'm thinking of getting an old PS3 so I can jailbreak it and play a few old games like RDR (played on 360 in 2010), MGS4, Demon Souls and some others.
Can I just get any old fat PS3? I live in Ireland so I'd probably be getting a European model of some kind. Are they easily hacked?
You can find a cheap CECHA01 and then just send it in for the repair services.
I'm not aware of any cases where you can force progressive or override the 480i unfortunately.
refer to this chart
note the last column - yellow is caution, red is no you cannot mod it
take note of ps2 support
find a model you want that fits what you need and go from there.
shadow of the colossus has an option. it will go to progressive if you do mess with its settings.
its fucking stupid and im amazed it is even a problem in itself.
i cant think of any other examples because no ps2 game is worth the effort in the first place
Shadow of the Colossus actually supports 480p and widescreen which is awesome.
Are all fat PS3 usually loud as fuck? I have fat version back at parents' and a fan is pretty loud.
Mine slim PS3 is much quieter.
You may have a bad fan.
Mine is pretty silent.
PS3's are going on 10 years old now so we're going to start seeing the typical problems with them like bad fans, bad thermal paste, and dying lasers.
All of these can be replaced/fixed, meanwhile, the price of the CECHA01 is going up and up.
So any 120gb slim will be hackable? I notice that none of the yellow and red slims are 120gb.
yes but you lose ps2 support (unless you use rebug ps2 emu files which are admittedly lack luster)
so yes, but downgrading is the only issue you'll encounter - so i advise you look into it before hand