Hey Sup Forums, so yesterday I was out and saw that they were selling 10 Amiibos for $10, I've never purchased them before so I went out on a limb and bought 30 of them but I was wondering what the best course of action is for these.
I've never sold anything in my video game collection before but are these items depreciating that quick? Should I go and try sell them back to make a quick profit or do you think I should leave them in a box for 10 or so years then sell them? Like I said before though I've never sold anything In my collection before so it feels wrong if I were to sell them, even if I don't like or care about Amiibos
If you bought them for a dollar each that should tell you enough.
Grayson Gray
Fucking sell that shit immediately
Tyler Torres
They're not rare anymore. My local Walmart has Lucina, Robin and Pit, all once-coveted Amiibos.
David Brooks
Sell them dummi, they're literally just physical DLC. Keep one or two for yourself personally, they're not gonna get more valuable
Luke James
Where do you live?
Jack Stewart
>Mcdonalds happy meal toys don't keep their value
Who knew?
Luis Powell
By the time you sell that shit Nintendo would have already been on the next collectible shit.
You must now buy a detolf and display all that shit, for it is now your burden to bear.
Charles Walker
Paint is almost mcdonalds toy tier.
Maybe itd be a different story if they were as decent as the disney infiniti figures (those arent figurine level but definitely a leagur above amiibos despite similar pricing)
Daniel Mitchell
>He thinks amiibos are worth anything anymore
Nintendo adressed the stock issue and scared away scalpers like last year, how new to this are you? Unless those are the new zelda 30th anniversary ones or something, expect $5 a pop if even.
Luis Bailey
Windsor, Ontario. Canada.
This was the day after Black Friday, so they're probably gone now.
William Johnson
is there any confirmation that the Switch will use amiibos? if not, then their lifespan is already spent.
Hunter Allen
Hey, Sup Forums, just scored this sweet furby from some garage sale for a dollar, what a bunch of suckers. Gonna sell this for $100 on ebay. Furbies are still in right?
Julian Clark
Unlikely. Theres no NFC reader, and I doubt nintendo is going to make another NFC reader add-on.
Amiibos are done, as is dual screen, gyro and touch control
Isaiah Lewis
Damn, I just want the FE collection or just more Lucina
Ayden Lopez
>Tfw sold a royal furby i had in the garage for $400 at a garage sale before I moved out
Jacob Murphy
Amiibos were never meant to be rare collectors items. They were meant to be cheap little toys that worked as physical DLC. They were NEVER rare in Japan because Japan didn't have scalpers buying them by the truckload to be cunts to parents and kids.
They will never have value again because as collectors items the paint just isn't that good.
Joseph Hernandez
Toys2Life is dying mate.
Disney Infinity is dead and Skylanders is soon to be dead. It was a fad.
Lucas Anderson
You have serious attachment issues. Seek help.
And get rid of the fucking tripcode
Adam Torres
Yeah bro, Remember all those stories we heard growing up of those millionaires who collected and sold:
Furbies Pogs Tazzos Bandersnatches Beyblades Cabbage-patch kids Pokemon cards (at least one kid in every school became a millionaire because of this) Digimon tamagotchis Yu-gi-oh cards anything collectable ever since the dawn of time because clearly that's what makes money, not rare 1st editions of popular non-collectible or genuinely rare items due to low production or cancelled distribution.
Andrew Thomas
>liking worst girl
Zachary Sullivan
All trade all of those Amiibos for that Furbie.
I was thinking about this, I'm thinking I should just keep Lucas, Olimar and Kirby and just get rid of the rest honestly.
Oh no.
They were selling Disney Infinty items as well for 10 for $10, believe it or not those were all sold out first before the Amiibos.
Dylan Robinson
I'mn still pretty happy with mine. They make a nice header for my Nintendo shelf. I just wish Sony/Sega had the same thing so I could balance them out. Looks pretty barren.
Aaron Thomas
Name=/=trip I have autism akin to hoarding, it's cool. Yeah, do that
Jonathan Torres
>Theres no NFC reader source?
they even had amiibos in the switch trailer
Jose Ortiz
If you do sell them user just don't be this guy and think they are worth this much. Talk about delusional.
Jacob Richardson
The design. Theres physically no place you could put an amiibo on the switch because of the criss-cross button layout.
Colton Hernandez
the biggest problem for me was that they were finally making merchandise of characters that I wanted for a long time.
Now they keep milking Mario, Pokemon, Animal Crossing stuff and I just don't give a crap because they already had tons of merchandise.
Dylan Ramirez
This. Smash amiibos were a fad because I could get chracters I actually cared about, Ness, Falcon, G&W, Even the inklings and chibi robo were nice
I don't fucking care about 8 bit zelda, or Mario in another pose.
Nathaniel Fisher
You know that the NFC reader on n3DS models is under the screen, right?
Thomas Cook
Switch support amiibos
Zelda Breath of the Wild amiibos are gonna be used in the Switch version.
Owen Peterson
well mario and zelda are both incredibly popular, and will likely sell more than ness, falcon, g&w, and chibi robo
Austin Torres
What is that Lucina card from?
Samuel Stewart
>Pokemon Reminds me of this youtube.com/watch?v=5iGz7FMEzYI Dude fucking printed out cards, pasted them on other cards, and sold that shit.
Nolan Bennett
If dubs open Zero Suit Samus and cum on it, post results
Blake Cook
You're a moron. An "NFC reader" is a fucking tiny chip, it could be fucking anywhere.
Jaxon Fisher
Fire emblem card game. They're sleeves so you get like 80-100 for $5
Leo Thompson
I only bought the Ness Amiibo because I like Ness. I'm happy with that even if he turns out to be worth only 50 cents in the future.
Ethan Reed
You got robbed.
Cameron Peterson
people still buy amiibos? I thought the fad wore off.
Thomas Hall
Not the guy but,
well chibi robo was on sale for a long time. Which is honestly not surprising considering hardly anyone cared about Chibi Robo.
Personally they made too many Lucas then Ness in general. I can't even find a single Ness in my local shops anywhere and not even Falcon. Thank god I got them before hand though.
Christian Cox
Dude target is selling them for six dollars.
Camden Thompson
>tfw no NFC reader in skull
Bentley Perry
Just an FYI Toad tracker is $20 for the amiibo bundle at gamestop right now
Thinking of getting it. I already played the game, but I still like it. Just didn't want to spend $40 on it.
Jason Cooper
fuck forgot pic
Josiah Reed
invest in property with real value next time, kids.
Camden Bell
>he made a financial investment in mass produced toys a year after they stopped being scarce Oh god, I really hope this is for real. Fucking comedy gold.
Joseph Stewart
Shit, that's actually a good deal.
Juan Garcia
Not everyone collects with the intent of re-sale you know. I make it a personal goal to open everything I buy even if I never use it just because I detest sealed collectors and scalpers.
Liam Phillips
They were a fucking dollar. Even I would have bought a bunch for a dollar and I think Amiibo are basically useless bullshit.
Dylan Cooper
What do girls say when you bring them over and they see your collection? The girls I bring drop panties instantly when they see my Hatsune Miku statues, I have over 70. It triggers a biological response in their brains, they think they're no better to me than a statue (of a perfect woman of course) and instantly desire to prove themselves to me. I've slept with 6, 7, 8 girls at once and I weigh 200 pounds of pure muscle from carrying my collection with me everywhere I go. It's a tough life but someone's gotta do it.
Carson Phillips
>Tfw managed to crack OP's card
Thanks for the last 4 digits!
Alexander Thompson
I know this is pasta, but get over yourself. Theres nothing wrong with a collection of any kind so long as its kept under control.
Just don't go overboard and make your entire room/house your collection and you're fine. Thats what Detolfs/displays are for. And only keep the things you really like.
Lucas Ramirez
It's not pasta, it's just off the top of my head because that really happened to me.
Kevin Allen
Whats the likelyhood of Toad tracker getting a switch port?
I kind of want it, but at the same time I feel I should wait.
Evan Carter
>Theres nothing wrong with a collection of any kind so long as its kept under control. Under control is a single figure or two in your bedroom.
Tyler Torres
Its not about scalping and popping them on the high, unless you're really scummy, its just about having value that doesnt deteriorate quickly.
Anthony Reed
Thats a bit limiting, I'd say a shelf or display at max. Just not 2 or more. It depends on the type of collection, because while anime figures are a common display, so are stamps and baseball cards/paraphenilia and trophies, which usually take at least a shelf.
Tyler Parker
Back in pre-pop-culture days nobody thought to preserve vintage comics and toys; kids got the one toy, played with it for their entire childhood until it was broken, and it was dumped. Pristine items were therefore rare as fuck.
After a handful of rare first-issue Spider-man and Superman comics sold for fortunes, the comicbook industry basically crashed in the late 90s because publishers were cranking out hundreds of worthless issue 1s of new characters with foil/variant covers and other bullshit for the express purpose of cashing in on the collector craze. You can buy boxes of that shit for almost nothing today.
Now basically everything in pop culture is churned out at incredible volumes and anything somewhat rare is released with the intention of being just that, a Collectors Edition to be preserved. And even if some obscure seemingly unimportant particular IP of today is looked back on as being historically significant in the future, finding examples of it in any quantity won't be a problem, because we have neckbeards hoarding everything on top of warehouses of unsold stock.
Carson Bailey
It's really not. Store a couple more in a drawer and rotate them out if you want, 2 is the hard limit.
Justin Cruz
Capitalism devalues things morally and fiscally.
Colton Young
I don't own any figures but my displays mostly consist of artbooks, Soundtrack CDs, and special merchandise for whatever game is showcased, usually pins, models, etc.
Theres only 4 figures I'd ever want for my own. Figfix Conan, Figma Kaito Kid, Revoltech Layton, and Figma Phoenix wright.
Maybe Lupin III and Roger smith if I ever start an anime one,
Charles Myers
Furbies are back, but in egg form
Owen Taylor
Hi Steve.
Colton Harris
fuck off, commie
Liam Walker
You don't want to see my Metal Gear Collection then.
Henry Ross
I own like 8 boxes filled of 1995-2001 era Pokemon shit from when I was a kid. I recently decided to make a small display with some of the key items mixed with some current stuff, and people go nuts over it when they come over and think its the coolest thing ever.
Michael Ward
If alf ever coming back?
Jason Sanchez
If you were to go to /toy/ and start talking about the potential of any popular toy appreciating in value they would laugh in your face. The world doesnt allow for that any more. Just take that shit out of the packaging and appreciate it if you want, because I guaran-fucking-tee that 20 years from now you'll still be able to go to eBay or whatever and buy it mint-in-box for at most the original retail price. I have Detolfs of Smart Horse stuff - vinyls, plushes, t-shirts, bedsheets etc. Now that the fad is finally waning it's sure to skyrocket in value!Just kidding, I know it will never be worth anything and will just end up in a landfill once I'm gone.
Blake Scott
>gen 2 shit OG only or get the fuck out
Isaac Howard
>Wow, fuck you Nintendo! Always enabling scalpers! >Wow, fuck you Nintendo! How dare you not enabling my scalping!
4th century pottery
Oliver Moore
This, If you scalp, you scalp as soon as it sells out because theres a want for it.
Example: Limited run games, sold for $20, scalped for $140
Ethan Hughes
>Hating on Spinarak
What kind of inhuman monster are you?
Xavier Nelson
you better hotglue all over that
Dominic Cooper
>mfw retards were "collecting" these like they had value
Kayden Cooper
Hmm... might be fake. You should Rip test it just to be sure.
Jose Barnes
Actually its up through Gen V.
Gen 1: Pokedex, Guide, Burger king gold cards/zapdos card, Starmie water squirter, pokeball toy, TCG tin Gen 2: Spinarak toy, TCG album, Ho-oh statue Gen 3: Kyogre, Aqua pikachu, Eon ticket Gen 4: Giratina-O (not pictured) Gen 5: Galvantula, Cofagrigus, B/W guide
I'd stuff some more gen 4 in there to balance it out, but it'd get too crowded, plus minus spinarak, everything jsut so happens to hit the Red/Blue/Yellow color scheme, which i thoguht was pretty fucking cool.
Zachary Cook
>windsor Im sorry for your loss
Thomas Morales
that was from last year, i got out of magic shortly after though because modern was pretty dead locally and I didnt like where standard was going. Already got my moneys worth
Joshua Morris
the kind of monster who preffer a fat pikachu and a caterpie so get your spider outta my face before you get string shots all over your face
the point was anything beyond gen 1 hit me
Julian Thomas
Yeah you're right man having a collection is for psycho virgins. Trust me, i learned that from the 40 year old virgin. Everyone should sell their entire collection so that they can have the chance to get with an old single mom who has 2 kids. Being passionate or having a hobby is for weirdos. All you should ever do is worship pussy and that's it
Jayden Davis
Just to ask, is it wrong that I only started playing Magic since last December and since then I already built and sold around 8 (Competitive) Modern Decks? I made money though.
Justin Wright
I love bug types user, especially spiders, so as much as I like gen 1, Gen V sealed the deal for me with Galvantula. Spinarak has been my bro for decades now.
Joseph Martinez
Nah, modern is expensive, but prices are stable so you just have to keep building and selling until you find what you like
Noah Green
>Robin was the only FE character I didn't manage to get, still $25-$30 on Amazon
Tyler Brown
>reading comprehension I'll assume for your sake that something in the post triggered you and that's why you misinterpreted it
Evan Price
Where was this?
William Roberts
Do you like Araquanid?
Xavier Thomas
I do! Its among my favorite Gen 7 mons, and an integral part of my team alongside Dhelmise.
Jason Brooks
Caterpie was always shit. Weedle > Caterpie that gen.
Lincoln Jackson
t. intelligent guy who is probably also a wizard
Nolan Phillips
come when you got a evolution i would want on the team now go away weedle noodle
Camden Nguyen
At least Beedril got a mega form, unlike buterfree
Cooper Martinez
It's because only the common ones were on sale.
>t. Exchange employee
Andrew Perez
The sad part about this is OP is clearly a scalper. Nobody would buy 2 of the same fucking AC amiibos for themselves
Angel Ross
and guess who gives a damm about that crap, someone not me last decent pokemon game was black or white
also giving some mons another fucking random conditional evolution? screw that