What's the best, most fun shooter at the moment? I can't seem to find a single game that would be simple, engaging...

What's the best, most fun shooter at the moment? I can't seem to find a single game that would be simple, engaging, and that I can run on my toaster without getting rekt due to lag
I don't like teamfortress 2 so Overwatch doesn't fit my taste either.

Any suggestion, my dear Sup Forumsirgin brothers?

I mean ONLINE shooter of course


im in the same boat. overwatch is casual trash. cs go and tf2 are skin simulators. titanfall 2 is dead, cod sucks.

are shooters dead?

rainbow dix

CoD zombies in general

Unreal Tournament

Dirty Bomb if you want gameplay

It's "lacking" players (enough to find games at all hours but don't expect GO or OW numbers

that's exactly my thoughts. I tried playing Blacklight retribution recently but it was absolutely hideous. I don't mind paying for a game but why make it free to play if you are going to make having fun impossible without paying for in-game coins? Also literally no balance among weapons, and you are thrown into matches against seasoned (and paying) players since level 0.

Rainbow Six siege? is it really worth it? I have the impression that if you don't play with friends it's like 1/20th of the fun.
I don't like zombie mode 2bh, I just want to kill other players.

I have played Dirty Bomb in the past and it was fun but I got tired of it after 40 hours of gameplay.

>people still don't know about Rainbow Six Siege
just die in your sleep already

Fistful of Frags

1) can it run on a toaster without getting rekt due to lag?
2) Is it really fun if you don't have a group of friends that play with you?
3) Doesn't it get boring after a bit? Isn't it literally just one game mode? It's 40 fucking eurodollars on steam, is it really worth it right now for such a price?

>free to play
Pay2win or is it enjoyable without shelling out?

There isn't any option to pay for anything

>I got tired of it after 40 hours of gameplay
same, give or take 900

It's the most skill based FPS I've found in recent years. Siege gets an honorable mention but there's a lot more focus on your teammate's capabilities in siege than DB


>1) can it run on a toaster without getting rekt due to lag?
it depends how bad your toaster is, I mean it's a game that came out at the tail end of 2015, should give you an idea of how hard it is to run
>2) Is it really fun if you don't have a group of friends that play with you?
it is fun alone, though being a 5v5 game it's better to have friends to play with but even randoms are friendly and communicative, on PC at least.
>3) Doesn't it get boring after a bit? Isn't it literally just one game mode? It's 40 fucking eurodollars on steam, is it really worth it right now for such a price?
it is one gamemode but the gameplay itself is so dynamic that you'll pretty much always have something new to deal with every round, mostly because of the destruction system. I'm at 900 hours now and I still find good new tactics to use and things to try

mmm I will try pirating it and playing the single player to see if my toaster is good enough for it then. Hopefully there's a good discount on it during the Christmas Sales

So, the only suggestions so far have been Rainbow Six Siege and Fistful of Frags.
One last bump to see if anyone has more suggestions to add

Black ops 2

Last good fps ever made.

I thought the first one was better?

Wouldnt call it a traditional FPS, but Robot Roller Derby disco Dodgeball is a masterpiece

The first one was an unreliable game due to the messy net code. Hit detection was also shitty compared to even mw2. Black ops 2 feels like a really refined cod 4/mw2 with near perfect hit detection, balanced weapons, balanced kill streaks and perks. There isn't anything "OP" and you'd use what mostly fits your style of play rather than bo1 or mw2 where literally everyone used the ump 45 or ak74u every game. The maps were good for the most part too.

I've played it, it's pretty fun, but not enough players imo

Toxikk. Quakeclone.
It's free, you might as well try it.
I dunno what the playerbase is now though.