
What went wrong with this game, Sup Forums? bought it like 2 weeks ago and I'm already starting to feel the buzz go.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=how to get better at overwtach


whats the point of the overwatch threads? i mean all people do is to complain

I just reached lvl 600 and I don't know if I've ever enjoyed playing this game.

Ultimates are too polarizing leading to
>nothing happens
>everyone ults
>one team ulted faster and they win the fight
The roster is too small and not really growing.
No single player so you have to play online.
Online play is team dependent so the team that communicates is the one that wins.
Most people are either bad at communication or don't communicate at all.
Map design is boring.
Characters all feel samey despite their kits and 'playstyles'
Thats just off the top of my head.

What are you expecting from the Christmas event anons?

>no single player
I think that's a big one. Such a nice story and no campaign/story mode.

Its not as good as TF2 :^)

for it to go free to play

I feel like when they put more PvE stuff we'll finally get one.

>500+ hours in and the buzz is still there

Play a game with depth, OP. Overwatch is plebshit backed by nothing but Blizz$$

It's dying. Fuck...

>the roster is too small and not really growing
they've added like two characters already and are currently redesigning a character.
>no single player
it was never advertised as a single player experience
>team dependent
get a team of reliable people
>bad communication
get a team of reliable people or some friends
>map design is boring
i like the maps but idk.
>characters all feel the same
certain characters are meant to get certain shit done

The entire game is 6v6 clusterfuck deathball teamfights. The small teamsizes and cramped maps mean you don't get a wide variety of skirmish sizes which makes everything start to feel the same after a while. There's no analogy to, say, TF2's 12v12 pub server, where you can go to fuck around in a larger server in whatever way interests you. There's no pubstars running over 6 brazilian kids, or a lone spy fucking with an engineer nest, or soldier fishing for Market Garden kills.

Healing is also stupidly powerful in Overwatch, which makes poking before a fight less powerful, so the only reason to poke the enemy team is to force defensive cooldowns, hopefully get a lucky pick if the stars align and Ana is looking the other way, and build your ultimates for the next big 6v6 clusterfuck deathball teamfight. Combine that with how indomitable tanks are and you've got a game where the time to kill goes on for an eternity.

A lot of these problems go away if you're not playing competitively, but the small number of maps and the low skill ceiling on a lot of the characters will make you feel like you've seen and done it all pretty quickly. You also get sick of fighting the exact same team composition over and over pretty quickly because the Overwatch character matchups aren't very interesting.

I'm so sick of fighting dva since the buff.

Why do you expect more than 2 months playtime from a game?

You got your moneys worth, move on fag.

You could just be ranked to low to find games

>certain characters are meant to get certain shit done
Master here
The problem is that the game is so poorly designed, the meta revolves around McCree and 76, and shuffling tanks. Of course, Ana and Lucio have near 100% pickrates, of which Lucio has had for a long time. Since you can just repick the other guys, who all counter each other, the overpowered heroes become obvious.

t. gold

It's not D.Va that's the problem. It's Ana.

How do you people play the same boring game over and over, are you addicted meth addicts or what? Are you poor? I don't get it, I never play a game more than a couple of months.

Skinner box shit doesn't work on me, dunno why it catches so many people.

>2 weeks = 2 months
Sup Forums being as retarded as ever, I see.

Read this Overwatch fags, it's your life


>more than a couple of months
>OP has only owned the game for 2 weeks
Sup Forums still being as retarded as ever, I see.

I'm honestly glad to hear that people are getting reported for choosing shit like Widowmaker/Torb/Hanzo in Competitive. It warms my heart. People who choose them in Comp should be suspended for the rest of the fucking season. I'm so sick of faggots choosing these shitters. Stick to fucking no limits.

>complete fucking retard
pick one

>etting reported for choosing shit like Widowmaker/Torb/Hanzo
Blizzard isn't going to ban people for playing their game

this. ana is broken and will be nerfed to the ground someday because of the baby community, but she's still my favorite support.

I honestly was obsessed with this game, haven't touched it since Sombra was added. Solo queue was just THAT fucking awful

does anybody play this shit on PS4?

I'm desperate for people to play with in Comp. I usually play healer support or a Tank if healer is already taken. Please, I'm so sick of solo queueing

>literally no content
>no depth
>no amount of effort or skill required, just wait long enough for your win button to charge up and be instantly rewarded
what a fucking joke of a game

Because it's the same shit over and over, and is proud of it. 6v6 on the same handful of maps. And no weapon customization (queue shitstorm) which leads to team schema that never varies.

Same happened to me, but it came back stronger then ever a few weeks later.

>Sniping nurse
>useless alt

Seriously. How is she powerful ?

No effort, it's boring, the game's too fucking easy and there's no challenge. Also

And what I mean by that is they are overpowered fundamentally, and will either be underwhelming over overwhelming depending on their damage values.

Have you ever saved a tank from the brink of death by simply nading them and shooting twice?

>he doesn't know the playerbase is split between ptr and live atm

Might cop this.

People that are still playing are in the sub-concious rat race of getting better (this is part of the reason they push e-sports so much, it's a carrot to sub-consciously chase), they are the kind of people who buy new large mouse mats, measure their distances, tweak their sensitivities and get off on being a good player.

Then the matcher puts them against talented, younger players with faster reflexes or just a good premade and they get assblasted as if they were newbies.

This is usually the point they wake up to reality and quit.

These games are like a Rocky montage, the music is playing, you're training and getting better. Then some nigger smashes through the screen, mugs you and gives you a lively dose of reality.

Hating without providing details, really ?

I choose liar

then why did it sell and still have people playing it?
>challenge: you can't show queue times

>play the same maps over and over
>with the same characters over and over
>no variation in between
>playerbase already shrinking
>almost no content outside of a handful skins
I hardly ever regret buying things but this game is easily one of the worst purchases I've ever made.

>banning people for playing the game
I'm tired of shits like you who abuse the reporting function. You don't report people because they aren't playing the game "the right way", you report them because they are sabotaging the game. Playing as widow, hanzo, torb or even symm is not sabotaging even if you don't have 1337 mlg skillz.
>But muh meta
Only matters at masters+. Kys.
>But they are sabotaging the game because those heroes suck dick.
So if anybody choses a hero that isn't perfect, they are sabotaging? What if it's the best hero they play? Are they sabotaging the game by existing?

Why is there always a faggot who haven't played the game posting here

people still play quake 1 lol
just because some buttnuts stick around for comp doesn't mean that millions haven't tried and quit already

Stay mad blizcuck

>got two weeks of enjoyment out of it
Sounds like a fair deal to me, you had some fun with it, now you move on to a new and fresh experience
I don't see the problem here.

You'd be right if you could "get better" at Overwatch.

Unless you're braindead, there is no higher level of skill to obtain. It's just which team is more coordinated, and that's why when I play I only play No Limits and just dick around. It's a casual game at its core.

>mass marketting
>practically porn

I dunno, it's a mystery.

youtube.com/results?search_query=how to get better at overwtach

They're a bunch of delusional shitters, yes, but I guess it proves your point.

>panders to waifufags
>paid shills literally all over the internet
>marketing out the ass
>easy and doesn't require skill, meaning anyone can play it and do well

Absolutely retarded healing speed and possibly the strongest utility in the game. Also worth mentioning her damage is really high so she can dual actual DPS heroes with ease.

>create all this lore and these backstories for everyone
>Widow was brainwashed into killing her husband and is the reason that Ana lost an eye
>Reaper was a high ranking member of Overwatch until he went nuclear
>Omnic crisis
>no fucking single-player to flesh this out

Why even have all this lore if you do N O T H I N G with it?

I don't know about you, but I don't usually burn out of a game, and I would say about half of the games I've bought I've played with consistently. Overwatch is an exception, especially how much fun it was to play it the first week.

play some more KF1 u insufferable twat

Shallow gameplay

Truly, I think the game was worth its $40. i knew going in that the lack of a devkit meant that the game will get very samey very quickly and that the "free new content" promised meant that we would get at most one map or one character every three months, just about right when Overwatch feels the most stale.

Overwatch was always unabashedly a way for Blizzard to promote their esports campaign, so it is only natural that the people who play the game the most will be the ones that fancy themselves esport "athletes." The rest of the people will be like me, and come back to play maybe the week new content actually drops, before putting the game back on its metaphorical shelf and play something else.

Just play Paladins. It is already miles better than Overpriced. The microtransaction system is justified because it's a F2P and the developers actually care about releasing a finished product.

Because you built all this lore for Project Titan, which got cancelled.

Rather than creating a new story for Blizzard's new FPS IP, why not just dust off all of that unused lore?

Go shill somewhere else bro.
Just because new content comes out periodically does not make Overwatch an unfinished product.


You forgot to mention that Paladins has actual graphics.

It's a better game for it.

Most of the writing, aside from the actual omnic crisis, is fanfiction-tier.

>Widowmaker's skin is blue because the ebil mindbreak drugs slowed her heart which is why she also doesn't feel emotion
>Tracer got her powers in the most coincidental of all accidents and discovered something no one ever thinks to harness
>Mercy failed to bring Reaper back so his cells are constantly deteriorating and regenerating kind of like a normal person but shut up it gives him powers
>Hanzo isn't sure if he loves his brother or not. He seeks redemption for killing his brother, who is actually alive, even though he can't accept him anyway so he's sorry for...Something.

They spent all that money making cgi stories, when they should of made a campaign.

Way to fail Blizz.

Blizzard is this generation's Square Enix.

I am here, user.
Post psn and I'll add you (Role: Tank or Healer).

Paladins has all the issues Overwatch has, at least it's free though.

1. Too many shitty meme heroes

2. Hammer down simulator 2016

3. >tfw you realize ults are all that matter and everything you do outside of pressing Q at the right time counts for shit.

its called "Buyer's Remorse"

i know because i had it even before season 1 began

Human cells don't regenerate, are you retarded

vikes99ej. What is yours? just so I know what to look out for

Maybe it would have been a better game if there were more than two game modes.

Nobody outdoes Square.

Square Enix made a fully cgi movie for their new game, barely anyone went to see it. Made 1 million at the box office, cost 100m to make.

What I meant to say is that most of our cells are constantly dying off and being replaced by new ones

Which is what happens in Reaper's body except they pass it off as him being super-powered because it's "accelerated"

ults are definitely way too good - i get that they want them to feel impactful, but they should be more like pharahs - strong, high potential but counterable

not Rein/Zarya presses Q and wins teamfight

Why is Sup Forums the only place that actually talks about what's wrong with Overwatch?

>then why did it sell and still have people playing it?

Reminder Diablo 3 "sold" and "people are still playing it" but it took them 2+ years to fix it to even mediocre status

Ana causes me more problem. Its just i play roadhog and spend most of the match fighting the dva

They should have had 12v12 and user-run servers, like TF2. No fun in just joining random games all the time, no server community.

>Maps are to choke point focused.
>Character skill ceilings might as well be the roof.
>Hard counter reliant to the point where you might as well not play Tracer if there is one Sombra on the enemy team.
>Interesting story that can't be explored in game since all matches are non-cannon.
>Character interactions are a mixed bag.

Jesus this is craft foam armor: the movie

They need to move Kaplan off this game, he did a decent job in it's creation but he isn't good at running it.

His decisions are killing it.

i bought it on release, played it for like 2 hours over the span of 2 days, then never touched it again

it seems like a fun game, just not for me. too much MOBAshit, not enough FPS. i'll just stick with CS

>Quick play
>1 v 1
>3 v 3
>No hero limit
>Mystery heroes
>Random brawl playlist

>It is possible that he is a byproduct of failed genetic alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated rate.

is far different from cells dying off and being replaced by new ones. Human cells do not regenerate.

Where else do you mean? The places filled with fanboys? where if you say anything negative you get flamed the fuck out and voted down into oblivion?

I enjoyed it a lot, but there are far too little updates and they take way longer than they should

They are talking about making more warcraft movies, but the director wants a far lower budget.

>>Quick play
Those aren't game modes. He means shit like Payload, CTF, CP, ect.

He means more gamemodes than just "capture and hold the objective" and "pushing the payload up". Shit, Overwatch could've used CTF.

>ceilings might as well be the roof.
...arent ceiling and roof just two sides of the same thing?

It is a casual shooter. It was designed with mass appeal and sales in mind, not longevity. It's extremely fun for the first few weeks and then there's absolutely no reason to play it.

The only thing about this game that suggests it should still be relevant after the first month is the fact they marketed it as e-sports shit. Too bad they did not make it an e-sports game.

Fuck I just noticed that.
Replace the word roof with floor.

Well then it's still more than two.

CP, Payload, KOTH, CP/Payload hybrid

This is why they need a new guy in charge, they need to switch focus now to a long-term game.

Since that's what Blizzard always want with their games.

>lack of content updates (gotta wait until 2017 for a fucking map)
>some interesting stories and character interactions with no singleplayer/coop story modes leaving it feeling unfinished
>shit community revolving around a fucking meta that if you stray slightly away from, everyone and their mothers give you shit for it (pharah sux pls switch shes easily countered etc)
>limited-time cosmetics and the whole Halloween coop gametype locked away permanently after the events ended
>hackers fucking everywhere and you have to wait several months for a ban wave
Etc etc I still enjoy the game but theres glaring issues that need to be addressed but the whole community will jump down your throat for questioning it because blizz is perfect or whatever

>It is a casual shooter. It was designed with mass appeal and sales in mind, not longevity. It's extremely fun for the first few weeks and then there's absolutely no reason to play it.

This. Once Blizzard gets the money from tons of people buying the base game, even if they don't stuck around they profit. Longevity would have been amazing for their microtransactions, but even as a 40$ game they made some good money and don't care if it last or not.

t. plat shitter