Thank god they were all alive at the end. Notis probably used his magic to revived everyone and saved the kingdom...

Thank god they were all alive at the end. Notis probably used his magic to revived everyone and saved the kingdom. I'm so happy that we got a happy ending

He didn't die so good

user they're in heaven

fuck off, there is nothing to prove that they are dead. You can clearly see them alive and happy

Yeah, this has to be true

>Noctis, it looks like we really are the Final Fantasy XV

Really, SE?

>He never passed on his seed before he died
All those royal powers wasted.. Not even impregnating Iris or Aranea

Well, it all depends on how powerful the light of the Crystal is. Who knows? it could do some bullshit like bring them back or something. I mean fuck, he was trapped in the damned thing for 10 years with Bahamut, so who knows what else it could do.

After all the journey they finally get their time together in the afterlife, both rest in peace now

He spent the ten years coming to terms that he was going to die.

He died, and it's better for the story if it actually remained so. Shows an evolution of his character willing to do what was needed of him as king, even if it meant death.

The only problem is why the fuck did his friends job to mid level grunts and die as well?

you think they purposely made the 10 year skip to reference the 10 year development of this game?

Yes. They joke with the game, look the cup noodle thing

Ok.... the way you know they are dead is when the seat is initially empty, then you see shining crystal stuff and they both appear. They wouldn't make a bunch of crystal shit appear on the screen prominently like that unless it had a meaning..... which people translate to its the afterlife.

You guys..... are the best

> Knowing this is it... seeing you here, now. It's... more than I can take.

What does he mean by this?

Its funny how reddit thinks this game is the pinnacle of FF and this is the best ending since FFIX.


> best ending


FFIX ending was perfect, even if you dislike the game you can atleast admit the ending was good.

The ending of FFXV does the same "we have become the Final Fantasy" thin IX did.

jesus christ, so that's how people interpret the bible and start believing stupid shit like the literal second coming of christ and stuff

>He spent the ten years coming to terms that he was going to die.

It's too bad this wasn't actually shown. I would have loved to have seen his thought process. We already got the look of shock when
Bahamut told us what was to be done, but other than that we didn't get a peep out of Noctis at all. We saw him going through flashbacks just before he awoke. That's it?

I'm having a hard time understanding how you came to that conclusion here, buddy

>A bad ending

What is this? The first FF to actually have not a fairy tale ending? I might buy this.

I'm talking about the whole ending act and unlike FFXV, the FFIX ''we have become final fantasy'' thing is much more subtle and it isnt forced like FFXV where they even go as far as changing the logo.
Everything ends up nicely without trying to be edgy or a huge TWEEST.

It is the
"the entire story happens offscreen and then 90% of the cast also dies offscreen" ending.

Most of the game's story happens in supplemental notes you find in the 13th chapter or in idle chatter on the radio in the final chapters.

Doesn't Tidus die in X?

That was fucking heartbreaking. I rarely ever come close to tearing up in anything, but the ending had me puddled up.

>Walk tall... my friends
>his buddies fight off the demon horde so that he has time to sacrifice himself
>everybody... I love you
>gets attacked by all the kings to absorb their power
>dad... believe in me
>has the royal arms come out of his back and he shouts in pain
>the final holy leaves him ashen, and he fades away
>I've made my peace... but knowing this is it... seeing you here, now... it's... more than I can take take
>that facial mocap

For real, this is one of the most heartbreaking games I've ever played. The story isn't perfect, nor is the game, but it's just fantastic. I really hope SE can fix what's busted between the free updates and the DLC. It deserves it.

he was dead all along and after jecht you see he´s a ghost too just like auron and they fade away

"die". He's not real to begin with

Wasn't the whole point to destroy the royal line as well?

Tidus was never really alive, so to speak

Haven't had a dedicated thread for this in a long time, I'll make one.

"Sorry I had to die. Fucking doom counters amirite?"

I too liked the Coleman's product placement scene.

When I thought about all the great discounts I could get on outdoors equipment, a tear came to my eye.

Doesnt Aerith die in ff7?


as far as i got it, that was Ardyns plan. unless the astral prophecy stated that the royal line had to end with his death.

I guess ardyn got everything he wanted in the end.

>goes on the square blog
people are giving tabatha shit about the ending

The ending is pretty shit. The rest of the game is pretty good.

>Final Fantasy XVI
>Main character is a novice writer struggling to make ends meet
>After a long and bitter struggle, the game ends as the main character succumbs to starvation
>His last words: "This was truly my Final Fantasy XVI"

does XV suggest a pleasant ending? No it does not.

pretty much.

>the kingdom doesnt exist anymore
>implied no survivors
>the heroes all die, and cannot be together anymore except for some little moment of pity from the gods.
>the bad guy got everything he wanted.

a bittersweet ending is one thing, but this isnt bittersweet at all, all that disgrace cannot be balanced out with a mere minute of 'We have truly become the FINAL FANTASY XV (tm)'

So where the fuck was Cor, The White Dog Pryna or whatever,The Niflheim Emperors and the Kingsglaive members who survived?

Also why was Ravus "lol im evol now jk Noct heres your dads sword"

>heroes all die

The party is alive. It's just Noctis that gets the death penalty.

Cor won the Iris bowl

how can writing like this be acceptable?
i seriously hope theres massive complaints over at square about this sounds like a kick in the nuts for people who waited for this game

>Everything ends up nicely without trying to be edgy or a huge TWEEST.

I didn't think it was edgy or that it had a twist. Did we play the same game or are you spouting buzzwords?


Having said that tho, i think the ending could have worked better if we have some context of what happened after.

like knowing if there were survivors and knowing their thoughts about this shit, or knowing how the world got fixed/ was gonna be fixed afterwards, or what about the kingdom, is it really ended, is really nobody able to lead the survivors of lucis out there?

the only thing we know was:

>noctis dies
>cut to the campscene
>cut to 'we became'

and thats it.

I wish we could have seen more of clean shaven adult Noctis.

why was he such a manlet?

Clearly the world now exists in a time loop where the world begins with pushing the regalia.

Also there are plenty of survivors in lestallum. They mention that most people fled to there. The city is dead, but that small countryside of hunters is fine.

More of a man than you.

I stopped caring about Noctis when I saw him disrespects Ardyn like that

Biggest pro of retail version is the lighting and AA. It's so much better than Duscae's. A lot of things look different between the two because of the way lighting works in the game too. There really aren't THAT many downgrades except for lighting/reflection distance and texture filtering. Foliage distance is greatly increased over Duscae, aliasing is largely gone, resolution is usually 1080p on PS4, and it's usually a solid 30fps. I do miss the road textures from Duscae though

Ravus was never evil, he was just buttmad at Noctis for being a pussy about the whole power of the kings stuff and causing his sister to suffer for no reason. They even strew some papers around his corpse where he explicility states that if Noctis proves his strength he was going to gladly hand over his fathers blade to him.

>that campfire scene in the credits