Why did Overwatch die so quick?

Why did Overwatch die so quick?

Because it's a shit game held back by consoles

people cared about the game? I thought this was all about the porn

►lack of content
►rng loot
►shit progression system
►shit hero balance
►all hype and no substance deph marketing campaign

Too much competition from superior games like battleborn.


all the porn was deleted

I didn't know Sup Forums had ylyl threads

Focusing on E-SPORTZZZZZZ killed it for me. I don't give a fuck about some dumb rank system, especially when the entire game is centering around it.

When did Sup Forums turn so delusional?

it's shit

It didnt, youd just like to believe it did because you dont have the money to play it

>13 maps
>only 1 mode on each map

Seriously, they charged $40 for this game?
$40 would be the price of a game that removed the single player content, not the price of a game with no single player content and what feels like a "tacked on" multipler mode

>"I can't move away from the enemy or hide from and enemy ult so OW is a shitty game" the post


It didn't?

Isn't it obvious? Kaplan is incompetent.

>He doesn't main Mercy and Tracer
Haters gonna hate

Overwatch literally hadn't died. Just because you're too lonely to play the game properly doesn't means it's dead. Ffs it just won game of the year, it's probably going to get even more popular

Lmao, you mean overwatch for poor russians and third world shitters? Dont bother, that game is such a heaping pile

Keeps getting DDoS attacks from angry "hackers" that got banned.

sounds like a stupid game if i need 5-10 copies to play one game together


why is D.va sad?

It's worse than that.
>2 point maps
Who the fuck thought 2 point maps were a good idea?

>Payload maps are narrow as fuck
How does a free game like TF2 get bigger more well-designed maps
"but it's 6v6, the maps should be smaller!"
Smaller is fine but lack of routes and being so narrow is not.

>those KOTH maps
KOTH maps should be a square, not a rectangle.

And people try to hide behind "23 characters!!!", but there's no customizations. Even Call of Duty gives you more variety

People only play this game because they know a girl who plays it. I have nearly 200 hours in this game just because my best friend plays this game, who (won't admit it) only plays it because he knows a girls who plays it and think it could help make a bond or connection by sharing a game in common

Because she wants my dick but isn't getting it because Rudy has the chalk, not me

Who knows...


holy fucking shit he dropped the autism bomb in that last paragraph

Blizzard causes autism that sonic can only dream of.

>games requiring skill is autism
made me think

does anyone else not really care about loot? My roadhog looks perfect the way he is and I'm happy with the sprays and voice line I have. How are people spending money on this?

Holy shit someone actually believes this

WHy are you shitposting

>the autism call coming from a YTP watcher

But everything he wrote is right.

If OW requires no skill, surely you should be in Legend by now.
Care to post rank, I don't even know what the Legend icon looks like.

The best part is a few years down the road when Overwatch is actually dying Sup Forums will be saying SEE BRO I TOLD YOU DED GAME FROM DAY ONE LMAO

Sup Forums has constantly at least two active threads about OW
I guess this place is just really tsundere

I totally can see this happening.

shit man it was just a reaction, i didn't even knew the source until you mentioned YTP

Hey Nosharia

Neither Reaper's ult nor Roadhog's hook are auto aim
Pharah is ome of the worat characters in the game, forcing her to take self damage to rocket jump or taking away her boost would be completely unneccesary
None of the abilities are "free" as you have to use most of them sparingly or run the risk of not having it when you need it and almost every one can be easily countered or worked around, Reaper ghosting is hard countered by following him to finish him off.

Stop shilling your awful, uninformed post made by a Bronze shitter after losing 10 placement matches in a row as Widow


>Doesn't know Skooks
Fuck you

lost its appeal too quickly
too few maps, even fewer great maps
separating players into 8 queues instead of 2
not enough lasting content other than crate opening sims that give you cosmetics (chance of duplicates get higher with level), and an average shooter

probably because it's shit

i didn't recognize it until you mentioned sheriff

Inifnite warefare has 12...

current PTR has new maps

last patch added new modes with new map.

If a game requires "no skill" it still would likely require meta game knowledge, as well as understanding of your character and the other characters in the game. So it ends up being a "who puts int the most time into the game" battle

It's shit, the only reason it became popular was because of the character designs and because it was the shooter version of LoL.

>tfw play OW everyday and have fun

>D.Va's ultimate
Did he even pass SR 20 in season 1?

Your mental gymnastics amuse me

My brain is doing gymnastics cuz it's so strong and fast

So how has the game hurt you that causes some of you to be so desperate for it to be dying?

Then why would you purchase a multiplayer game?

>People on Sup Forums claiming Paladin is a much better game
>Friends want me to play it with them
>Almost all the heros are locked out behind 5000 gold
>Piss easy to kill people, get play of the game right on my first game
>Moba trash style of ginding with cards
>Several characters shares the exact same skills you'd see in Overwatch except shittier

Literally Poor man's Overwatch

Posting things don't make it happen. Stay salty faggot

IW may be shit but at least it doesn't restrict you to 1 gamemode per map.

Maybe people want it to die just because they consider it to be shit (which it is).

>B-but it's popular

Unless they changed it recently, you get so much gold from playing a few games that it's a wonder why everything isn't just unlocked right off the bat.

You played against bots. :^)

>mooom waaaaah people like i don't like waaaah
Fucking manchildren

You play against bots until level 5.

ITT: shitposters try to pull a Tortanic on Overwatch, as they had and will continue to do with every game ever released

You can always just play games you like instead of worrying about a game you don't

first few games are against bots so you don't shit up real teams and you get more gold than you need from playing sry senpai

Because we gave Blizzard our hearts, but the very next day they gave it away.


>game that forces teamwork and synergy but only 1/3 of the cast get to be effective
>game that has character and setting that are totally foreign from gameplay. No context.
>game only 2 types of levels. Typically with a fuck-you choke point.
>game is played by edgy try hard teenagers or snotty incompetent manchild betas
>game has boring tempo. Spend more time searching for games and watching 'Q' POTGs then you do fragging.
>game has constantly shifting balance. Being skillful or sharp is secondary to knowing patch notes.
>game has a heroic theme, but in practice penalizes players who act alone. Victories feel like rooflestomps, losses feel like massacres.

it's 7.5/10
it's worthwhile because there is definitely promise for more. At this point, we aren't getting many technical updates. Most updates are cosmetic or seasonal. Since the game came out in June(?) there have been two heroes released and 1 new map. The Sombra ARG was a total case of hype-train blue-balls and generally there isn't enough content to keep the game fresh. Tied in with all the other negative traits, I'm not surprised if more people are quitting.

1 free legendary item has been deposited to your account :^)


is this guy retarded? bulletspread and AoE "cannot miss"? lmao.

>wants people to put effort into video games
>a hobby that is literally for passing time
Fucking hell, it's not like you're learning an instrument or a language. Putting "effort" into vidya is just a massive fucking waste of time

There are still some people still playing it, it's not completely dead.

People still cling on hope for this game.

No clue, but I played it during the 2 free weekends it's had, the game felt really fucking shallow.

I never saw someone make a play that seemed truly skillful or interesting, the movement felt sluggish and annoying and the ultimates really feel like they are there just to give each player a chance to do something cool, anyone can press a single button and make a cool looking ability come out, but not everyone can do something like juggling someone with the soldier on TF2 or pulling off some quick trickstabs, maybe I'm just biased towards TF2 because I enjoyed it so much, but playing OW felt really underwhelming after playing TF2.

when was the last time anyone died from a dva ult?

Nowadays people do not wish to accomplish anything real so they instead work on accomplishing things in video games where it is objectively easier to do so. So they treat video games as jobs (as many of them wish to have playing video games as a job; making it in the esports scene or as a streamer) as if they lead to noteworthy skills. It's why people rage so much nowadays in multiplayer games if anything is less than perfect.

Yeah, some characters really are a bit braindead. Getting airshots as Pharah still gives me that raw, loin-girding pleasure though, so I've been playing a lot of her.

Junkrat airshots feel the best though.

Lack of content

Look at all those non-players.............................

Honestly Overwatch seems to be the only multiplayer FPS a shit player like me would actually enjoy.

works on my machine


having a ranking system =/= e-sport.

I still condone sm4sh for not having one

Because Blizzard is attempting to make it an Esport while keeping it a casual game that's also playable on consoles.

Basically, they're trying to make it too many things at one time and end up making it a bland experience for all.

It didn't though.


Starcraft 2 lasted longer that Overwatch though.

Had the same feeling. Returned to playing tf2 and i'm having even more fun with it now after playing an inferior game.

I've never played Overwatch but based on this explanation I think I would like it

Jesus christ it's like a parrot repeating itself day in and day out.

How does one last longer than something that hasn't ended yet?

i'm regularly getting d.va ult kills

you just boost foward and throw the mech into a crowd and they die

>Sup Forums thinks if they keep saying it's dead it'll come true

Can't wait for this game to die.
All class based multiplayer shooters are 100% cancer.

It's been in the top 10 games on twitch 24/7 since it came out are you being dumb on purpose? as if i even need to ask.

>It's a Gearbox employee thread

memes are dying. hype is gone. it tries to get viral again and again and it looked really dumb with forcing this boop thing
old casuals are tired of the same gameplay, new casuals have paladins
e-sports? who honestly gives
I believe it will slowly boil like WoW but will never become something like tf2 or CS

It's already dead?? I guess I hadn't noticed over the sound of 500,000 active players.


Has no one really not posted source yet?