>he has never played this masterpiece
boy you must really not like fun
He has never played this masterpiece
Arx was better in literally every way.
Masterpiece is a big stretch. I hated what they did to the setting but that's not their fault.
Kicking got kinda boring after a while.
arx had shitty combat
Never understood this. Aren't guards suppose to be the good guys?
>no Arx 2 with DM melee combat
God hates us.
this is what is stopping me from touching this game.
I recomended this to my friend to play and he didn't even like it. Granted the opening part isn't that strong compared to the island, but he outright hated it and then stupidly dropped it right as he got to the fucking island. I called him a massive faggot over it.
Ironically enough, a few months later he admitted he was gay, then shortly after that he also became a vegan and started talking to me about fucking flat earth conspiracies and I stopped hanging out with him.
Lesson learned is that people who don't like Dark Messiah are literally deranged faggots.
its from when ubisoft was half decent
>implying Ubisoft hasn't made good games
Beyond Good & Evil
Splinter Cell (the first 3 ones)
Prince of Persia the motherfucking sands of time
Arkane developed it, Ubisoft published it, and this was in 2006 before Ubi became as incredibly cancerous as it is now. This was before Ass Creed existed as a series.
If it really still makes you butthurt just give it a torrent so Ubi gets no money even though this usually goes for less than $2 during a sale.
youre fucking stupid, ubisoft published it. if you're so autistic that you can't buy it then steal it
Ubishit actually prevented Arkane from releasing the finished SDK at the time.
It was the point from when I have started to boycot their games.
>Lesson learned is that people who don't like Dark Messiah are literally deranged faggots.
>Got half way through it and quit
>Enjoyed it
So far your test is 2/2
>I am enjoying this game
>I think I will drop it
Seems like the deranged part is accurate as well.
No it wasn't
Is this the kicking simulator game?
and ice slipping too
That's the one. You are also possessed by a pretty demon lady. Pretty good time.
Really good game in my opinion except for that fucking Palace level near the end. If you don't notice the extremely small tags near the corridor you will get lost several times.