Which Cortana design was best, and why is it 4?
Rate them from best to worst.
5's design need not apply.
Which Cortana design was best, and why is it 4?
4. Didn't like it at first but she's qt as fuck in that game. 2 was my favourite before that.
the ugly tumblr dyke version from halo wars 2
4's face is too pudgy. i ike 2 and 3 the most
3 with the hips of 4 is the only correct answer
4's got hips, i'll give you that, and the belly button aint too bad either. however, she's just not perky enough. looks too loose in the face and tits. she doesn't look too much like a hologram, either.
Also, I haven't played 4, but judging by that pic alone she lacks attitude.
I mean, like what you want, I just want sfm porn of the original cortana.
4 is the best because her tits sag like a real woman's.
>Original Cortana
Those cheek bones
Some women have perfect big tits that don't sag though.
well by original i meant the first 3 (mainly 2), but good taste, regardless.
No way man.
I jack off to anime like the rest of you faggots, but nothing beats saggy real tits.
This, best of both worlds. Though I like 4's tit sag a lot too, but generally 3 has the best Cortana design.
And some women have natural big tits that hardly sag at all. They're rare, but they exist. That is perfection.
3 & 4
Ah, I thought you were referring to the cheekzilla that was Halo 1's Cortana
why do none of them look anything like the first one? the first one has a totally different face and body shape than the others
Halo 1's was the best imo, 2 and 3 didn't remind me of Cortana. 4's is built for sex though.
What does 5's design look like?
Halo CE is best cortana.
>dat mood colours
4 > 2 > 1 >>> 3
I don't mind what they tired to do with 5, but the fucked up her face.
can't say i've ever noticed the cheeks. they don't look too big considering she's seemingly the only character the tried to give a different facial structure to
2 and 3.
but 4 got that thickness
>man face with child birthing hips
I bet you faggots fap to Baily J and think your strait.
The one on the right, because it looks the most like pretty naked woman.
>man face
I like the 1st one the most. But that might just be me projecting my nostalgia for the early 2000s onto her.
i dunno, the other 3 look pretty naked
Gotta go with the remastered Halo 2 Cortana.
1 and 4 are the best.
2 and 3 are the worst.
I think 5 is better than 2 and 3 even. Also I in general don't get what is so bad about 5 design.
I preferred when she looked like a computer system resembling a human, not a hot blueberry
She didn't need big tits or an hourglass figure. I think 2 is the best design, followed by 1. I like the longer hair but everything else should be androgynous.
>mfw I like the Halo 5 design
>Which Cortana design was best
SFM aka Slutty/Halo 4
so basically halo 3 cortana
The first design is the best, obvi. Captures everything you need to know about the character.
Then 2 feels like she got a hardware upgrade like MC, and 3 is just a higher quality version of that.
4 is full on sex-starved turbonerd though. Especially considering the fucking temper tantrums she throws in the game. Literally the sexiest design ruined by shit writing.
You really think they look alike?
Not even sorry for my paint skills.
Do we have a halo emulator yet? I don't want to buy one of those green devices just for one series.
>tfw used to jerk it to original cortana
goddamn kids these days dont know how good they have it.
2:A > 2 > 3 > 1:A > 4 > Reach > 1
I like 4's body but I prefer 3's face. can't decide which one has better tits, though
>3 has the perfect amount of perk
>4 has the perfect amount of sag
It's like asking a parent which child they love more.
>Insinuating that the saggy grandma tits of 4 are comparable to the firm and healthy bosom of 3
Cortana's a part of the holy trinity of "first fap vidya babes".