Nier thread

Predict this character's personality in two words.

Other urls found in this thread:

cum slut

Empty meat vessel

Big dick

Gentle dom

semen slurper

sperg lord

Cute! CUTE!

Robot Butt

robotic milquetoast

emotionless robot

Embattled diva


So in drakengard 3 is every sister fight gonna be fought with a dragon?

Like shit nigga wants a 1v1 properly


shota breaker

You had one job

you're wife

fluid druid

>all these neckbeard weebs

This is why female protags are a mistake

>its an user afraid of sexuality episode

this is good

Not Cutest

refer to

Your (you)

9s is pure

Cum bucket.

literally me

you are not a girl, much less a robot.

i beg to differ

this way

jokes on you i'm a robot (male)

appologies then.

tfw youll never lick her boots

Anyone got that pic of her kinda jumping and it shows dat luscious ass? I should have saved it but didn't

semen robutt

Big Robutt


I'm gonna have a good time with this game

wew lad

she has a dick

Stoic goofball

I'm gonna have a really, really good time with this game

it also has a shota that comes pre-blindfolded

Turbo Slut

no she doesn't, you complete faggot

she does user, it's huge

Cock crazy

stop lying to yourself

actually male


she is canonically a herm

I'm very surprised by these results. Is it because you guys plan on buying the black box edition?

where's "both"

if there's a significant delay or concerns about the PC version, I'll play PS4 first, but either way I'm probably buying it twice to support my main man, the realest nigga, Yoko Taro.

also hoping for nude mods for toobie

She isn't Kaine. How retarded are you, user?

You'll be the retard when it's revealed she has Kaine's personality and memories.

look at the buldge

virginity stealer

Taro will officially be a hack if this turns out to be true, which it won't. Stop spouting your gay bullshit.

Stoic; cute

Still wont have a dick


Does anyone have the english dub preview on youtube or whatever? heard we got a look at all 3 of the main cast's voices

special needs

She's an android, she can have whatever you want. And you KNOW there'll be an item or costume that adds a bulge to her character model.

Drakengard 3 says hello

You seem like the right person to ask - should I play the first game? On 360 or PS3?

Kaine wants nothing to do with her dick and in thousands of years of rebirth only one had a dick

And no that won't be a thing, fuck off

Toobie is a cute robot GIRL and futa fags will never change that.

bigdick futanari

I miss when DoD/Nier as far away from the spotlight

These threads have inly ogtten steadily shittier since last year. The consolewar shit, Platinum's drama, and the waifufags have ahit all over these threads.


just you wait

So fuck off instead of this meta bullshit about "the threads".

We're all waiting for the demo to actually have stuff to talk about.

How can one man be so based? He's the man that will save video games.

>m-muh niche games
>m-m-muh contrarianism
kill yourself, weeb

All these people will still be around

Five years after Nier released there were still good Nier threads before this shit dragged it into the limelight

>Platinum's drama
what's that about?

Is her name actually Toobie?

>Made one futa chatacer ever

>that means EVERY OTHER FEMALE he makes misy have a penis!

Fuck off

>>>the last 4 platinum games were shit
Yeah, and all their high budget not lisenceshit games have all been absolutely incredible and staples in their genres.

>this shit
>an entirely new game and sequel with returning stuff
Bait harder dude, no one cares about their precious Sup Forums threads more than than they do a fucking continuation of their series with an actual game

2B. Toobie is just an affectionate nickname.

The bulge doesn't lie.

>just you wait

Don't start baseless rumours, user.

You're just talking bollocks

People shitting kn the game because Platinum and defense force shitinging back



>Implying platinumcucks aren't the biggest weebs out there
Lmao @ UR LIFE

Yes, play it on whatever system you have.

But if you don't get around to playing it, still go download and listen to the OST.

How the fuck is that supposed to be b8? Who am I b8ing?

Nice. I have both systems. Will give the OST a listen.

>muh Nier threads were so great before the FUCKING SEQUEL got announced and ruined them
How is that a real opinion someone has?

You say that as if Taro doesn't have a cult following. Also waifus.

Why not just fap to it regardless of what's between her legs?

Because who the fuck faps to vanilla shit.
>inb4 >tumblr
Best download I could find for the OST

How will I know who's doing the penetrating?


Because being gay is gay.

i want to push my bisexual agenda

Why are her eyes covered?

This is the game who's collector's edition is expensive as a kidney and only sold through S-E bullshit store right ?