Smash Sm4sh Brothers Sup Forumseekend

Sup Forumseekend is here and underway! Join us, why don't you!!

Tourney ID: 1129 - 5825 - 6712 - 19
Password: rage

For those unfamiliar with Sup Forumseekend team rules, this image is for YOU!

>Dedede does some projectiles
>gets punched farther off screen
>Twan throws an onion at the gordo, bouncing towards DeDeDe, killing him

I would like to repeat Odd is a god carry

>INB4 crybabies start their tumblr tripfag war again

Do us all a favor and fuck off


Odd, what's your NNID? They need to add you.


Please, hurry, I have to be somewhere soon :(
Nah mate, we're both playing equally well!

I don't know why mods let this stupid shit go on every week it's a circle jerk

That is an example of shitposting.
It is against Sup Forums terms and services everyone agreed to when browsing this website (along with being 18+ years of age).
Report any and all shitposts.

It's Odd.God

And I have Andy added

hi aloof

manny's ganon
good god

>new tourney shows up in the Recommended Tourneys list twice in a row
It's the little things

I guess remake the room

in twitch.

Jesse added as well

>picking temple


Wait you're streaming?

This will always happen when you have whoever the tourneymaker is added btw

Why they'd recommend a tourney which needs a password to join? Or is it recommended just for you?

Can I ask why all of this drama started? Are you guys so incapable of just playing a game amicably? The attention seeking was one thing, but c'mon.

Do not shitpost.
Do not "fanboy."
Do not incite a flamewar.


The drama was in the past thread, don't bring it up again in here or else YOU ARE THE CANCER

Finally I clobbered dat dere kirbrh

hi spooky

No more. Post with some quality in mind. Play the game.

too late aloof, you're now and forever "that fucking double faced bitch"

The drama was already brought up immediately as the thread started. I'm just wondering what the hell is going on. These threads were fun in the beginning, but they turned into an orgy of drama and attention seeking.

>tfw no one plays Brawl anymore


The expression is "two-faced."

God damn it Charizard why.

I've been thinking of leaving them myself, you got spooky trying to convince people that drama keeps things going right now yet /ssbg/ and /mk8/ died for that reason

This is a anonymous image board there shouldn't be any high school drama here if I wanted that I'd be on Reddit posting with a identity

Buttocks u winning?

Really? Lag now?

These are 3 of 5 right?

Get rekt falcon

It's alright, my partner avenged me and he did it in style!

Mk8 is dead? aw man. I know Smash has the discord keeping their group alive but that sucks knowing I can't just find an Mk8 with Sup Forums anons anytime

Id rather listen to respected smash Sup Forumseekend players than random anons

Good Job Little Mac


>yet /ssbg/ and /mk8/ died for that reason

Actually no, funny because spooky explained exactly why they died in the stream, join the chat, get redpilled.

Then an anonymous image board wouldn't be the place for you, would it? Does ZeRo have a forum?

Yeah, people got mad at that a even smaller group of people in the group would just fire hope with heavies each race and took things to seriously until it was just them left who eventually turned on each other and things died

Kinda like what's starting to happen now with Sup Forumskend!

I do too, but the unnecessary shitposting is juvenile and pointless. It's just kills threads and opens them up for deletion

Respectable in what way? The childish bickering is respectable?

You're crazy if you think the shit flinging and attention whoring didn't kill the threads.

I am in chat moron. You take everything he says as fact? I actually used those generals a lot I actually know what happened in them. If /vg/ wasn't sustainable then League of Legends, Katawa Shoju, Fighting games general and other generals that have been there since the beginning of /vg/ would be dead as well

Screwed us game 4, my bad Odd.

Sorry, Rosey. Couldn't time that simple landing tech at all.

>Your teammate doesn't get that you're giving him free oil spills until it's too late

I SD'd on my first stock (too wild for my own good) so that game was already gonna be an uphill battle if not a loss :p

GGS Odd! Glad it was against you at the end

I was just trying to do it for Dayman

It's okay lad, I played terrible those last matches, you helped me so many times. Thanks for filling in, g fucking g

that was never going to work on that tiny ass map desu

2v2 is over. Is this proof that Phil gets carried by a superior teammate? He said multiple times he was carried the entire time.

Why is G&W such a useless teammate?

ggs man, I'll make sure to take you out next time

And nah, Phil's probably the reason we made it so far. His Villager was perfect

The button lag in the double G&W Gaur Plains match was frustrating to deal with holy cow.

Hmm, ok. I was gonna say, not losing a single stock on me or Ayres was suprising

Someone post the results!

I'll be looking forward to it!

And people get mad about Kite. Good job hun ;3c

Yeah I had to sui at the end it was just to depressing having tiny hitboxes

CRS, I'm pretty sure you're the one causing the button input lag, man.

For anyone trying to minimize lag, here are some techniques:

Try to make sm4sh the only thing in your household using the internet.
If you have a LAN adapter, be sure it's functional. If not, go purchase one.
Do not attach your phone to the wifi of your router.
Do not torrent while smashing.
Do not post while smashing.
Do not stream while smashing.
Do not have multiple tabs with ads or media playing while smashing.
Come to the thread to smash, nothing else.
Believe it or not, when you've no more stocks, you're still connected to the match. Don't start browsing or posting or using the internet until the match is over.


Dang, NICELY DONE, Kite. I'm gonna save that and see if i can make a webm out of it!

Great work!

I dont know, it's either
>no kills
>I won with the bucket

and then sometimes they get a 9

Kite is on top of the game right now1

HAHAHAHAHA OH FUCK ME I did NOT notice you SD-ing that stock while I wanted to actually see Zantetsuken hit for once. I laguhed HARD when the GAME! screen came up after I hit the stars.

Thank you for that, Matt. Wow.

I got lagged and was way down, you wanna blog about it m8?

Congrats on Team Jesse winning the first and last team Sup Forumseekend tourney! here are the results@@@@

That's the first time I've seen another ALIEN Ridley mech-suit on a Brawler before! I like your style!

I still feel bad, Dayman is gonna be so disappointed that Odd came back and he missed it.

It was a thank you, mangione. I found the cirucmstance unexpected and it made me appreciate the match. I wasn't ragging on you.

Not as bad as spooky and falafel getting shafted like that.

Dead thread, dead tourney? I mean, it's cool that Brow's streaming but I wish she joined the tourney so we had a bigger player pool

Just a Sunday. There's more than a dozen in the tourney and it's not too late.

Nigga hours are coming up, soon (comparatively for Sunday). Regular FFA, Customs or Smash balls on?

Andy here, thanks! There were some shonky moments but somehow we pulled through. Jesse carried some and I carried some. I'm glad he was my partner.

Join the after party

Regular FFA with Smash balls on is my personal pick. Even though I dont really care for FFAs anway. there'salways one person just being a shitty cunt waiting by the ledge, either charging meter or something

im not joining a tournament that isnt 1v1, pussies

I want to play in the tourneys. I mean, it's cool to have a place to hang out and chat but it's basically discord with a show

1. I totally forgot it was teams, I'm sorry, Matt.
2. Lag sucks.

Nice job not killing yourself, MHZ.

fuck off youre shit

2nd, MHZ pretty much did the work there

So why don't yo go and tell that to his face? Are you scared of something?

hey alex thanks for picking that map ez win

I was talking about the end, not implying anything.

It was random. Sorry.

is anybody actually trying or just memeing around?

Regularly scheduled FFA is up next, and watch out, a smash ball might show up!

Tourney ID: 4449 - 5922 - 8753 - 55
Password: rage

thanks everybody for exposing me as the shitter I am. ggs

coldramen you idiot, wrong little mac.

I was like 99 percent sure me and rosey were on the same team. Shit happens.

Oh that Skyworld!

I love how Little Mac is the last one standing on Skyworld.

I'm sorry to everyone

DonĀ“t be sorry until the very end!

>everyone thinks spooky left angry
>he's just chilling in the stream playing

do spooky haters live in their world world?

World world?