What is the "Worst" Game in human history?

What is the "Worst" Game in human history?

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Final Fantasy 15.

After 10 years, yes, FF XV is the worst game.

[your favorite game]

Diablo 3 at launch.

That was by far the most disappointing.

There are thousands of shovelware and "indie" pieces of shit floating around out there. If you want to know the worst you are going to have to narrow down what you are including as games.


Desert bus
Dr. Jekyl and Mr Hyde
Bratz the video game
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
The Beatles arcade game
Joust 2

Castlevania 2 isn't that bad.

> castlevania 2

Nah. It was rough for sure but there were some enjoyable parts.

Desert Bus, Crazy Bus, and Big Riggs are the absolute worst I can possibly think of.

Dead Rising 4

>What is the "Worst" Game in human history?

Thats a broad question.

There are many, many games that are equally terrible that are as bad as a game can get. ET is one of them.

>Desert Bus
Do you people not know what a joke is.
Agreed on Castlevania 2 though

Life in general.

Big rigs

Deadly Towers

Your sex life.

Thats a stupid question. For example there are plenty of people that think Skyrim is the best game and plenty of others that think the contrary.

SQIJ! is the worst because of how fucking retarded the creator was. Dumbass left caps on and made the game quite literally unplayable due to it. Even if you hack the game and turn caps off the game is garbage.

Army of Two Devil's Cartel

Ride to Hell: Retribution

Diablo iii was just meh, hardly the worst game of all time.

>not liking The Room of video games
retard, thy name is

How to fit in on Sup Forums
>any game Sup Forums likes
>any game Sup Forums doesnt like
>any game that came out this year
>any game that people still talk about after a year of release
>any sequel
>any game

These are all the worst game ever made

E.T. was pretty fun as long you weren't aware that it was near impossible to complete (to be fair games like Pac-man realistically can never be "completed" anyway). Like looking at the other options like Boxing, Tanks, Pac-Man, Pong, Pitfall, etc it wasn't really that much different. I do wonder what it could had been if they weren't told to basically change everything at the last minute.

Personally I still feel that if factoring the time period that it was made in that Prototype 2 is the worst game. Literally the same as the first game only the story and what little changes they did make shit all over the first game while insulting what made the first game so great. The game is still very playable but I would have to ask why not just play the first game at that point. Prototype 2 literally have no reason to exist.

don't forget YOUR favorite game in particular

fucking contrarians
this board would be so much better without them, don't you agree guys?

Your favorite game

Dark Souls 2

Probably a random commodore title from some uk catalog forgotten in the sands of time

Why did these fucking idiots go out into the desert and dig this shit up. It's not like it was some mythical thing that they wanted to confirm or whatever; We all knew they threw those cocksuckers in a hole and buried them for being shitty. That was a factual thing. What a nonsensical PR stunt holy fuck.

>Liking shit game that's so shit it isn't even fun having beers with friends and laughing at it
Niggerfaggot art thou

You would have to have the lowest possible standards for games in order to defend Desert Bus, and yet you shit on Castlevania 2.
You have to be an alien because there's no way that a human could be this backwards.

when I was like 6 I beat ET. I just read the manual, it tells you what all the symbols mean and how to win.

anyone claiming skyrim is the worst video game ever clearly isnt telling the truth
Its playable and doesnt have that many bugs but its just shitty and not fun

Silent Hill: Downpour

Fucking atrocious from beginning to end.
>otherworld segments became a stupid Temple Run minigame
>any instance of combat was just 5 minutes of you blocking, followed by the monster blocking, followed by getting stunned and wiggling the sticks, followed by more blocking ad nauseum
>literal battle gauntlet elevator before the final area in a silent hill game
>every monster design is just a spooky man or spooky lady
>horribly bland looking PH ripoff
>MC's tortured past ends up being bullshit and we learn he never actually killed anyone

I need to stop myself here because I could go on forever on all the ways this game wronged me.

>mfw credits began and fucking KoRn started playing

Superman 64

I think ET gets too much of a bad rap. See the angry videogame nerd movie where he finally reviews it and is like "meh"

it's not a very good game, but it's actually pretty innovative for an atari 2600 game, and was made in only 12 weeks.

If anything, the creator deserves credit for it.


Joust 2?

Thoses games are great compared to Phoenix Games/Dingo Pictures.


I swear that i'm not trying to promote that channel but couldn't better video about Phoenix Games.

It was bad, it wasn't as bad as Homecoming.

HSW himself said that he was a legend among old school programmers because he had two claims to fame and not just one. He made what is widely considered the best game the 2600 ever saw, and he made the worst.

A man who knew how to cover all the bases, to be sure.


Combat Medic: Special Operations

This is the only video on youtube for it. There is no gameplay footage because the game doesn't work.

They are both awful games, but at least homecoming had interesting monster designs going for it. Downpour didn't have a single redeemable part to it.

>you will never make a game so bad that they bury all copies of it in the desert in order to make sure no one has to suffer through your game

Definitely not ET.

well the obvious answer is every game that was released in an unworking condition.

but i know Sup Forums rather wants to have dem leppic meme answers

which means everygame that is in some way, shape or form popular.

Milon's Secret castle is worse.

Castlevania 2 isn't any worse than say, La Mulana.

It can't be the worst game if it doesn't exist


Everyone stop being retarded.

Superman 64.

I'd agree with this, after certain point it just doesn't make any sense to try to put shit in any order. We have this bin full of shitty, broken and unfinished games like ET, Big Rigs and stuff, and there's just no objective way to choose one that's worse than the others.

Skyrim, easily.

I don't even like Castlevania and I'm going to say fuck your shit.

Literally overwatch

Maniac Mansion

Last of Us


Death Crimson

The one you posted OP. ET is a horrible, horrible fucking game.

Let's narrow it down to maybe 'finished' games that are technically completable without hacking the ROMs. Shit like Superman 64, and Rise of the Robots. Now that was a fucking disaster like ET in every way

All the Halo games, couldn't even put fucking faces on the characters, threw them in the bin almost immediately.

When factoring things such as budget and pedigree, Bioshock Infinite

Forgot my pic. Who remembers this shit? This was possibly the worst version of a bad game


Christ, what a mess.
Sprites looked like shit and controls were almost nonexistent. The damn cover lied to little-kid-me.

I don't expect anyone to remember this game but I promise you nothing is or ever will be worse.

Gone Home, if you can call this a game.

bayou billy
Considering that it was made by a company that should have know better and that back the games were extremely expensive Konami had no excuses to make something like this.

A friend of mine claims to this day that he beat it. I think he's a liar.

there should be some kind of "ET Challenge" competition where the object is to make a better ET game in the same time frame with the same limitations

kind of like to see what people could come up with

I've played this on an emulator and it is indeed shit.

I'm learning some stats stuff right now and put together a comparison of Metacritic user/critic reviews over the past sixteen years as an exercise.

According to my data, the worst game since 2000 is "Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade" for the Wii U.

Interesting. What are some of the other ones way down at the bottom?

I'm sorry. DESU i don't even remember how old I was when I played it, probably 10 or 11 but my entire life I've remembered how much I hated it. If it wasn't for the cursed internet it would have been lost in time forever and rightly so. I can only hope the devs killed themselves from shame.

final fantasy xv

Here's the worst 25 I can find. The most recent one is Afro Samurai 2, followed by Ride to Hell: Retribution and Rambo.

The game with the worst user score that is actually OK is Company of Heroes 2 (Russians brigaded the Metacritic site over the depictions of the Soviet army in that game).

so which one is the best one ever?

I first heard about ET back in 2001 when i read an EGM article by Seanbaby that mocked it. I'm betting he had a lot to do with the game getting it's reputation.

GTA V, The witcher 3 and overwatch are some of the worst unplayable games i've ever played

Damn you had it good, that or you are underage and never experience getting a game based on boxart alone. Nowadays you hear if a game is shit long before even release. The new FF is a good example.

I got Golden Sun 2 based on boxart alone and didn't regret it, took me forever to learn there was a game before it though.

At the high end, there is more of a difference between critics and regular consumers. While everyone loves Resident Evil 4, The Witcher 3, Metroid Prime, and the Valve games, consumers like older GBA games the most (Golden Sun, Harvest Moon, Advance Wars, etc.) and critics, as expected, like recent AAA stuff (Grand Theft Auto, Skyrim, Bioshock, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, etc.).

That's interesting if not unexpected.
Players actually have good taste, critics try to push shit into the limelight.
Kinda boring how much sense it makes.


The Game you just lost


I'm thinking that most bad games have something decent about them. Designs, ideas, themes that make sense. Like you can see where someone tried to make a good game.

Superman 64 is possibly the actual worst game. It has bad everything and no redeeming features.

asscreed 3

Even though Desert Bus is intentionally bad, it's still bad.

it exists, it's just kind of a shitshow

Okay, one more list request.
What games have the greatest discrepancy between user and critic scores?


Now I'm interested in this too. I just came here to shitpost at first but this turned out to be agood thread.

"Overrated" games (critics like, players hate) include CoH2 (because of the previously mentioned Soviet army portrayal), the Arkham Knight port, every single Call of Duty game (lol), and some games with DLC/business model issues (ArcheAge/Payday/Destiny RoI).

The "underrated" games are... weird. Critics did not *love* games like Deadly Premonition, STALKER, Nier, Baiten Kaitos, etc. but apparently they liked them enough to keep them off the "most underrated" list.

Interestingly enough, nearly all current-gen console titles are "overrated" (critic score exceeds player score). The one notable exception is the Bayonetta Wii U port.

Here's the live chart where you can mouseover the observations to see each game: ogienma.github.io/game-review-analysis/ The hidden gem/cult stuff is in the upper-right corner above the black line in the 60-80 critic range.

homecoming had an "ok" story at least. downpour is just a mess. monsters in a police car patrolling the neighborhood? what

Huh, surprised that Other M isn't on there. Afaik fans hated it while critics liked it.

Are there any other games that were spammed in user reviews into being negative like that russian game? Not asking for a list just maybe one example.

Very interesting.
It seems most of the "underrated" games are mostly unheard of, niche games where a couple of reviews make a big difference to the overall critic and user scores.

It probably happened to Gone Home, not that it is entirely undeserved.