What is the best battlefront game and why is it the first one ?

what is the best battlefront game and why is it the first one ?

First one was pretty fun. The best part was the the cloud cars that wouldn't explode when shot down,. they would literally just fall to the bottom or whatever they hit in a flaming pile of rubble while losing control. Instead of just exploding outright.

I know it's a little autistic thing but it seems like no other video game does this.

Better maps.
Classes have some differences between factions.
Better AI.

Better UI too, you could also bail from vehicles midair

I'm all for being a contrarian but you can't possibly defend this statement

>better than BF2
Fuck no, some maps are total shit. Night-time Kashyyyk is still my most hated map in video games.

But it did somethings better than BF2. Classes are better. And some scenarios (like Tatoine) are great.

It wasn't. It did have one advantage, though, and that is it had the default battle droid over the shitty super's. I play the first one just for that.

Otherwise, BF2 is superior.

kashyyk day is superior to battlefront 2's kashyyk

Better maps. Prone. no Jedis. Shame about the classes.


>Night-time Kashyyyk is still my most hated map in video games.

Are you kidding? That map is such a hilarious clusterfuck. How can you hate it?

>better AI

Both Battlefront games have shit AI

I should really mod SWBF1 again.
Hopefully with less jetpacks and missile shotguns.

The problem with the AI in Battlefront 2 is that they'll ignore the enemies right in front of them and try to gang up on you instead. It's pretty stupid.

The shotgun in bf2 ruined multiplayer.

Award weapons and heroes ruined multiplayer.

The cancelled 3rd one.


Exactly because of that, I hate it so much. The CPs placements are fucked.

I think it's nice to have one big clusterfuck map. Almost like space Vietnam.

I fucking loved being able to prone

1 one has best maps
2 has the better gameplay
thanks to mods you can have the best of both worlds

its because the ai knows that a player is a much bigger threat than any cpu-controller enemy