For how much longer can we hold onto our Windows 7?

For how much longer can we hold onto our Windows 7?

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nigga i still have winxp

I switched to 10 long ago.


It's still going up.

how's your botnet been treating you?

Nice meme.

>8.1 master race reporting in

upgrade to 10 already my dude. it's way nicer

When DX12 becomes the standard you'll have to leave Win7 and we're already making that transition.

Win10 isn't stealing your information like you tinfoil hats think it is. Besides, everything steals your information these days.

Still waiting for the first game that actually benefits from DX12. Now it just either runs worse or has additional stutter even if FPS is something like 2% higher.

Rise of the Tomb Raider runs dramatically better now even on Nvidia cards. I was getting a 10-15 fps increase in CPU-heavy areas.

>You can't use XP anymore

>Win10 isn't stealing your information like you tinfoil hats think it is.

Prove it.

>Win10 isn't stealing your information
>everything steals your information these days
uhhh pajeet?

For as long as i fucking can

Windows 10 business model is based on meta data collection and desktop advertisements. Not only does it collect metadata, it also installs promotional material straight to your desktop through the Windows store.

good goys upgrading just because they're told to

oh no they possibly couldn't have kept it at just 7, no, they absolutely HAD to make 8 and 10 to better rip o- uh, serve their customers :DDDDDDD

No reason to switch, every game I want to play runs in Win 7, and not looking forward to anything yet that requires Win 10.

Have Win 10 on a laptop though, such a piece of shit, laptop and OS

I'll be on Windows 7 forever.
If anything I'll just replace my Vista installation with 10, but I'm never getting rid of 7.

I am tempted to upgrade just so I can keep Win 7 for as long as possible.

After this, I might switch to Linux if 10 is still terrible.

>upgrade to W10
>computer wont stay in sleep mode anymore
>Disabled wake timers
>Disabled update reboots
>Disabled nightly maintenance
>cmd wake history shows nothing
I already freshly reinstalled this OS too. It's give me more trouble in one month that 7 has in its entire existence.

I just wish it wouldn't try to talk to me like it's a fucking person.
> :( something went wrong, but it's not your fault okay?
Fuck you

ReCore, Forza and Quantum break (I think?) are Win10 exclusives.

Long enough to see mainstream linux release.


unplug all your usb stuff, it's possibly some vendor bloatware.

>when there's Vulkan

>I just wish it wouldn't try to talk to me like it's a fucking person.
>> :( something went wrong, but it's not your fault okay?
this shit, fucking everywhere pisses me off, i jsut want to see what went wrong, not be fucking jerked off by website, or OS, or program or whatever, just fucking spit out error message

unless you want linux to be corporate, good luck with that

>good luck with that
We got Deus Ex and stuff.
It's coming, slowly but surely.

There's been a few Win10 only games, but not enough to be a big issue for me. I'll probably just switch when they end Win7 support. I think that's in 2020.

I went to 10 with my new build, I fucking regretted it at first. Mostly just irritated by the user friendly widget shit I have to turn off, and relearning locations of shit. It isn't as terrible as some fucks make it sound, it's the same shit once you turn the updating shit, taskbar, Cortana shit off and rainmeter it.

you can have all of the games supported, it still won't be "mainstream" why would you want it anyway? mainstream what made all games shitty, appeal to dumbest widest audience

did you even read what you wrote? Been laughing for 1 hour at this post

Mainstream games releasing on Linux, that's what I meant.

>When DX12 becomes the standard you'll have to leave Win7
>you'll have to
I won't have to fucking do anything you faggot.

>When DX12 becomes the standard you'll have to leave Win7
I already left Win7 behind switched to a PlayStation.
Nothing on my Win7 laptop gives a shit about DX12.

>everything steals your information these days.
>Win10 isn't stealing your information like you tinfoil hats think it is


ReCore got me interested because of >Inafune and >le ex Metroid prime devs meme.

>All the enemies look the same regardless how much you explore
>level design is horrible entire game is endless desert and some corridors
>the padding is so insane you have to exploit the boosting mechanic to run at a decent pace
>you can only have 2 companions so if some platforming sections requires another one you're SOL
>said platforming sections are tedious and uncreative
>45 energy cells fetch quest (and people complained about the 10 Sky keys)
>music starts good then get boring fast, as does the rest of the game

Biggest mistake I've made. The game is garbage.

>I am tempted to upgrade just so I can keep Win 7 for as long as possible.
>After this, I might switch to Linux if 10 is still terrible.
I moved my gaming to consoles already and i'm going to switch my personal computing to OSX. I feel more at home on Unix anyway.
By 2020 I hope I can get rid of Microsift entirely.
I'll just leave this here...

Vulkan has less documentation and is harder to code for than DX12 which is why you haven't seen many games use it yet. DOOM was only Vulkan because id have always been known for optimization and Vulkan devs actually personally helped them code it.

Hello? I don't want Windows 10! That means I don't want it with KVM/Qemu next to it either!

haha no

>Windows is turning into MacOS
>people threaten to move to MacOS
What? It's not like MacOS is actually good, you can get all the negatives of Windows 10 and none of the positives.


>Win10 isn't stealing your information like you tinfoil hats think it is
But it actually is.

Windows is nothing like MacOS. I don't like MacOS, but Windows 10 is not getting closer to it in similarity by any means.

Well, if you just install Steam on it and don't use it for anything else, at least you won't be spied on by M$... apart from your tastes in vidya, that is.

The primary goal is getting away from Microsoft, because this company has gone nuts.
Getting rid of malware is just a side effect.

>I don't know how a virtualiziation monitor like KVM works
Guys, seriously.

>When DX12 becomes the standard
sure when that happens, if vulkan doesnt win, and there is a large catalogue of dx12 only games and you have beta tested all the bugs ill think about it
right now a lot of my VNs will not run on win10 so its a downgrade


>More people using Win XP than Win 8.1
Those russians just won't let up.

And Apple and Sony are any better? Apple just sold a $300 picturebook, and are doubling down on proprietary ports and dongles. Meanwhile Sony is exploiting their high marketshare of the console market to fuck over players harder and harder while people lap it up because muh Japanese games. Nintendo is... Nintendo.

>right now a lot of my VNs will not run on win10

>people who are using win7 now were using win xp telling win 7 to enjoy the botnet

Don't you fags see a pattern. Just get win 10. you are going to get it anyway, ignore win 11, and then make fun of the win 12 fags telling them to enjoy their bot nets until you get win 12 like 3 years after its release rinse and repeat.

Tried Win10 but I was getting weird freezes and stalls all the time. Probably what I get for not clean installing maybe I'll try it again when more games utilize directx12

>And Apple and Sony are any better?
They are not Microsoft.
It's that simple.

Yes, Microsoft have actually made contributions to the tech industry, while Apple is a glorified toy company.

>When DX12 becomes the standard

You mean if it becomes standard. That's like saying when Hillary becomes president.

Windows 7, though has secure as a latch lock made by a retarded chimp, is still effective and more importantly gives me more options.

DX12 isn't very popular right now and not a lot of people have jumped on board with it.

>Your CPU isn't stealing your information
>Your monitor isn't stealing your information
prove me wrong

if you genuinely think sony and apple won't fuck you like microsoft

I'm already doing my PC gaming exclusively on Linux. There are some things you miss (games that only use DX11 or 12), but there's literally thousands of native games now plus you have the whole retro game library thanks to emulators.

The driver situation is even pretty good now. AMD's drivers in particular have gone from basically unusable a couple of years ago when Valve first started pushing Linux for gaming to now the open source drivers are starting to be faster than AMD's official driver. Plus if you do still want to run some Windows stuff they have native support for DirectX 9 but its only really useful when paired with a patched version of Wine.

>Win10 isn't stealing your information like you tinfoil hats think it is. Besides, everything steals your information these days.

Microsoft killed everything that was good during the last two decades.

>win 11
>win 12
>when Microsoft clearly said they'll stop at 10

Whatever you say, projector.

>>when Microsoft clearly said they'll stop at 10
What are they going to do next then?

>if you genuinely think sony and apple won't fuck you like microsoft
They don't have the power to and their shit works. Unlike everything that Microsoft shits out since 2012.


user I came here to tinfoil post, not to feel

Almost 50% of Steam accounts have Windows 10/DX12, and that's saying something given how Steam is generally held back by weaker/older hardware and how many Russian smurf CS:GO/DOTA 2 accounts there are.

Yeah man. With that mind set we'd still be using good ol' MS-DOS.

>almost 50% of users still haven't switched off our 10 year old software

Maybe that might tell you something about how shitty 10 is.

>They don't have the power to
You don't actually believe this, do you?

survey is voluntary, it's unlikely that those Russian smurf accounts participate.

>With that mind set we'd still be using good ol' MS-DOS.
Maybe PC would still have games then?

until it no longer gets security updates

Most of the games I want to play have Linux ports. If there ever comes a time that my Windows 8.1 is completely obsolete, I'll make the full switch.

this. all but a tiny handful of the good titles run with DOSBox, emulators, or Wine. the only games I'd use Windows for are Witcher 3 and Pathologic.

keep releasing dlc for 10

Sony owns a game console.
Apple owns a phone and a lifestyle laptop.
Microsoft owns the government.
There are good reason to get rid of and void MS products.
And your desperate shilling won't change that.

this. Vulkan is still a clusterfuck no one knows how to use except the people that made it. I tried messing with it for a small project and found out that the API reference isn't even finished, the few existing tutorials are all shit and not enough to make an entire game, and in general it's only worth learning for very large projects that need the optimisation.

Its really upsetting if you start to actually think about where we could be now if all the things Microsoft killed had actually succeeded instead of being driven out by the monopoly power:

Long's Peak - Could we have had a Vulkan style API over a decade ago? We're only seeing the current API revolution because AMD got sick of Microsoft's shit and launched Mantle.
BeOS - Super fast multi media and hyper advanced file system in the mid 90s? Linux based OSes are only starting to get file systems that compare now.
ARM gaming - AMD64 is locked down by Intel and Intel themselves have basically removed all their potential competition by crippling AMD who created the modern CPU architecture we all use today. If Microsoft hadn't been as dominant as they are though we could see a much more competitive and rapidly progressing CPU market.
Linux gaming - Microsoft basically short circuited this the first time around by buying out gaming companies that supported Linux in the early 00s like Bungie and then turned them into console-first one hit wonder devs. I cry every time I think about what if Bungie had stayed independent and had gotten to make a new Myth game, or an Oni sequel.

>despite I recognize microsoft fucks you too
sounds like you're desperate faggot, you'll get fucked no matter, but you're genuinely an idiot if you think apple and sony are a good choice because they won't fuck you

my nigga

8.1 is the best version but most people don't know this because 8 was memed on so hard when it was released that nobody actually tried it

Then explain the guys who ported the original Quake to Vulkan for fun, or made a new graphics subsystem for PSX emulators in Vulkan. Its not for beginning coders but its fully functional with a lot of benefits over both OpenGL and Direct3D.


>progress just for the sake of progression even if it's utter shit
damn fool
You know they could just not spy on every corner of the OS and force stuff onto the user they don't even want and people would love it.

I'm on 8.1 because when I built my new PC it was significantly cheaper than 7 and xp was no where to be found. Its "ok" but I still vastly prefer 7