who was in the wrong here?
btw nice fanbase overwatch players lol
who was in the wrong here?
btw nice fanbase overwatch players lol
Other urls found in this thread:
who was in the wrong here
>Turns on his mic to sniff
who wants to be a millionaire?
only one that is worth fucking is Mercy. Pharah is shitskin and tracer is not aryan either
>15 minutes
I have better things to do, like masturbating or thinking of suicide
whats wrong with delicious brown?
>still in platinum with how broken the rankings are
>15 mins
are you trying to shill your shitty youtube channel?
>responding to racist Sup Forumstards
islam is degenerate you racemixing freak
gas yourself
Why do people not just use the mute function? This guy was obviously annoyed enough to record the whole thing and put the video on youtube so why endure it in the first place?
i really like this art
You are because you haven't post anymore lewds
>muh racism
>muh poltards
hello neofag/plebbit
Smelly feet!
shes a fictional character though, plus if we ever got married she'd convert to christianity and we'd have christian kids :)
t. 15 year old
Fun fact, "muh" posting only became popular when newfags came in and got called out then had to go full damage control because people hurt their precious feelings on a fucking ANONYMOUS imageboard
Reply to this post to claim your overwatch waifu
>keep video on for 30 seconds
>sniffing and heavy breathing by some neckbeard
Fuck this
Mercy is mine
>Gold and plat
That really ayy'd my lmao
Dem comments.
who gives a shit
they're all trash anyway
i want to lick and suck ALL OF THE FEET!
>Overwatch thread
>no porn
Literally the only good thing about these threads is Tracer and D.Va
Do you expect me to masturbate to this image? Is that what you think?
What is voice activity vs push to talk?
why is Tracer's left leg so short?
>implying being christian is a good thing
everyone for being in low plat or high gold, shit players gon' play like shit
Reaper and Zen in that situation are just as bad as Hanzo
No Ana no win, I'm glad the curve got flattened out so I don't have to deal with any of these niggas
>being good and loving your neighbor is somehow a bad thing
I think he's talking about real life Christians
It's not, you're right. But if you need a religion to be a good person then you might need to see a therapist.
real life christians are neutered and harmless as fuck
>mfw people use the word toxic
Zarya 4ever
Except if said neighbor is not white.
how are you threatened by christians, user?
Cause he's a spic.
>that console aim
Holy FUUUUCK I'm getting cancer
is this your first time experiencing the blizzard fanbase?
>minute 4:13
>reaper ults near dva
>she could easily turn and completely negate it
>d.va takes 2 seconds to turn around
>gets decimated
Oh man are all people in consoles like this?
Who was in the wrong here
>defense matrixing a laser
Why are console players so bad at FPS games?
She has a Horus tattoo which is banned in Islam.
No way she a mudslime.
>shooting the zarya sheild
for what purpose
Dont forget
>she has gold on everything but healing despite being so shit
>it's just a bunch of actual niggers chimping out on each other
Played with him once, always bitching about everything
I didn't come into this thread to empathize
Probably an outdated webm first off, but that has nothing to do with how shit the guy in the video, or console players in general, was at aiming.
That webm is as old as you've been here for.
So were these hitboxes made like this because of how garbage consoles are? Seems like a mouse would be precise enough not to need the hitbox be so big.
the hitboxes haven't been like this in months
I didn't say they're bad evil people that are ruining everything, just that the "good and loving Christian" autostereotype is barely ever accurate
>garbage game designed for consoles gives you hitboxes the size of a barn
and yet Sup Forums loves this crock of shit because waifus. wow.
If the 1st guy is black and the 2nd guy is white, why doesn't the 1st guy just brag about his horse-cock? That would shut down any argument from any whiteboy.
>but it was hella fun for awhile
OW has the worst FPS playerbase. Everyone is out to attack their teammates as opposed to work together. It's funny how strung up the playerbase is when Blizzard designed the gane to be casual.
afro go to bed
Like opera
Because it's easy to play
That D.Va is utter fucking trash, console controls or not. There was a Junkrat who popped his ult right behind her and the player didn't seem to be aware
it's almost as if Sup Forums cherrypicks and pretends that there aren't just as many bad people on M+KB as there are on controllers
I play Overwatch on PS4 with friends. This game is so ridiculously safe and forgiving that it doesn't even let you see other players' stats and "eliminations" are counted every single time anyone you so much as sneezed towards ends up dying
>duoing with friend puts me at several hundred MMR lower than when i solo due to his rating
>I eventually drop hundreds of points just playing with him
The people at that mid-low Gold are fucking faggots that will give you grief for anything. And they wonder why no one wants to get into chat with them.
Disliked and not watched for chilling your shitty videos on Sup Forums.
your mspaint comic doesnt make your fedorable comment less fedorable
its old
even if the webm is old that is the current hitbox
incorrect; they were briefly changed to normal then were changed back in the hanzo buff (same update that nerfed genji)
not my video and i hate the overwatch community so go right ahead
Blizzdrone damage control
This player had no situational awareness at all. That does happen on PC as well but not quite as much.
You've never played Counter Strike:GO
Everybody loves waifus.
Are you a faggot or something?
I have about 30 hours from years of late night casual play once in a blue moon, but most are pretty nice. Even the kids attempt to be mature and the trolls would just discuss hentai or shemales to freak normals out.
I'm not the kind of waifufaggot that pretends I'm in it for the gameplay, especially when the gameplay is as unintuitive and garbage as Overwatch's
Here's the better version for you guys
everyone, because they paid money for overwatch
i got it for free from a friend (he lost a bet) and it's barely worth the space it takes up on my HDD
>Even the kids attempt to be mature
Nice try.
why do males even exist in this game anyway
they should just go DOA and gradually outnumber the men with females until everyone forgets the men
CS:GO players tend to have more map knowledge and situational awareness than Overwatch players IMO. Overwatch players are usually TF2-tier kiddies who just w + m1
>No voice chat in league of legends
Feels bad man why do I even lift weights if I cannot pick fights.
>No veil
>Pagan tattoo
You dont know shit about egypt, that could get her raped and killed.
>why do males even exist in this game anyway
Because west likes waifus but doesn't like to play as waifus.
but I like waifus and only play as the females in Overwatch
>wanting voice chat in LoL
Hell fucking no dude I don't need to hear autists rage and babies cry