Nintendo Switch is region locked

>Previously, it was rumored that Nintendo’s upcoming console could be region-free, meaning games from other regions could be played on the system. However, thanks to the Switch’s latest public demonstration, others are also believing that this particular Switch had been a European unit, noting a European CE mark on the back of Switch. Equivalent to the United States FCC, the CE mark is required for products to be sold in Europe.

Why would they show a european version in the USA? unless all versions have this "CE" mark so it is region-free

Aha. And?

would that just mean that they have a European production line? I don't even think it will be region free because Nintendo but I'm not seeing how that information change anything

that doesn't mean a thing
do you know what region locking is

The CE mark is exclusively european.

That literally doesn't mean anything, my US New 3DS has the exact same mark.

The sheer fact that people have to worry about whether or not a Nintendo system is region locked shows how draconian they are. They're the ones that brought region locking into the videogame industry and they're still practicing this extremely anti-consumer practice.

Fuck everyone who supports them.

What's the big deal with region locking anyway?
Its not like anyone actually plays games out of their region.

That just means the yuro one can play americuck versions. There's no proof that there's a region lock yet. I'll start crying when it's not a rumor.

>What's the big deal with region locking anyway?
how about playing games years earlier (or at all in the case of half the fucking 3ds library).

and?? here's a ps3 with the anatel logo from brazil, my 3ds also have one, but one of them is region free and the other isn't

My 2DS has the CE on the back too.

My DS does not.

Blunder after blunder.

When will Nintendo learn?

if anything this proves it IS region free.

The wii and 3ds are region locked yet they outsold their competitors, so I don't think they'll change their wys.

It doesn't prove anything. My New 3DS ahs the exact same mark.


Does this mean that the stupid Mario x Rabbids RPG is fake too since the region free rumour also came from the same guy?

It doesn't make any sense why NoA would just happen to have an European Switch laying around instead of the American version. Also, the Japanese 3DS LL also has the CE marking and is still region locked, we won't know shit until next month.

one production line with same logos across entire world

>never got to play Jump Ultimate Stars or Ouendan 2

Wow, sucks to be you

And the DS was region free.

Case fucking CLOSED, baby.

Listen to this

How do you know that's not an european Switch?


it just might be.

which means it makes no difference

That RPG rumor came from several different places, though.

I work at a Japanese company and work with other Japanese companies and I can tell you that aside from bankruptcy and losing some serious assets, they will never learn. The Japanese are extremely inflexible and unable to come up with new directions for their companies. The head of Softbank isn't even a real Japanese, so it's literally limited to their country's people.

it's the same guy who said ''I have several sources''.

>Its not like anyone actually plays games out of their region.
i dont do it so no one does

My laptop and laptop charger both have that CE mark on them, does that mean they're region locked too?

Softbank sucks. They've got the most expensive plan. I went with Docomo while I was living in Japan. They don't bilk you as much as Softbank.

Gamexplain also says it's happening, and there's a guy who works in marketing on NeoGAF who turned out to have been hinting that the game existed for like a year now.

Gamexplain also thinks Mario Switch will be open-levelled like 64 and Sunshine.

>made to travel
>but you can't take it out of your region

Smart move Nintendo.

A lot of people do that.

>>but you can't take it out of your region
what exactly do you think region locking is?

Cool source

You can't buy games on the go anymore with region locking. You can only buy them from one region.

Isn't that against the Switch's ideaology?

Nintendo needs to take notes from Apple

it splodes each time you take it out of your contrys boorders

course you can, just buy them digitally, not to mention not being able to buy physical copies locally doesn't mean ''can't take it out of a region''.

>just buy them digitally

Isn't Nintendo the only company still supporting physical releases, supposedly? If I'm just gonna buy everything digitally, that removes the only advantages they offered.

>Isn't Nintendo the only company still supporting physical releases, supposedly?

>buy them digitally
There is no "buy" in "digitally".

the one who removed the headphone jack for no reason at all?


what do you call buying games from Steam?

This "proof" is laughable. I live in Asia and I have the CE mark at the back of my 3DS

>I live in Asia
My deepest condolences.

You always tell me "haha you're just renting it stupid valvedrones!"

Now it's okay when Nintendo does it?

>You always tell me
no I didn't.


And this is why Nintendo does shit like still region locking in 2017

>I live in Asia
Designated shitting streets Asia or Bing bong ching chong Asia?

you're buying a license with physical media too, the only difference is that the data came recorded on a disc
if you download the game on a hard drive, write the name on it and store it somewhere it's basically the same thing, but it has the advantage that if you lose it you're entitled to download it again for free

why is Sup Forums such clickbait garbage
worse than kotaku at this point

region locking only makes their systems have more atempts at hacking.

The wii u has been more hacked than the PS3, there's even a semi-working emulator already.

One key difference being you don't ever have to take your Nintendo platform online again and they can't do shit if you're not online, Steam forces you to every couple weeks so they can do just that.

The wiiu is also easier to hack than the PS3.
Dont be dumb.

>passive aggressive nintendrone response
every time


Point being rampant piracy just facilitates tighter restrictions, like region locking for no apparent other reason. DS was region free and piracy was a big problem later in its life, software sales were noticeably affected and smaller niche games were pirated often enough for them to have been commercial flops and never saw sequels.

Not that I dont believe the Switch is region free but where's the source?

A CE mark isn't proof of region locking as many products in this thread can attest to.

nintendo did regionlocking to avoid people to buy japanese games 'with no reason'

it was just business, not to spite pirates.

look, i hate nintendos censorship just as much as anyone, but at least, blame them for actual plausible things and not just blind hatred and bias.

Bait threads should be bannable offenses.

>the one who made something unrelated to this subject?
edin my friend x'D

>was a big problem later in its life
around 2011 maybe, when the it had been mostly abandoned for its succesor.

It's a safer place than freedom land, at least

they do? I have the client installed on a computer that didn't went online for quite some time and it never stopped me from playing on offline mode

>Steam forces you to every couple weeks so they can do just that.

This is more reason that it's not region locked.

How desperate can you be?

Sooooooooooooo its going to be the same as every console ever made with region specific games??? I know you guys reach really high to attempt to shit on anything nintendo but holy shit.

>Nintendo consistently decides to censor releases, or not even bring games over at all
>Don't even have the decency to enable a feature for their consumers to import things if they so want to

In Japan it can often be cheaper to import a game from overseas than to buy locally
Retailers tend to kick up a shitstorm when that happens, see also: the American import ban on new cars

>This is more reason that it's not region locked.
No it isn't, stop making shit up.

Read the first few posts in this thread and you can fathom why. Don't be a moron.

Why are acting like we're surprised?
Every single Nintendo console is region locked.
Only the handhelds (excluding the 3DS) are not region'd.

>what do you call buying games from Steam?
You should read the SUBSCRIBER agreement you agree to when using Steam.

making stupid decisions that benefit no one seems to be on point with the subject

You seem to have misunderstood, I'm hating on pirates and their retarded "Why haven't you stolen all your games yet :)" threads, because it just makes Nintendo tighten their grip, not loosen it.

>Retailers tend to kick up a shitstorm when that happens
Except that's bullshit seeing as how PS home consoles thrive despite their lack of region locking, and like everything else PS3/PS4 games cost a hell of a lot more in Japan than elsewhere.

So that's reason to punish the non-pirates, who want to play your games, but cant because they don't import them?


I've seen that CE mark on tons of things here in America. I don't think that makes it region locked, I hope not at least.

>ps home consoles
consoles are fucking DEAD in japan.
its all mobiles and handhelds.

And your source is?


>you're buying a license with physical media too
Wrong. A license entitles to something.
>if you download the game on a hard drive, write the name on it and store it somewhere it's basically the same thing
Wrong. Try selling that "download game" to someone. Hint: It's illegal.

>Think you have an informed opinion by reading posts in a Sup Forums thread

Don't be a moron.

Nintendo basically counts on their flagship first party titles to sustain them and their primary target market is Japan. They will never stop region locking. Hell, even mario run requires constant network access to play.

It has nothing to do with that, it's the fact that japanese games are expensive so they want to prevent japanese people from importing from other regions which is cheaper.

>no source

until concrete proof is posted, then I will be mad, but until then. Not mad yet.

I could use your exact logic for OP's post too. Way to go.

Well, it's typed in greentext. So it must be true.

Yes, that's usually how it goes. The people who don't play by the rules ruin it for everyone else.


>PS4 is the fastest selling console of all time

Yes, this December has been the fastest selling point in PS4's history and their games top japan's most wanted lists.