Do you want to know? This game is not as bad as they say, to be honest I am genuinely amusing myself with it...

Do you want to know? This game is not as bad as they say, to be honest I am genuinely amusing myself with it, the core of gameplay is good and solid, though I have to admit that the rest could be better, but in the end what really matters Is the gameplay, I can not wait for the second season that launches in a few days.

That said, what do you guys think of the current state of the game? Be honest.

Other urls found in this thread:

I play this game everyday and I still can't recommend it to people.

>abysmal SP content that can be finished in under a day
>patronizing difficulty level set to dumb as a baby
>shitty tutorial that doesn't even let you figure shit out yourself

But the fighting in and of itself?


The characters are cool and the game will still be the largest online fighting game if you don't count Smash.

One of the awesome aspects of SFV is the corssplay and the fact that it's accessible as fuck.

i agree i do think that the core gameplay is fine, but it really lacks complexity that the older games had with some of their unique systems

third strike had parrying and 4 had focus attacks, and while they had their fair share of problems, i think it really added another layer to the game and opened up a lot of possibilities

in comparison, v-skills and v-triggers are not that amazing. i also think that a lot of the characters didn't transition very well and are not fun to play compared to their old counterparts

I'm really excited for season 2, Akuma is a great way to start it off. I heard that the characters i season 2 will be new to the Street Fighter series. I think that's great because it may appeal to new players who don't want to have to be super familiar with all these old characters to get into the game.

Love it. Can't wait to see the changes and new fighters. Wish there was a way to play ranked without losing points lol, too many retards/ smurfs in casual.
The launch was a fucking disgrace however. And the stages suck balls, especially when u compare them to sf4 stages. The fighting system and overall gameplay is superb tho.
Here's hoping capcom owns up to the fuckery of the games launch and gives long time players some kind of bonus like special outfits or colors or free fight money or something. I love sf and I been playing sfv since the alpha but the launch was a sad display. They should reward loyal fans :D

So this is the fakest thread I've seen in a while.
How much are they paying you cunts?

I love the game, but the amount of losses due to lag is infuriating.

The shit footsies kills it desu. After that it's how samey everyone plays because of how focus tested the game feels since they're scared of anything being broken. Super meter use feels good since it strikes a good balance between supers and EX strength

I think it's absurd that you can't say anything positive about any game on Sup Forums these days without being called a shill, outside of shit like Shantae I guess, that gets a free pass for some reason.

Feel like you're fitting in yet you underage fuck

I feel like sfv is mainly just going to appeal to hardcores and capcom is taking a hard stance on that.

MVCI is going after casuals.

I'm indifferent. I wish Capcom handled it better. But it's too late. I guess they're trying to salvage what they can though.

The gameplay itself is okay I suppose? I'm just a causal at the end of the day. But it works.

>But it's too late
>less than a year after release

Adhd as fuck

Waiting for the super duper edition after evo which has all the released characters and costumes

I like SFV just because the charged characters are so wacky. I mean they are not great on a technically level but you can do some banana stuff.

But where's the lobby though?

Where do you live user?

>the core of gameplay is good and solid
This is actually the worst part of the game. SFV neutral is worse than ST, 3S, and USFIV by far. And I don't even like 3S.

>Literally say 6 things about the game that's fucked
>List 2 positives


Neo Sup Forums is the worst.

Don't be pedantic. I meant by "Too late" I wish they got it right the FIRST time though.

NA East coast. just got my game back after a week, been seeing lobby threads all week and feeling like i missed out

can't transfer cfn to steam and vice versa

whose dumbass decision was this

Why do you want to do that? Smurfing is fun.

that means I have to buy the game again and the characters

I think it's an awful incomplete game even after a YEAR of it's launch and I feel sorry for the people that bought day 1 because they basically bought an alpha.

Even if could transfer the CFN from one platform to the other you would still need to buy the game again.

>Core gameplay is good and solid

Disagree its actually my biggest issue as a GG/KOF player and i've never had a issue with this in any other SF game. Its neutral game is ass and everything about it seems to encourage you to take stupid risks to get in and try to land 2 combos into stun through strike throw guessing games

AAs are weak overall
Pokes are stubby overall
Dashes are retardedly fast well walk speeds are averagely bad.
Specials and poke normals have mediocre framedata

Its really lack luster but season 2 and its changes are on the right track thus far. Or atleast potential PSX changes to season 2. Season 1 was ass.

rainbow six siege did a year 2 complete edition last month...c'mon capcom where is the super edition for season 1/2

Other than Arcade mode I don't see what's it's still missing. It's got more features than SF4U does.

Bought it Day 1 and I'm actually satisfied with the game as whole. Yeah, online blows sometimes due to its stupid architecture, but the actual fights make up for that. Plus, Akuma couldn't have come at a better time.

Played SFIV for a total of 1,000 hours and got already half in SFV not even a year after release.

The gameplay is worse than other Street Fighters. see The lack of characters is awful, the lack of modes is unacceptable and if we go by artstyle the ogre proportions are terrible.

The game was released incomplete, it still IS incomplete and I hope CAPCOM goes bankrupt for this kind of scummy shit.

It's enjoyable in the short term, it's just not something I would want to invest hundreds of hours into.

It's probably not fair, but I set the bar a lot higher for competitive games.

Being worse doesn't make is a incomplete game tho. He said it's still incomplete even after a year and I disagree. It has plenty features to warrant a full price now.

How can u say sfv lacks characters? Literally every iteration of sf began with less characters than it ended with. Obviously capcom will add more and yes, you will have to pay for them but that's ok. You only have to buy the ones you want, instead of an entire expansion.

The slow steady trickle of new characters gives players a chance to learn those characters in depth as well as adapt :to the overall system. What's the point of a 40 character roster if 90% of the player base never even scratches the surface of what one character is capable of? Judging by the posts on this board and trophy data of the game, most players never left bronze, which means that time to adapt is exactly what ppl need. Now all capcom needs to do is entice new players, and unfortunately they did shoot themselves in the foot with that shitty shitty launch

m8 you gotta put some more work in


Do I need to buy a stick for this? This is my first Street fighter game and I feel frustrated because I think using the PS4 controller is holding my execution back, especially the seemingly oversensitive trigger buttons. For the record I played Marvel a lot on the 360 controller and had no such issues, so is this just a dualshock problem?

NuckleDu just won Capcom Cup with a DS4, so the answer is no, you don't need one.

You're fine with whatever pad you're comfortable with.

This whole "you need a fight stick to play fightan"is a meme.

You really don't. Just keep using the Dualshock you'll get used to it. If that's still not working out for you. Then sure get a stick.

When will you capcuck defenders just end yourselves.

Your opinon doesn't matter, they just want your money so keep buying those costumes. Actual criticism, on the other hand, they listen to.

The gameplay is good if not a bit simplistic and flawed. Absolutey everything else is a steaming pile of dogshit and they seem more focused on pumping out dlc costumes for chun li than fixing it.

People who regularly go to local tournaments have been loving it even since day 1. Don't believe the memes.

Big step up from 4 at the very least.

>5 new characters instead of sodom
literally, die job death car?

I like the game, it's boring to watch thou.
I just wish Alex still had the DDT just because.

The "new characters" might have been a mistranslation though, a guy pointed out earlier the japanese site for the season 2017 pass doesn't mention "new" anywhere, all they say is "Akuma + 5 additional characters"

Guess we'll find out soon enough, don't give up hope.

>the japanese site for the season 2017 pass doesn't mention "new" anywhere
Man people are getting really desperate about Ingrid not getting in.

I just hope they do a better job of keeping the characters a secret this time around. Last time the entire DLC roster was datamined within a day or two.

Ingrid was never canon to begin with, she could still get in if it were to be only characters "new to the SF universe".

>being THAT desperate

SFV neutral is garbage.

jumping in was tossed in the trash as half of the cast have a 3-5 frame normal that completely obliterates your heaviest jump in normal.

The hitboxes on many normals themselves are absolute ass and you'll have your fucking low forward phase right through someone for no good reason despite spacing it to the animation.

most special have abysmal frame data on them, making pressure strings consist almost entirely of jabs and mp's in an attempt to frametrap.

and giving chun li jab links despite no other character in the cast having them.

fuck this game.

Shit will leak no matter what, YogaFlame24 got the names of all the Season 2 characters and was going to leak it earlier today, UltraDavid convinced him otherwise so he pussied out, but if he had info on Season 2 characters it's fair to assume other Youtubers do aswell.

id rather they leak it cuz being made to pay for a mystery box is kinda shitty
dunno he leaked marvel too when nobody else did so he seems to have his own source

I fucking love every aspect of it to death. The movement feels fluid and smooth, not like the underwater acrobatics that was SFIV. Combos aren't retardedly easy or retardedly hard now. The fight money system is genius and lets you keep up to date without spending a dime, rather than having to drop another $60 every year. The Story modes, both for the individual characters and the big cinematic one were cute as fuck, and even had some genuinely cool moments, and between these and having survival mode I can't fathom why people still have such a Hard-on for Arcade mode. The game balance isn't perfect, but any character can still pull off cool shit in the right hands. The entire way the CFN is handled, from lobbies, the replays, the rankings, and especially the crossplay is fantastic. The music is sublime, I like the art style despite what people say, all the DLC costumes and stages so far have been worth the cash, and all the girls are so goddamn fine
>inb4 shill
M8 I fucking wish. Call me a Capcuck, It's true, I'm gay as hell for most of their IP' s. If they payed me to shill this game on Sup Forums then I'd be the happiest man alive. Love you SFV, keep playing the slow and steady game, don't let these faggots stop you.

>Combos aren't retardedly easy

Why is this game unplayable in windowed mode?

Not him, but for how supposedly easy the combos in SFV are, you see surprisingly many pros drop them.

Are they that easy? Idk, maybe I just suck.

What bothers me the most about this game is how watered down all the characters feel.
Yuri is a prime example, thye took everything that made her fun in 4 and just threw it out.

As much as i hated Ibukis vortex bullshit the mechanics that made her like that was what defined her.
Same with Geifs greenhand

They wouldn't even give Ryu his donkey kick back, that's how afraid they are about giving characters more tools

>Combos aren't retardedly easy
I guess you would have to think so to enjoy SFV.

>pc "gaming"

It was only a minority of people who liked how Juri played, that is why she got reworked.
Juri is one of SF most popular girls and people barely played even though she was considered really good because no one liked playing her.

she's only popular with weebs and footfags.

I'm neither and I love her.

I do have a thing for damaged goods, though.

Yeah not sure why they removed it.

Did they ever actually do anything about the 1 Round Fight Money exploit?

I always thought it was hilarious that people would brag about how Capcom wouldn't do shit about it, yet I never see anyone mention it anymore so they must have.

capcom deleted everyone's fight money and sent a warning saying they'd be banned if they did it again

Juri is a shell of her former self, bison can't pressure with scissor kicks anymore, vega can't pressure with rolls anymore, guile can't pressure with sonic booms anymore unless he's 3/4 screen away, gief has to just walk forward and occasionally parry, ryu and ken can't poke with low forward into fireball anymore, balrog can't headbutt reversal or anti-air worth a fuck, sim was retooled into a setplay heavy offensive character instead of a dedicated zoner, cammy and ken can just ex divekick to get in for free and bypass neutral completely, mika is one of the most flowcharty and linear characters I have ever seen in a fighting game, ibuki doesn't have her best poke anymore

Footsies just weren't put in this game. It's incredibly streamlined and overly emphasized on approaching and pressuring for a Street Fighter title. Midscreen neutral isn't as important as it should be and what's there regarding it is terrible because a lack of midranged pokes, fast forward dashes, ex divekicks, and lack of recovery on other pokes which forces you to premptively press a heavy button (which are punishable by jumps).

Rather than having to actually outplay your opponent in neutral you now have to premptively guess to get in and get your momentum going, which often leads to you just winning the round because of a lack of defensive options. And it's going to be even worse now that they're gating invincible reversals for everyone behind ex moves when they should have given more characters these defensive options instead. Woshige and Combofiend were a mistake and they're going to run this game into the ground.

That's not the point tho.
I don't care how many people like or don't like a character.

No matter how much i fucking hated El.Furte and thought he belonged in a different game i could see why some people would like him, because his gameplan is so fucking out of bounds from "normal" street fighter character.

Another example in the different end is Ken.
I think they did a super job defining him as a character in V, because now he actually is his own character and not just a Ryu clone anymore.
But there are so few examples of this in V, it's a waste

>you now need to use your brain to play defensively
>this is somehow a bad thing

>waaaahhhh those characters lost their tools from the previous game and I don't care they got new ones

>you now need to use your brain to play defensively
You flat out cannot play defensively the same way you could in past games. SFV was thoroughly polished to prevent people from playing lame which also streamlines the characters into all playing the same. And if you don't have momentum you're just one or two guesses away from death right then. SFV is a guessing game no matter what phase of gameplay you're in. It's a guessgame in neutral and it's a guessgame on defense.

And yeah, characters being simplified and losing tools is not a good thing, and their new tools aren't even useful in a game where getting momentum is just about dashing and jumping and preemptively hitting buttons. There's just no way that anyone that understands SFV would argue that it's a smarter game than past Street Fighters.

I think it's the best vanilla SF to date and I have high hopes for the future of the game.

I also genuinely enjoy the business model. I like balance updates but I usually only play 3 or less characters, so being forced to buy them was kind of shitty. I'll likely never spend another cent on the game.

>I think it's the best vanilla SF

Well technically it's not vanilla SF anymore.

>it's the best vanilla SF to date
that's not saying much since all vanilla SF's are terrible.

Waaahhhh I can't play sfv exactly the same way I played sf4!!!!

Waaaahbhh capcom never consulted me about how to design sfv!!!!!! My 18 years of life experience and illustrious (imaginary) career as a game dev makes me qualified to complain about things I don't understand!!!!!

All vanilla fighting games are pretty ass. Them and RTSes require the most fine tuning to go from good to great.

Season 2 hasn't dropped yet has it?

I think he may be referring to the fact that there won't be any priced balance updates anymore. There will only be one version of SFV, therefore it will be the vanilla game for its entire lifespan.

On that note: eight more days.

It's done everything in its power to be nothing like Street Fighter and Season 2 just doubles down on that.

>Season 2 hasn't dropped yet has it?

Well no, but if we're talking about vanilla we're talking about the state of the game on release, technically it should be vanilla SFV > SFV Season 1 > SFV Season 2

U could call any fighting game a guessing game.

There's not really much skill involved with EX cancelled DP's.

Define street fighter.

Season 1 didn't have any balance changes did it? Season 2 is the equivalent of Super Street Fighter 5 if you want to say that. We're arguing semantics though and I'm confident you knew what I meant.

You can't play SFV clean like you could with 4 or 2 or CVS2 because the game rewards guesses and pressure and punishes you for relying on reactions or turtling. This is a bad thing because Street Fighter until now has always had room for both rushdown, dedicated zoning, and dedicated footsies. Character specific gameplans in SFV take a backseat to the universal gameplan of getting in and frametrapping. Which is also a bad thing.

>Season 1 didn't have any balance changes did it?

There was that big one balance patch when Alex was released that fixed a lot of stuff, granted it was just major game breaking things but still.

That would ordinarily have been fixed between arcade and console release. But I get your point.

>Definte Street Fighter
It's been more focused on zoning, spacing, and footsies rather than frametrapping and approaching/movement than now. It's had lots of varying playstyles regarding its characters until now. It's also more methodical than other fighting games which gives new players a standard way of playing "correctly," at least until now since everything in SFV is a player specific read, which also makes your character specific gameplan and playstyle unimportant.

So yes, SFV has pretty much undone everything about Street Fighter that was good before in an effort to make it more accessible.
True but SFV is the most guess-oriented Street Fighter to date.

>True but SFV is the most guess-oriented Street Fighter to date.
No thats 3s.
Actually ST too, with the way Balrog and Vega work.

the meme is everyone shitting on the game even during capcom cup itself and wanting better while they were propping it up due to capcom cup fight money

season 2 patch notes came out and everyone has been depressed saying how less fun all these changes are

>SFV has no footsies!
>SFV is just guessing and doing stuff!
You assclowns have your heads so far up your asses, but it's unfortunate you will never choke on your own shit.

This is a high level match of ST. You see very few whiff punishes, but many pre-emptive attacks ("doing stuff") and wake up pressure. According to your own definition, this is not Street Fighter, and yet it is found in the game that defines the series to this very day.

Get fucked.

Honestly. I bought it and I prefer Tekken Tag 2. Then again, Tekken Tag was my childhood and Tekken Tag 2 nostalgias me every time so bias ensues

Yeah, play a TRUE street fighter like 2 where REAL footsies are mandatory!

You dont even play fighting games.

All fighting games are guessing games and charecter specific strategies are largely superficial. The only reason ppl complain about sfv is because they haven't adjusted to the overall flow of the game, a legit complaint what with the 8 or 6.5 or whatever frames of lag.

On a side note, does anyone notice the similarities between reducing input lag a la sfv and speeding up the whole game a la ssf2>ssf2t?

I like it more than iv and people bitching about single player content get on my nerves since no one is going to play it more than once so it is a waste of resources.

Some do bring up the point that it turned off new customers which is perfectly valid if you work for capcom and care how much money they make. For me matchmaking is a little slow (definitely not dead though) and I wouldn't have minded them delaying the game to have the season 1 characters at launch as the starting roster felt way too small for a modern fighting game. Also felt like they changed a lot of characters up just to say they changed them making them worse in the process WHY DOES ALEX HAVE TO JUMP THEN LAND TO PULL OFF A HEADBUTT WHEN BEFORE IT WAS BACK HP

Turbo was like doing the opposite.
Suddenly reacting is harder because its all faster, and the frameskips can eat your inputs which is great when reversals have a 1f window.

Because now its a command grab that goes over fireballs and lows.

Alex is much better in 5 than he was in 3.
Same with characters like Birdie and Dhalsim.
Some did get dicked over though.

sim is better than 4's shit show, but he's nowhere near as good as he was in ST or alpha. he was top tier in both of those games.

Wasn't Birdie like super broken in Alpha 1 or 2? I remember a lot of pro players used to play him.

There's a very high chance Dhalsim will be S tier in Season 2.

>Dhalsim was traditionally a keepaway character
I want to find the person responsible for this.

SF4 turned a very versatile keepout/rushdown character into an extremely bland zoner with really bad defensive options.
And then they insisted on adding more and more characters that simply bypass the neutral game for free.

10/10 design.