Tfw no Catherine sequel

>tfw no Catherine sequel

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Thats cause the canon ending is space

Nah, Vincent appears in Persona.

>tfw no DLC for gf

Holy fuck a lot of people have shit taste


Just finished the game for the first time about half an hour ago, does the story change in any way if I make the meter go towards the other end?

Yeah, 41% is a lot higher than I expected.

Yep and it is also determined if you finished the Rapunzel game.

keep the meter at the exact midle for only true ending

>all these betas picked katherine

truly spineless

>majority law answers for every answer



Unironically cannot understand why people don't choose Katherine

>But she's a bitch
Yeah, because the MC is a fucking loser.

The story would have made more sense if Katherine was ugly, but she's hotter than Catherine anyway.

I doubt we'll ever see another game like that from Atlus.
I hope I'm wrong though.

Are there some games like Catherine minus the fucking block pushing (no light novels)? I probably count as a weeb and I found everything outside of the main game play a hoot

>Slut wins out against loyalty

>minus the fucking block pushing
But that shit is awesome, without that it's nothing.

Now now, sons of man.
You wouldn't want to upset YHVH would you?

You mean literal semen demon wins against emotionally manipulative unstable ball and chain.

>no block push
>no vn
nigga what the fuck theres nothing left

>I want a puzzle game without the puzzles

>Choosing Catherine
Just cuck my shit up, senpai.

I just got this game and played about the first puzzel level and quit. I like the style, art and theme going for the game but the puzzels felt too complex for my brain.

Not canon

What do transpeople look like in their 40s and 50s? Serious question, just don't want to go to /lgbt/ and be called a shitlord about it.

Persona 3-5 maybe? They're somewhat similar but in a high school setting and with RPG gameplay instead of the block puzzles. Vincent also has a cameo in P3.

>quitting after the very first one
Yeah you should probably kill yourself.

I still don't know how the fuck I did this.

>first puzzle level
the fuck
I can understand some of the later levels being challenging, but the first one?

>What do transpeople look like in their 40s and 50s?

>dat reading comprehension
There could be other forms of game play, I guess the Persona series is the only good shit out there

>majority of people chose to be with the shitskin instead of the pure Aryan

Not surprised, majority of people chose Jane over Kenny


>shitty puzzle game

No thanks

Yeah there's like 6 different endings

>Chaosslaves and HOYposters pick Catherine over a sweet, pure, innocent, thoughtful, selfless, and loving wife.
Burn in hell, failures. May God have mercy on you.

There's nothing about the endings that would lend to a sequel. Plus I think Atlus said that they plan for the Golden Playhouse to be a through line for other games. That Catherine was just one story taken place there.

So this is the average intelligence of a weeb

>weet, pure, innocent, thoughtful, selfless, and loving

We clearly did not play the same game

>not just leaving things be
dude, just fuck it man. fuck gods and shit.

they were busy making Persona 5, now they are free. who knows

>When given the choice between freedom and obligation, most people choose to be a slave

Can't say I'm really surprised, but still. The entire game was a giant social experiment, the only real questions are if it gave the results they were looking for, and how those results will translate into future games they make.

Though I wonder if that's the global average, or just Eastern or Western totals.

muy muerto

If they managed to pass, generally they'll just pass as an older woman or man. If they never managed to pass when young, things get ugly.

Bad. Just like non-trans people.

Dagna fuck off

>mfw butthurt weeb tears when Catherine was revealed to be a puzzle game and not a JRPG

It's like you didn't even pay attention to Katherine's route.

K for life

just look at bruce jenner

>Just like non-trans people
Either delusional tranny or never seen a 50 year old trans before

Best case scenario - see Caitlyn Jenner. That's someone who was in shape and had the money for world-class treatments/surgeries, clothes, makeup, etc.

This would be awesome nothing against persona but it has gotten stale. Especially when they like to make the 30ish hour games stretched out to 80+.
And refuse to ditch the limited nature of it being a hs setting.

Different story, different problem, different characters. Different puzzle system. But still gloomy feel. Bar at night/improved text message system. Same morale dilemna system etc.

Catherine is probably one of my favourite games of all time. And i seriously thirst for something similar.
as well as a pc port[/spoiler
even though i already own it on both xbawx and ps3

Not black men. They look the same until they're 80

>Not wanting an alpha chick with a future
Some "man" you are.

>sweet, pure, innocent, thoughtful, selfless, and loving
Except that's not Katherine at all. If she was any of those things then choosing her would also lead to the space ending, the true dream realised. Disregard whore and acquire rocket ships.

What the fuck there's a competitive Catherine scene

>he's never seen an asian woman.
Underated post.

Why do I never see many pics of people in that age bracket? Is it because it's easier now than before?

What about someone who took meds at a younger age?

You didn't see it at EVO?

It was probably because "Catherine" was a fake demon slut who was manipulating you and had virtually no character development


>Is that okay with you?

>tfw answering anything honestly i can get wild variation on the meter based on my mood while playing and what's going on in my life.
That's normal r..r...right?

>Are there some games like Catherine minus the actual fun part of the game
Kill yourself. Like literally kill yourself. Your post actually disgusted me.

Clearly you chose the demon who lead you astray, lost lam.
Get off the internet, Dagda.
Lust is a sin, to make love without care or sympathy is truly a horrid thing.

If there's any sort of justice in the world, I'd want either a Catherine rerelease or a sequel under the conditions that there would be online multiplayer. I've seen the fucking crazy competitive Catherine scene on Twitch and I'd want to be able to play like that. Literally everyone I try to play it with rages within 4 games and I don't even do anything special

I did this and ended up with a really shitty ending. You're just gonna get one of those half assed, not "true" ending

That's not a no, user~

Not a troll. The predominantly kill themselves. Also not that many because despite what new education will teach you, trannies haven't always been around. Especially the trying to pass/non sexual deviant kind. So theor aren't that many to begin with since it's a fairly new phenomenon.
No like first time i played it got negative just buy being honest. Second time somewhat inbetween third time hardcore moralefag.


Does xbone BC improve anything though? Also hows it handle on psnow? I wanna play on my shita.

It's a lot more tense than you'd first think.

>english version broke the tower so it's impossible to complete without doing it in coop
>best end is locked behind it

fuck you atlus

Unfuckable. Any attractive feminine feature a man has, natural, meds, surgery, they will all vanish.

? There is nothing to improve, it would just be nice to put the disc in the xbone and play it there. I dont have a playstation, no idea how ps now is, heard it was shit though unless you have perfect internet

What about asians?? Pic related is in her 40's


>Remove gameplay
Fucking nu-males and YT-generation, you should find another hobby.
>No light novels
You mean the VN part? Just fucking watch a move or anime you retard.

Are there any games like Catherine with the block pushing?

Disgusting. If that thing gave out free sex, I would rather just fap to porn than fuck it.
No, is one of a kind doing this sort of fusion between story and puzzle.

Use two controllers. Or just call the neighborhood kid to help you, is not that hard.

In the non-canon run.

Id much have another entry in the Golden Playhouse series. It seems they wanted to do something with that.

Like another morality based game.

I mean improve in terms of hacking higher internal resolution or something. Framerate is fine in Catherine, but maybe it'd be more stable in other games? Etc etc.

Why not post Lucy liu instead of killing my boner like that?

Play the SMT games.

I played mostly shooters and action rpg user. The last game i played that somewhat forced me to use me brain was zelda skyward sword which was like 5 years ago but that game had hint videos.... Sooo ehh. Tales of symphonia forced me to watch youtube videos just beat the game.

Smt, while good. Just isn't the same.
Persona 4 id probably the closest and even that's...

This is what happen when you let retarded kids grow around vidya - SAD !

The english version has been completed solo it's just really fucking hard.

Oh my God what the fuck?

Why is this so good? That's rad. My game is melee and I follow that scene but I heard about Catherine competitive from Toph

doesn't really need a sequel

Xbone bc plays 360 games identically. What it does sometimes is smooth out frame rates, has better loading times, or increase AA