NOTHING is safe. This is getting a refound on Steam ASAP.
NOTHING is safe. This is getting a refound on Steam ASAP.
Oh shit there's Yuri?
never mind the politics of it, that's just bad writing. Do you meet someone and say "and this is my beautiful wife X"? Christ. At most, "and this is X, my wife."
Imagine being so autistic and cemented in your basement that you think a gay person existing is political
Imagine complaining about those "sjws getting triggered" but you're so triggered by the word "wife" you can't bring yourself to play a video game anymore and demand your money back.
Stay assblasted virgin.
Women were allowed to take other women as partners in various ancient cultures.
I'll be so happy when being homosexual isn't seen as political.
Do you honestly think anyone on this board can answer that from experience?
Christ I feel so alone.
This wouldn't have been as annoying if
1) There was any quest associated with these 2.
2) There were more than 5 houses in the entire game.
I was a huge fan of the game, but are you fucking kidding me? This deserved a unique room?
that is fucking disgusting, i've never seen so revolting character models. i wish i knew why they seem so jarring.
>This deserved a unique room?
Snowflakes melt if not kept at the correct temperature.
>not reminding your wife that you find her beautiful every chance you get
Enjoy your loveless marriage.
Can you rape them both?
>Do you meet someone and say "and this is my beautiful wife X"?
You must be very alone to think this doesn't happen. Of course people say that. They're giving their wife a compliment while also introducing them, you fucking moron.
Trannies often use hyperbole on twitter. Look at responses to Cosmo Wright's maniacal ramblings.
you're not a woman and never will be tranny
>implying he'll ever come close to even the possibility of marriage
Learn how to spell correctly before posting on this forum
Her name is Narcissa you fucking shitlord
How is that political? If that's political then jhaving any event person or relationship in a game is political.
Go play a game with no plot like dark souls so you don't get triggered
Pretty sure they start shouting and demanding attention if not kept at the correct temperature
were there even gay people in medieval times?
A fucking men to that brother. The "women can hold land because men went off to sea" didn't trigger me because world building and making it different from reality. The fact that I swear it seems you meet more women in charge than men by a factor of 3:1 didn't trigger me because fantasy and fictional characters. But this shit is just "why is this included?"
The could just be a non-bigoted dude? Nowhere does it indicate that they're either woman or trans...
nice thread OP you really upset the trannies, there's one samefagging like 5 times
I'm still not sure if a samesex couple would even have a shred of acceptance in a medieval world, just awful writing
Yes... There have always been gay people user. It's quite disturbing that I even have to answer this.
Which fits the definition of a meltdown I believe.
It'd be better if they were anime girls tbqh.
OP, my man. My dude. I have some bad news for you: gay people exist.
I'm sorry you had to hear it from me. And it may not seem like it now, but I promise you will recover from this devastating revelation.
>people are bitching about Tyranny being SJW
>you get to kick a dyke traitor off a tower for being a rude bitch and then crush the skull of her accomplice
All you need are Barrik and Lantry, anyways.
>Please CENSOR this game so I don't have to get TRIGGERED
It wasn't spoken of much in Christian/puritan cultures but there were several other groups that were very sexually open.
Based on shit Chris Avellone has been saying Obsidian is basically a husk of its former self and is on its way out.
yeah, but I just like the image of a literal shouting snowflake better
The gayest. But they had the decency to hide it.
What? People often compliment each other when they introduce family or close friends.
This, why the fuck would a noble accept a sterile relationship to manage their property?
Hell, Romans were a bunch of buttfucking faggots but they still got married to maintain bloodlines and property.
>how dare anyone not respect my Sup Forums safespaces REEEEE
Holy shit you are a raging faggot OP.
Writing isn't supposed to mirror the real world. Slightly romanticizing an introduction gives it some extra flair, for lack of a better word. Your introduction is sterile and boring. Also, yes people absolutely do introduce their wife like that, you autist. Maybe not often in contemporary western society, but that's hardly what's in the game is it?
Fuck off, Todd. Obsidian is here to stay.
There is a political cartoon in here somewhere which would just consist of a snowflake yelling "I'm special". Along with the usual required THOSE FUCKERS and OUR SHIT notes.
Not the user you were talking to, but i think you're bad at reading people
>40 posts
>35 posters
lol @ tumblr raids
Yes, hence why places like the Italian city states had to make laws against sodomy. Funny enough though, I think they just ignored lesbians because in their logic what they did couldn't count as sex or something.
> someone with an opinion different than what i think is the sjw tumblrina boogeyman
>all butthurt trannies in this thread
What's with all the tumblr in this thread?
Gays aren't normal, and you shouldn't pretend otherwise.
>deep in his parents basement.....
35? where are you getting that, cause I'm only seeing 31 ip's
>posting on the gayest place on the internet
>can't have children
>in a world with magic
No you are the retards anons, you're the ones trying to bring your IRL bullshit into a fantasy setting. We've practically got the tech to let lesbos have children right now and we don't have any fucking magic to work with, in fact the real issue blocking progress is "ethics" but a setting like this wouldn't give a shit about human experimentation and errors either so that's also not an issue.
Tyranny does have actual stupid writing, lots of it in fact, and times when it too falls for same bullshit you are in terms of failing to imagine the realistic effects powers would have on the setting. Fundamentally it sucks mostly just because it railroads you into a couple of stupid generic endings rather then letting you actually be a professional, loyal Hand of Judgement and giving the overlord a point. Total fucking waste of potential because the writers were fucking shitty hacks.
But the mere existence of gays in the game has zero to do with why it sucks.
Your butt hurt nourishes me
Normie please go. We are proud degenerates here
Don't reply to me again, I don't want to catch buttlicker.
I'm gonna lick your butt and your going to like it
There's a difference between liking girls (male) and outright being homo.
they had yet another round of layoffs just last week.
So you guys just make threads to circlejerk about how much you hate gays?
That's some pretty transparent insecurity.
How old are you now?
You can rp a loyal minion of Kyros. Just if you do that he betrays you instead of you betraying him.
No, don't listen to revisionist SJW historians. Gay people are a modern phenomenon.
And 'insecurity' is a lazy insult that completely misses everything anyone says.
And I'm sure you jacked off to that, didn't you, Todd? Go back to your shitty Fallouts while the big boys make some real games.
Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay
>EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One's typically associated with denial.
The differences normalfags belong on reddit
How can \v\ be insecure when they openly admit liking boipucci
>baby cries about babies crying
>das raysus, bluh
lol triggered niggered
Cool blog.
Sorry millennial but the adult population here were part of the last generation that was allowed to openly dislike gays.
>tfw my high school experience gays were just starting to be tolerated
>by the time my younger brother went to high school gay indoctrination was in full force
Just glad my bro hasn't ostracized me because I don't care about faggots.
I'm willing to bet Sup Forums's (admittedly vocal) gay userbase aren't the same ones in these sort of threads.
This isn't reddit
You are a millennial too if you went to high school in the last 20 years
Not that anone, but your reply really highlights your butt hurt
I know this is off topic, but im surprised the ancient greeks found any time to reproduce inbetween their rampant homosexuality and peadophilia.
99 percent chance you're a millennial yourself, and if not you should probably get your life together.
actually the big boys are jumping ship from obsidian while the cabin crew are being thrown overboard.
Sup Forums is gay as fuck, user
Disliking shitty pandering SJW bullshit in vidya isn't the same as hating fags. You'd recognise that if you weren't so insecure.
I'm a walking example of why you're wrong
>implying they wouldn't have been fucking crucified by the church if anyone knew they were gay
> gay indoctrination
> indoctrination
I'm not the tranny user, I'm highlighting the pun.
He's butthurt because he's triggered and he's also butthurt because he takes it up the ass.
It literally only takes 5 minutes.
>Spartans were such faggots that men weren't even allowed to live with their wives until 30, they had to reproduce by sneaking out of their homo communal barracks and fuck their wives in secret
they probably like being crucified being the degenerates that they are
Having a gay character isn't pandering