what are your thoughts about playing online with people from other countries ?
What are your thoughts about playing online with people from other countries ?
It's really cool
If they speak English it's alright.
I'm tired of asking "ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT" in the mic after the continue for 15 minutes in Spanish or Russian.
I've learned to disrespect the Chinese people. The rest of them are alright.
Chinese aren't people. They're glorified ants.
Its alright, I can practice my elementary level Japanese this way. I can say though that JP is overrated, there are still bad mannered and mechanically bad nips out there. And they cant be assed to adjust on the fly and demand everyone to follow instructions to the letter
It was great to play Freedom Wars with koreans and japs. Those soulless motherfuckers were good.
Why do they have to speak your language?
itt: racism
1v1 is acceptable and even encouraged, anything requiring cooperation in a team is a clusterfuck only masochists can enjoy.
I avoid playing with other BRfags, so i can sympathize with burgers and yuros who do the same
It's always funny seeing cucks virtue signaling and trying to berate others for not wanting to deal with hue/chink/russian bullshit, like this guy over here
There are more spanish native speakers than english
Get over yourself, amerifat
It's pretty laggy, since everyone except New Zealand is far away, otherwise it's okay, fuck Asians though.
>playing with 4 russians that constantly small talk in russian is equally good as playing with 4 people that speak english.... or youre racist
There is super secret club for good players on russian servers with chinese language.
t. racism
Yet every country uses a ton of English.
oh fuck off you sensitive little bitch
Hillary could have saved us all, but you had to vote for Trump
>tfw shit internet
Sup Forumsfags will defend Russianshitters to the end of time.
And for good reason, russians are our white brothers
"Russians are bad" is a jew meme that has been around since the cold war and that has been recently recycled because they aren't bending over to globalist/lgbt cucks, don't be deceived by the kikes
As long as they're not BRs or Russians it's fine, but the closer the country is the better, so Mexicans and Canadians.
I don't mind other languages, if i'm playing on their servers.
I shouldn't have to listen to constant gibberish when I queue for my side of the country, I want communication in team games. Not curse words in a language I couldn't give a fuck about
They suck dick at video games and are notoroius cheaters
I don't listen to people if i'm playing with randoms.
I'm guessing English server infected with south americans even when they have their own servers
Hate it. It was bad enough when I had to deal with Canadians.
Maybe in the real world, in vidyagames they are complete shit.
hahaha aw did a leaf beat you at call of duty