Remember it's not about how many times you die it's about how many times you try!

Remember it's not about how many times you die it's about how many times you try!

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... Senpai

Can someone figure out what the fuck is written on Jackal X's chest?

Should I upgrade my fighter freezer to 6 slots or my restroom to 2 slots

they both cost 32000

Freezer easy. Restrooms are useless outside of endgame. It's basically an advertisement to everyone raid your base.

Freezer nets you a return as you can send the fighter out on expeditions.
Restroom makes you a target.

Why would they not release this on PC?


give it a few months and it should get a PC Release when everyone got everything

Is there a chart that shows the login rewards?
Honestly don't want to play again until I can get another 1 day express pass

Oddly enough, nobody saved a fighter I stole last night and I got to delete them.

I wanna say Partial.


Why are fists so good?
The only time I ever need to really use a weapon is when I'm fighting more than one enemy at once.
I even killed Jin-Die pretty easy with just fists.


This is more possible than you might think, save a person from low pop state or country and you might be ignored.

Most obvious viral ever and Sup Forums eats it up

I Really hope you can actually get jackal gear

that suit and sword looks fucking good

I can't believe this game is free. Is there even a paywall because I'm 13 floors in and nothing's been unfair.

>Most obvious viral ever
Enjoying your first 3 minutes on Sup Forums?

Because its free to play and its on a Sony console.
Probably the only reason it exists.

Floor 20 midbosses are YUUUUUUUUGE damage sponges. but you can out dps them with ZA WARLDO

it's a PlayStation exclusive, don't count on it

due to using the DS4 apparently

they wanted to make the most of the controller and decided to focus on one platform to do that

Yet another game ruined by From Software.

From Software and their piss poor Souls games are bad enough with no plot, shallow unbalanced combat, recycled content and bare bones map design. Now this is the fourth interesting game that tries to copy it and thus makes it even worse.

The combat is worse then Demon's Souls, because every action is so clunky and drawn out it is impossible to be agile or reactive. Your invincibility frames are too short, your attack animations last forever, your attack animations have extremely low range and area of effect, blocking is meaningless, lock on is ridiculous. The entire combat system is about running up to the enemy, stun locking them, then backing off. There is zero back and forth, or strategy to how you fight. It is the most primitive, meaningless system imaginable next to one based exclusively off random chance.

Actually had to stop using weapons, and just use fists; because fists are faster then everything else and thus the only way to fight competently is to just jab at enemies. Weapons have almost no additional range or swinging arcs, and are slowler and generally lead to unavoidable damage. Try it if you have not, not using weapons in this game is BETTER.

Stuck at the first Don now. You have to fight him in a limited area, and are stunned and damaged if you near the border; yet his attacks cover massive areas. High tracking double jab, instant area smash, instant dead on tracking ranged attack. Both his melee attacks knock you back onto the railings, which damage and stun you to get hit again. Even while knowing all his attacks, his area smash is still instant and thus cannot be reacted to; his ranged attack is virtually impossible to dodge intentionally; and his jab is also too accurate to consistently avoid.

>Yet another game ruined by From Software.
suck a cock, fuckboy

Anybody's been getting this limbo state in the elevator where you fight a version of yourself to get SPL? It was trippy at first but is getting kinda annoying since I've gotten it twice in a row.

>Time to open death premium
>hovering metal

All of this, after a series of platforming and fighting with more janked up enemies. And even best of all, the game does not sell healing items. You can get equipment from any floor, but healing items are harder to find and are potentially used up while you try to find them. What, it is required to farm healing items; a basic commodity of survival. The f***.

Really, the pay to play aspect of this game is worse then pay to win free games. Because in this game, you will die unfairly; and you cannot do anything about it. And the game ransoms this with store bought revivals; which it knows you will need because you will die unfairly.

Was killed five times at the start of the game, because kept eating deadly mushrooms while troubleshooting the tutorials and adapting to the fact that most games now use the touch pad for the pause or gestures menu.

They give you the option to kill yourself by eating mushrooms you do not want to eat, and tied it to a mechanic that goes against what most games do now; and is difficult to control. Yeah that is great, could the developers take all the creativity and spunk in this game and just sell it as an artbook, no s*** gameplay required just a pure experience of the only thing well done in this game.

Lords of the Fallen was garbage. Bug filled, unfair, utter garbage that does not even deserve to be retail.

Salt and Sactuary had amazing art and lore, but also was filled with janky elements and unfair combat.

Necropolis was poorly tested, clumsy and badly optimized.

And now this shit. Fuck you and your shitty game.

this happens when someone is in the middle of invading.

this lmfao

>nothing's been unfair.

oh it gets unfair after Floor 20

>Retrieval costs sky-rocket to over 60k
>Enemies can kill you in 2 hits no matter what
>floor 23 boss is almost impossible without a specific method
>all enemies have elemental shit


Where the fuck do I find pants blue prints? Im sorta far but still no pants.




Death grind got too much for me.

I'm out.

>kill you in two hits no matter what
i got like 4000 hp and defense stickers, i'll be fine.

Some are random, some are fond in fixed points. So basically CLIMB THE FUCKIN TOWER SENPAI

on the bright side you can get practically free money from raiding undefended bases

>bought the $100 pack after playing an hour and realizing this was my GOTY
>never care about dying and have constant flow of coins/characters/slots
>got a sick defense lineup up tanks with intermittent heavy hitters and upgraded my tank/bank several times now where the HP is insane
>nobody ever raids me

how do i make people try to fuck my shit up? I've done like 70 raids and I can never manage to get anyone knocked out to bring to my train for a target and nobody tries to get revenge.

Anybody got full res templates of the Uncle Death portraits?

>start up let it die
>get enough money to retrieve one of my fighters
>climb floors and make progress like crazy
>die to meechete or just random bullshit the game threw at me
>start up the next day and do it all over again
This game is killing me inside.

This has to be bait, what floor are you on senpai?

100$ down the drain lel
The game is great but there is no point in spending real money unless you just wanted to support the devs

Eventually you'll stop running into machete users. I love how Meiji ACTUALLY calls them OP in game.


>i got like 4000 hp and defense stickers, i'll be fine.

Nope, still 2 hits

Have any of you ever try to kill a jackal ?

Is Suda /our guy/?

Stupid question: How can i increase my Kill Coins ?
I wan to buy that 50.000 soup, senpai !

Best / Worst classes?

I still only have access to all-rounders but I'd like to plan out my freezer roster.

>Can kill Haters just fine
>tfw you don't deal enough damage to Floor 16 Jin Die even with shrooms
How do you get the DOD Arms Green Metals for the yellow hammer?

>4000 coins
>Rank 15

they're so easy its stupid and you get about 2-3k coins per run

>Was killed five times at the start of the game, because kept eating deadly mushrooms while troubleshooting the tutorials

congratulations, you're actually retarded.

Go to the manikin next to the main area you can go to raid or upgrade your bank or SPL or freezer

Talk to your buddy Tetsuo.

if you havent met him yet, climb the fucking tower

How do i put on decals!!!???

I can record myself getting stunlocked and upload you getting BTFO senpai.

Gonna take 4 days off to amass enough coins to rez one character.

Get a collector when you unlock them so you can farm up those mats and blue prints ez.

How do I do that Jumping head scissors move?

I did it once on accident and don't know how to do it anymore

How the hell are you supposed to deal with more than two enemies at a time in this game?
Sometimes they just lock me in with like four guys at once and there's no way to land an attack without one of them being open to counter

All I've found that I can do is run in circles hoping they kill each other

What the hell does "Hunter dispatched" mean?

More like 90 mins. Just podcast it, senpai.

I suplexed one and did 5 damage, so never bothered.

There was one autist that spent 7 hours punching one to death.
Devs temporarily took them out because of that.

Run to an escalator. That's the only way.

Convert your Death Metals into coins, senpai

Depends on your level. if you have nothing to lose honestly, do raids, but only rescue missions. If you are around floor 20ish you can go to lower floors and kill haters over and over and over for about 4k each, alot faster and more reliable than raids. Furthermore, you can explore the tower leading to better builds.

someone sent his fighter at you

Use rage skills.
Try to bottleneck them into a narrow hallway and use dropkicks.
Run around and try to get them to kill eachother.
And finally, use ranged weps if you got em.

>tfw level 1 character vs level 45 hater with a glinty magnum E

go to mushroom magistrate and go to "change decal"

talk to mushroom girl

>7 hours

Try 15-17 hours. He was doing 11 damage at time.

Is she cosplaying Asuka or does she naturally look like that?

Buy one from mushroom girl go to put on decal put on decal you want

>Killed by some longsword/rapier? Lv 50 Hater getting a lucky critical counter hit on my new fighter's Level 7 ass
>Game loads into an empty black void
>My naked Fighter is facing a blurry shape in the distance
>Turns out the shape is myself, equipped with his gear
>3:00 timer, gamespeed slowed down to a fraction
>I fight myself at a disadvantage
>Being barehanded, I can't get a hit in against my opponent armed with an Iron and Baseball bat, perfect parrying everything I throw at him
>Three minutes pass, fade to black
>Back at the Freezer

i got over twice that much in an hour senpai

The fuck happened here

I've been getting the same guy three times now if that's the case.

What floor?

You were being invaded, so the game had you wait until the raider was done.

just roll up to them and stun lock them senpai! Fat kill coin bonus!

Cow tripped and hit his head while buying some groceries
rip cow

>Ranged Lv70+ user wastes his shot on a roll
>tfw one-shotting him


Some fake as shit to protest poor treatment of life stock or something.

the floor around 3 with the tunnel of tubers, the trick is to farm haters.

Thats what that is? thats neat.

grind the floor 11 miniboss for green medals.

You guys think they'll eventually add weapons from other Grasshopper games?
I'd love to get my hands on a Bloodberry or any of the NMH Beam Katanas for that matter

You have to be above an enemy and undetected, then a prompt will appear.

A bit of both, I think

>Blood Berry
>not the Rose Nasty
Peony and Tsubaki are acceptable

That doesn't drop consistently, there is a better area on floor 3 with a platinum chest near the locked kill room.

Where do I find black metal? I need to level up my gear so I actually do damage against floor 26 Jin-Die

One more condition being that they have to be facing away from you. You can get the prompt even from just a small height advantage like both of you being on a flight of stairs.

>there is a better area on floor 3 with a platinum chest near the locked kill room.
The one with the blue wolf metals and four enemies gangbanging you?