Ready for the hacks of Square Enix to ruin both FF7 and FFX?

Ready for the hacks of Square Enix to ruin both FF7 and FFX?

I want to play Lollipop Yuna now.

>Crisis Core
>Dirge of Cerberus
>Advent Children

are you implying the hacks at SE didn't already ruin FF7 and FF10?

What are you talking about?

I want more suda51

Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy X-3

I second that

Is FFX-3 any more than a rumor atm?

How does that ruin the old games though?

Some artistic license was taken with Rikku's titties

It's probably a better idea than what ever they've got planned.

As long as Tidus abandons the whore I'll be okay with it.

I still can't get over how stupid X 2.5 and -Will- are. I won't bother mentioning about the stuff we know but some faggot Summoner and Auron's daughter thought Tidus was a weakling. What the fuck this is the actual guy responsible for beating Sin and suddenly Yuna thinks he can't handle it

I really wish there were transcripts of some of the desicison making processes at Square Enix. Getting to see how 2.5 was conceived of, written, and approved would be amazing.

She's still trying to be like Lulu. I prefer her the way she is.

Didn't Yuna cuck Tidus with that summoner to "protect" him

Nah, so far everything I've seen looks pretty legit cool.

I used to be pretty triggered by the multi-part release, but after FFXV...yeah, I'm a little bit open to the idea.

Also, Cloud's Remake design might be the best modern interpretation of the character. It's "realistic" done right; he looks handsome and fierce, but slightly u hinged, like something's not all there. For what it's worth, Nomura did a good job this time around.

What happened to Nojima that made him write this trash?

I can't wait for FF7R to have FF15's shitty ass battle system. Jesus. FF15 was the final nail in the coffin for me. I have no faith that Square Enix can make good Final Fantasy games any more.



X-2 Doujins are my jam

Nomura didn't actually design Cloud's appearance in the Remake trailer. Nomura actually said he's fixing up Cloud's appearance.

Yeah right, he'll be moved to another project soon.


She's pushing them together.

I've been playing around with his model from the Mobius game, and I've actually grown quite fond of his slight redesign for the remake.

Advent Children made the mistake of taking too many cues from Visual Kei in regards to Cloud's facial structure, forgetting that Cloud's supposed to have somewhat of an intimidating demeanor about him. The remake seems to be paying attention to detail in this regard. It's a genuinely good direction to go for whereas the Compilation tended to miss the point.

Good point.

Where did Nomura say this? Last I heard, He only said that Cloud's model only looks sickly because of the lighting, and that Nojima was excited about that fact.

I already heard about what 2.5 did, but what happens in -Will-?

a reminder

Is Tidus still going to blow up after kicking an explosive Blitzball?

I don't know if that'd be horrendous or incredible. Or both.


where is the original gif from?

I'd honestly like to know who looked at this and thought "yeah that looks like semen"

she looks like someone flicked a wet paint brush at her

@Anonymous 12/11/16(Sun)20:46:58 No.360415235
Wouldn't Teedus cum pyreflies ??

Nomura DID design Cloud's appearance in the Remake trailer. Roberto Ferrari designed Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, and Barrett.

I've never played X-2. Why do people hate it?

>Tidus gets cucked by Yuna
>when she tells him that she got a new boyfriend, he isn't angry at all
>he even wants to meet the bull to say hi
Nothing is sacred anymore at this point. I'm fucking scared for FF7R

She's a pretty big girl


thank you, I came into this thread looking for this gif

Shitty Charlie's Angels story, Yuna's personality is totally different, Paine is Auron with tits but infinitely more boring, reused assets.

But it has one of the best battle systems and is much less linear than X.

Be ready for Tifa getting BLACKED

>Is Tidus still going to blow up after kicking an explosive Blitzball?

You go from having a group of tragic misfits fighting the embodiment of world-ending sin to Charlie's Angels fighting Team Rocket.

>I'm fucking scared for FF7R
Not sure why. The script is pretty much "there" and it's hard to deviate from it. Nojima is fine when he has other people reigning in his shit, namely Kitase and Nomura. It's when he's let off his leash that he blows off a protagonist's head with an IED disquised as sports paraphenalia.

How can someone write this and think "Yup. This is good. I'll publish this."?

>he still doesn't know

There was a sequel novel a while back to FFX-2.

In which Tidus kicks a bomb that he mistakes for a blitzball and proceeds to be decimated by it.

I don't think anyone really takes it seriously as the official continuation at this point.


His head landed in her lap

>Roberto Ferrari designed Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, and Barrett.
Ferrari is part of the Remake team? Nice. I like his designs.

SE did a lot of stupid shit in the writing department at this time. Like 3rd Birthday and After years.

Blitzbomb is just the epitome of the stupidity in their writing.

To add to that, Nomura designed Cloud's appearance based on Hashimoto's criteria.

Shinji Hashimoto is the one behind the choice to make FFVIIR emulate Advent Children's realistic approach to the artstyle. Whether or not Nomura agreed or reluctantly followed orders is beyond me, but when he oversaw Cloud's design for Dissidia over at Team Ninja, he clearly made sure to make it closer to the classic design.

It's hard to tell if Nomura is the problem or the people he works for.

Tidus should have fucked Rikku or Lulu anyway

Fuck, marry, kill

You marry Yuna or you go home

Ah, BleetzbaaaaAAAGHHGH!!


In that order, senpai

Wait if Gladius is Italian how come he is the tallest cast member.

Realism and Anime do not mix. It looks awful and ruins the game because now the humorous scenes do not work. They either won't include them, or they will not be funny because they no longer suit the graphics.

Kinda though i don't know why it's really something bad, considering you could say the same about lots of other FF. Also, i really liked the Job system though i heard a lot of people liked the system from FF-X more (which i think is pretty stupid).

FFX had the best turned based combat in the series
FFX-2 Had the best active time battle combat in the series.

You can enjoy both.

Nomura is entirely behind BOTH designs, both classic and modern. I don't think he's terribly picky.

Though he did specify that Cloud's hairstyle change in Advent Children was meant to indicate the passage of time (I.E. Cloud god a haircut.)

>emulate Advent Children's realistic approach to the artstyle
Please don't tell me we're getting asian Tifa again.

Oh, i can. Most of Sup Forums can't, though, and that's what was asking.

World of final fantasy in active could give X-2 a decent run for its money I'd say. Though I liked playing both so I can't really choose.

Fuck you she was cute

Probably. Yuk.Hopefully Aerith looks white, she's better than Tifa.

The only one that should look Asian is Yuffie

And she had some pretty big, bouncy knockers for all the shit she gets for having small tits.

I like this jiggle more than the Highwind scene. So nice and weighty...

Maybe he looks much better because he lead a pretty normal life for two years?

man, the things people would do if they got their hands on those 3d models.

probably not much since 90% of the nude mods promised are not delivered

Mainly people expected a solid sequel and not the campy game we got, it wasn't all bad but..

>Story hits some very solid points, what's going to happen in the world now that the main religion is gone?
>Story gets covered up by a lot of Charlie's Angels shenanigans
>Fairly good combat
>Neat minigames that they stuff WAY too many of into the game

Basically the good parts were overshadowed by the silly ones.

>Realism and Anime do not mix. It looks awful and ruins the game because now the humorous scenes do not work. They either won't include them, or they will not be funny because they no longer suit the graphics.

This is my reason why I have no hype for the remake. If they make funny stuff is gonna be gringy as fuck and very unnatural

Do asians view media where a white guy gets with an asian the same way white guys view media where a black guy gets a white girl?

I'd still laugh if we get realistic cloud crossdressing.

FFX was already ass, ruining it is basically making a 2/10 a 1/10

Thousand Words was nice.

For the sections of the audience that weren't decimated walking across the Thunder Plains.

Not really. Gotta remember, Japanese males don't tend to like modern Japanese females.

I bet that 'quest' only has one outcome now.

In FF7 depending on what you do, Tifa could be chosen, Aerith could be chosen or Cloud could be chosen. Too much effort to do that these days so Cloud will be chosen by default. You won't be able to go to Corneo without getting every item.

What do you mean, they all have asian facial characteristics in some way or another

>implying Cloud isn't aryan master race as fuck

Yeah, probably my favorite vocal FF piece.

I wouldn't mind an X-3 if they took it back to being a full sized serious JRPG again, the world of Spira still has a lot of potential.

Kind of difficult to ruin two games that were mediocre to begin with.

I would laugh too but thing is FF7 was not made with realistic models, voice acted scripts, it was make base on the artstyle they could cram in the PS1 with the bloocky toons, especially the humor.

The best example is to look at 7,8 and 9 against X, the tone is downright radical in full 180°

You know that if X-3 comes along it won't have Tidus or Yuna in it. I mean how else could they completely fuck it up?

I'll step on them

I'd like it if they were NPCs, and not even major NPCs. People you meet on your journey. They've already gone on their adventure, its time for a new party to explore Spira.

>barely any lulu porn

Sauce me nigger

>boss fight happens
>Tidus ends up joining your party as a guest like how Seymour joined you for a single battle in FFX
>Tidus's moveset is exactly like how it was in FFX
>he finishes off the boss fight by using Blitz Ace

Fuck this. So many late JRPG sequels do this and they are all terrible. I don't really give a shit about other people. Finish fleshing out the damn characters that have already been introduced.

>wanting to see lulu get wakked

yeah, why is that?

asians are the ones who make the porn and they HATE christmas cakes.

Used goods. Small dicked Japanese that draw porn cant stand this.

Nips got pleb taste

You're really overestimating how hard it will be to include all three choices.

Against the teachings, bruddah. You know I be rawdoggin dat, yah?