Was the Capcom 5 the biggest fuck you in the history of the gaming industry? How did Capcom get away with it...

Was the Capcom 5 the biggest fuck you in the history of the gaming industry? How did Capcom get away with it? And most important, why does Nintendo still do business with Capcom? If I was Nintendo's president I would cut relations permanently.

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Capcom put sales clauses in a few of the exclusivity contracts; them selling under X amount of copies meant Capcom could port them off to other platforms and not face any legal ramifications.

Ninty would've known full well what was happening.

Japanese game companies were doing far greater dickery to each other from the 80s to the early 2000s.

Are you going to give us some examples?

At least Gotcha force still an exclusive.

And look how well that ended up. P.N.03 is still GC only btw.

This. People whine about "bad business practices" these days, but only because the bad business practices now are ones that are against the consumers. But there were always bad business practices between and within companies. They were run like sweatshops, with developers literally living in the studios.

this. not capcoms fault that the only thing gamecube owners buy are 1st party titles

>why does Nintendo still do business with Capcom?
Because Nintendo greatly benefits from their work with Capcom?
Shit killed the competitors handheld and attracted millions of loyal customers in japan.

Nintendo deserved it, those pieces of shit had awful policies with third parties in previous gens

The whole Capcom 5 shit lead to the departure of many of their best devs all because they ported RE4 to a system that couldn't handle it, they didn't even make much off of the port either.
Its' considered to be one of Capcoms biggest blunders since they could have just waited to port RE4 in like 5 or so years and kept the talent, they're still suffering from it to this fucking day.

the whole Nintendo PlayStation is a good one

No specific examples, but supposedly there was headhunting and moonlighting all over the place.

Because Nintendo is a fucking cunt who used Argonaut's code for Star Fox and never paid the royalties. And backstabbed Sony. And murdered Yokoi because of the Virtual Boy. And also murdered Iwata because the WiiU was a failure.

Miyamoto needs to get castrated and then fed to ants.

Who cares!? Scorpio is going to get this beautiful games in 4K remaster edition. It won't be gimped anymore! Thanks team Xbox :)

I wish gotcha force would have been ported. Could have led to it getting more recognition

Amazes me Capcom actually wanted to make games for the Gamecube.

At least somebody was cognisant enough not to make them TIME exclusive or Capcom would have gone bankrupt.

nintendrones have terrible taste

Fuck those shitty games, the only reason of why nintendo have relations with Crapcom is only cuz Monster Hunter is a console seller, one of the best titles of the 3DS and sony can't do a single shit about it.

they were like the only third party company that really supported the dreamcast so it doesnt surprise me

>And backstabbed Sony
Except Sony was trying to jew Nintendo.
Agree on the rest tho

>they didn't even make much off of the port either.

They sold an additional 2 million units. The PS2 version is still the highest selling version of RE4.

Please explain how they didn't make much from it. Porting the thing sure as hell did not have the same development cost as building, scraping, and rebuilding the game from the ground up.

>backstabbed Sony

Keep telling yourself that Sonypony. Omit all the Sony Jewery that would have been involved.

That's probably not even close to the biggest dick move in the industry.

The biggest dick moves you barely ever hear about.

Like Game Republic.

Talented developer, purposely murdered by namco bandai for likely some sort of tax reason.

Bamco projected their sales of their last game, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, as moving more than a million units.

They didn't advertise it.

At all.

They only let them really show the game off at e3 behind closed doors.

They overproduced the fuck out of it but made sure no one would know about it.

That's a dick move.

Capcom having exclusivity clauses if games don't sell enough on a platform isn't.

It's because of Nintendo that the Capcom 5 was unable to live up to its full potential. The Gamecube was a piece of shit and if Capcom was just given complete free reign on developing and releasing the games then it wouldn't have had to fail as hard nor would it lead to the foreclosure of Clover Studios entirely.

2 million on a system that should have pushed it to 10 million, they redid every texture for nothing.

Your personal taste not withstanding but Capcom sold millions on the PlayStation and even xbox.

Here's the thing: Gamecube was failing. Third party support was already a problem even back then. Nintendo begged Capcom for games. Capcom made games at great cost. They're now losing millions because those games are not selling.

What do?

>Establish the franchise and a majority of the fanbase on a specific console
>Make the remake and the sequel exclusive to a competing console
>Remake and sequel tank
>Wonder where all the sales went

The real question is why would they ever go through with the deal to begin with

>cutting relations with the only third party dev that acknowledges their existence

Good thing you aren't in charge of Nintendo, retard.

>Capcom 5
>posts 4 games

Why do people call it Capcom 5 if it were 4 games? Is it some kind of meta reference?

Maybe they shouldn't have killed all the interest off by releasing a water downed port 10 months later

There was going to be a fifth game, it got cancelled.

Not possible for the game not to have been watered down, in fact its amazing that the game even ran on a PS2.

Wasn't it some dragon game or something? Or was that one of Retro's canceled games before they made Metroid Prime?

the 5th game is killer 7

It was going to be a shmup.

No, it was Dead Phoenix.

Game Republic had the worst fucking luck. The Genji sequel, which was meant to be a PS2 title anyway, gets pressured by Sony into becoming a rushed PS3 launch title, but only after they themselves more or less killed it at E3 2006 with their embarassing presentation. Then they somehow get the contract for a big budget JRPG in Folklore, which barely anyone subsequently buys. Then as you say, being screwed on the Majin fiasco and then Bamco fucking them over again on that licensed games contract they were gunning after really drove the point home.

I remember reading some ex-GR people saying a few years ago that Okamoto had "burned a lot of bridges" around the time of the dissolution of the studio. Coupled with stories that've been floating around for years about the state of his mental health and supposed alcohol issues, I'm curious to know how much he actually had to do with it all.

That's completely irrelevant to the point.

All interest by that point would have waned off. If people weren't willing to buy a new piece of hardware for the newest entry in a franchise, they sure as hell aren't going to be waiting in line for it to come out 10 years later. There were already a bunch of newer titles grabbing people's attention by the time port came out.

If you advertise the port people will come, look at Tomb Raider PS4, people ate up those sloppy seconds despite losing their mind over the Xbox only deal claiming they would never touch the game.
Its more or less that people on PS2 didn't care about RE4 anyway.

And Okamoto himself used to be a big shot at Capcom.

Yeah, in the years following him leaving Capcom, Inafune and Mikami both subsequently gave interviews where they took some passive-aggressive shots off at him, which maybe suggests his exit was somewhat acrimonious.

The port outsold the GCN version.

It's really awful because folklore was good and majin was great. One of my favorites from last generation.

It seems like that's the case for many of the people who left Capcom. About the only person who comes to mind immediately as someone who left Capcom on good terms and still gets along well with them is Akiman.

Isn't Kamiya on good terms with capcom. He was open to collaborate with them for reviving old shit

>look at Tomb Raider PS4, people ate up those sloppy seconds despite losing their mind over the Xbox only deal claiming they would never touch the game.

You got a source on the sales, because I ain't finding shit.

How did Capcom get away with what? They developed and published their own shit, no one at Nintendo could them what to do with those four games.

I love how the drones are the only ones who are actually asshurt about this

>going through the effort of screenshotting this

is this autism?

He's expressed he's down to work with them again multiple times so I'm gonna say yes.

There was a rumor that Square halved the budget for Mankind Divided partway through development to fund Kingsglaive.

Hypocritical autism considering PS2 was mainly GTA and Madden.

They announced ports before the games even released, they didn't even give them a chance to fail and burned away nearly every ounce of talent they had. The decision reeks of short sighted shareholders that only cared of short term profits without thinking about long term company health.

>A half assed rom collection outsold REmake and Resident Evil 4

Nintendo and Sony about the original Playstation.
SEGA marketing in the 90s to 2001

>Except Sony was trying to jew Nintendo.

No they weren't, Nintendo's president cancelled the Playstation in favor of the CDi because the contract stipulated that Nintendo and Sony would be equal partners in publishing.

Equality isn't trying to screw anyone, that's kind of the definition.

Resident Evil 4 was supposed to stay on Gamecube, the director even said he'd chop off his arm if it was ported. Because the game did much better than expected, Capcom gave the greenlight to get a shitty port together for PS2 with pre-rendered cutscenes and some shitty bonus content, and the superior Wii version was released at some point after.

The PS2 ports on all these games are ass, especially the ridiculous loading times on Killer 7. Only good thing about them was Dante in Viewtiful Joe.

We need an HD Collection of Viewtiful Joe with 1 2 RHR

>Resident Evil 4 was supposed to stay on Gamecube, the director even said he'd chop off his arm if it was ported.

I wish people would stop saying bullshit like this.

First of all, he said he'd cut off his head, not his arm.

Second of all, "I'll cut off my own head" is a Japanese phrase meaning he'll leave/resign in disgrace. Guess what he did after the PS2 port? He left with Clover to form Platinum Games.

The PS2 port of RE4 was announced before the GCN version was even released


Actually he stayed at Capcom for 2 more years and directed God Hand

>why does Nintendo still do business with Capcom?
Is this a serious question?
Because they still greatly benefit from doing business with Capcom.
Most normies that play these games don't care about the companies ethics and just want to play next hot game.
The constant stream of unoriginal Street Fighter games are proof of this.

>PS2 didn't care about RE4 anyway.

As opposed to the millions of sales on Gamecube am I right?

>What do?
Monster hunter 5 for the switch (obvious).
Spiritual successor to megaman that is not a fucking blunder of the century like MN9.
Megaman legends 3 don't blame the fans edition.
Revive darkstalkers.

Capcom still cucks companies to this day, Revelations was supposed to be a 3DS exclusive then it was ported to other platforms, Dead Rising was a Xbox 360 exclusive for a while and then ported to PC and PS4 recently, not to mention all the other Dead Rising games also being ported, Street Fighter V was funded by Sony but Capcom demanded a PC release, among many other examples.

>The constant stream of unoriginal Street Fighter games are proof of this
That "stream" was completely dammed up for close to a decade.

No they didn't.

It's not healthy to make exclusive games for Nintendo consoles. Can't blame shareholders for wanting to make money instead of fighting console wars. The Gamecube was dead.

How is any of this cucking? Do you even know what that word means?

Capcom has always put games on as many systems as possible. SF2 is probably on 2 dozen different systems, no joke.

>Revive darkstalkers.

>don't make any darkstalkers games for 2 decades
>but keep shoving cameos into every single game possible for that entire time
>Maximillian: "People don't actually buy Darkstalkers games, they just like the characters. ;)"

The Vs. games are basically the new Darkstalkers series, I don't expect to see Darkstalkers characters outside of them for a good while.

Capcom shills its franchises any way they can if they can make a buck on it

Considering we can't see the Capcom logo anywhere there I'm going to assume this isn't officially licensed by Capcom.

The point is the hypocrisy of claiming people don't buy something when there hasn't been anything to buy in 20 years.
>but muh Resurrection
MvC Origins came out right before it, and it sold like shit too. People are just tired of paying to play 20 year old games online.

>Still mad over business decisions made over 10 years ago
>Decisions they were well aware of and approved
>By people who probably don't even work at either company anymore

Are you 12?

You're probably wrong, Tiger's products were the ultimate throw-away electronic. I would expect Capcom or any other company to be as stringent about packaging for that thing as they would with a Resident Evil keychain or sticker sheet.

Yeah it should have Capcom's logo on it, but it's not surprising that it doesn't.

>because they ported RE4 to a system that couldn't handle it

RE4 was completely designed for very specific features of GameCube hardware. The reason it looked vastly inferior on PS2 is because they did not put the proper time and effort into re-architecting the game for PS2.

The original PC version of RE4 looks even worse and more broken than the PS2 version and you wouldn't say that it's because PC couldn't handle it. It's just because they pushed GCN to the limit by using its propriety features that didn't have a direct equivalent on other platforms.

RE4 is shit

Why does nobody ever blame Nintendo? Why's there no GTA, FIFA or FF on a Nintendo console?

Sony got where it is today by cultivating 3rd party. Microsoft literally asked devs what they wanted from their new xbox project.

And Nintendo? Whatever lets make some Zelda and Pokémon shit we don't need the rest of the industry.

You might be right, but it's a known fact the GameCube was more powerful than the PS2.

>but it's a known fact the GameCube was more powerful than the PS2.

Just because something is a "known fact" through a consensus of uninformed people doesn't mean it is correct.

Nintendo forcing 3rd parties to only put their games on Nintendo consoles during the NES and SNES age if they were gonna be on Nintendo consoles
it's a wonder any of them continued to give Nintendo another shot with the Capcom 5 and Crystal Chronicles

cool numbers but if all were as it appeared in your image then why do multiplats always run like complete shit on ps2 despite that being the lead dev platform

Why would you be upset that Capcom ported games in the first place?

Seriously, come up one fucking reason anybody should be mad, including Nintendo. If a publisher has to turn away from you in order to turn a profit after committing years of effort towards your system, there's a really good chance it was your fault the one big publisher that supported your system couldn't. Maybe if Nintendo had developed an ecosystem of various publishers making a variety of games, then there would have been more opportunities for Capcom to justify their support.

Version 1.1 of the PC version looks better than the PS2 version (except for the part where the prerendered videos look even worse because they're at a pathetic resolution for a monitor).

Capcom (or maybe Ubisoft, it's unclear who was in charge of the port) released the game in Taiwan at version 1.0, it wasn't supposed to be released until version 1.1 in the rest of the world. All of the pirates downloaded the Tawian copy because it was on torrent sites first, being as it had multiple language support so everybody could understand it just fine. They then claimed the game looked ugly when the actual release version they were supposed to be playing looked fine.

Because at the time the PS2 was a nightmare to work on and it was either that or Sega who wasn't looking to good after the Saturn.

>only four games

user, there are five games.

You are six years old!

and you can't hurt me!

>why do multiplats always run like complete shit on ps2

I'll think you'll find that is incorrect

>the GameCube version is clearly a step below both the PS2 and the Xbox versions as far as in-game visuals go. Never mind 60fps, I'm happy when the GameCube SSX Tricky runs at 30 frames per second!

>The [Gamecube] frame rate bogs down whenever you're taking a look at a large section of complex geometry--the Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Skater Island levels are the worst offenders here. Some sections of Tokyo cause the frame rate to drop rather drastically.
>PlayStation 2 version only rarely slows down

>The GameCube version...falters the most out of the three considering framerate

Because he's lying about the numbers. Comparing the PS2's CPU to the GCN's CPU makes no sense when you realize that (a) the PS2's CPU was also responsible for graphical tasks that the GCN's GPU took care of and (b) most developers didn't maximize use of the PS2's CPU. In 2002 Sony complained to developers that they were only using 25% of that 6.2 gflops. Meanwhile GCN games were probably using over 75% by the same measurements.

A whole bunch of Yakuza bullshit and lower key shenanigans.

fuck you


>the PS2's CPU was also responsible for graphical tasks that the GCN's GPU took care of

Yeah but the GCN's GPU wasn't programmable so you couldn't use it to accelerate say, physics, or dynamic animations. Also it was designed for an extremely narrow type of processing - transform and 1 vertex light source.

If you tried to have more than 1 vertex light source the performance would go to shit.

If you tried to do clipping on it the performance would go to shit.

There were no catches with Emotion Engine - it was fully programmable and flexible, and there were no "catch" cases where the performance would shit itself outside of a narrow band of tasks.

>In 2002 Sony complained to developers that they were only using 25% of that 6.2 gflop

Literally the definition of blaming the hardware for shit developers.

they thought being the only strong 3rd party on a Nintendo console would benefit them
they were wrong because Nintendrones only buy Nintendo games
it's a wonder any company tries giving Nintendo a chance, Ubisoft tried to do the same but backed off entirely
watch what's gonna happen with the Switch and see this list slowly dwindle

>And most important, why does Nintendo still do business with Capcom?

Because apparantly turning out ONE Zelda game sucks up all of Nintendos staff for years on end and they can't put out games of their own

Frankly Im more surprised why anyone does business with Nintend...oh wait,, never mind

>Yeah but the GCN's GPU wasn't programmable so you couldn't use it to accelerate say, physics, or dynamic animations

Because that was normal at the time. The PS2's "catch" is that it loses efficiency unless you program everything perfectly yourself or hope that there's some middleware for your game's particular problems that does all the work for you.

Theoretical peak performance doesn't mean anything when the products being made on it don't work properly, real world performance is what matters.

>Literally the definition of blaming the hardware for shit developers.

Mmm, no. It's blaming Sony for making very specialized hardware for a video game console of all things.

>real world performance is what matters.

So how'd that work out for Gamecube?

Speak for yourself. I was incredibly jealous Gamecube had RE4, Viewtiful Joe, and Killer 7 and PS2 didn't back when they were exclusive

Pretty good on the whole, which is why most games look and run way better on GCN than on PS2.

Or did you think your cherry picking is going to hold up under scrutiny?

The PS2's inadequacy vs the GCN is pretty comparable to the Pentium 4 vs the Athlon XP and K8. Intel would advertise encoding benchmarks vs AMD chips because it was one of the few benchmarks Intel would win. AMD was still way better.

>PS2 vs Gamecube console war