Japan Studio appreciation thread

It's refreshing to see a true AAA developer to consistently release games that don't follow any trend and are creative and exlerimental. Unlike their other counterparts who only release 1 type of game (Naughty Dog, Polyphonal Digital) they have a resume that tells us they make games for the art.

What's your favorite Japan Studio game?

Good joke. Also, glad they shit all over Armored Core in the past decade. Souls is decent enough, but the horrid framerates and reused content is awful. Mediocre studio at best.

Eh Japan studio is decent. They've got some good stuff but almost exclusively partnered with another team

Their solo stuff like puppeteer is nothing special

freedom wars


Japan Studio doesn't even have an IP more relevant than Naughty Dogs least relevant franchise (Jak and Daxter)

Go ahead, try and prove me wrong

if they want my affection make Demon's Souls Remastered or 2 come true and I'll be their fan forever

It's too bad that their games usually don't get sequels. This, Puppeteer and Tokyo jungle need it.

doesn't japan studio have former team silent members

Forgot pic

>Nu-Naughty Dogs
fuck off with your sjw shit

>Go look at their list of games
>The only stuff they have fully developed themselves are Ape Escape, Loco Roco, Legend of Dragoon, Puppeteer and fucking Knack
>The rest are co-developed with other teams

Jesus these guys are Sony Santa Monica tier in terms of taking credit for other peoples games, difference is they don't pick indies like SSM does

m-muh naughty dogs

Nice arguments

Yep, Project Siren is a subsidiary of Japan Studio, which was founded by a few of the OG Team Silent guys when they left Konami.

>God Tier
Gravity Rush

>Great Tier
Shadow of the Colossus

>Good Tier
Rogue Galaxy
Ape Escape
Tokyo Jungle

>Decent Tier
Ape Escape 2
The Last Guardian

>Forgettable Tier
Legend of Dragoon
Freedom Wars

>Absolute Shit Tier

Sony should utilize them more and make sure their projects get finished in a reasonable time.

>Western devs

>Sony should utilize them more

They're probably Sony‘s most used studio, they have released 5 games since 2015 and have 4 coming up (and 1 mobile game) next year

> JAPAN studio
> developer
they're subcontractor

Sony Interactive Entertainment Studios power rankings

>Great tier
Japan Studio
Naughty Dog
>Good Tier
Media Molecule
Sucker Punch
>Okay Tier
Guerrilla Games
Guerrilla Cambridge
Sony Bend
>They play their role tier
San Diego
>Inconsistent tier
Santa Monica
>Shit Tier

if I wanna play siren, should I try the ps3 version or should I try getting copies of the ps2 games

>naughty dog
>not they play their role or shit tier

You're thinking of From, dumbass.

>why sony why tier
Studio Liverpool

>Great tier
>Naughty Dog

Yeah, I was confused at that claim. Japan Studio worked with From on the two best Souls games, but not AC.

Soul Sacrifice was made by Comcept, not Sony.

Yes Inafune made a great game. Sup Forums hates Inafune.

It was co-developed mate. Japan Studio worked with them to make SS.