Hey, why doesn't Sup Forums own a CRT?

Hey, why doesn't Sup Forums own a CRT?

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because its not 1995

because the one i had was really fucking heavy and my mom ended up selling it

too big for my little butt


>Can't drop $2000 on a Medical/Broadcast monitor

>Hey, why doesn't Sup Forums own a CRT?
I do. I don't use it.

Because the future is now, old man

Who is the best CRT manufacturer?

I do, I use it to play my old consoles and early ps2 games.

Who gives a shit

So what they say is true. Sup Forums really doesn't lift. Non argument any way you put it though. These are basically pieces of furniture. It's like saying you won't own a Refrigerator because "well what if I have to move it?"

But I do own one. I stole it from the PX it's a old Toshiba.

I own two.

Because CRT's are a meme. I grew up on them and have no idea why people have such a huge hard on for them.

Because I don't fall for memes

>selling it
For what, a loaf of bread?

I have a CRT for 6th gen and earlier. Feels great to step back in time occasionally. Also, the old consoles just look better on old tvs.

eh, i get the appeal but emulation is just more convenient for me

Because I don't play shit games

I do. It's in my room and all my old systems are hooked up to it.
My brother has the tv with all the modern systems.


Every fucking time.

I do.
I play all my non-HD games on it.

No one gives a shit buddy

i do own a crt and I use it for csgo bc 0ms and 280hz and i play at 1024x768 anyways

I have a big one

It became a problem when I lived with my Mom because she would move to a different apartment every 6 months. Moving furniture up and down stairs is always a pain in the ass.

The Jetsons & Blade Runner lied to me. There were suppose to be tube TVs, Neon Lights, & CRT monitors everywhere. Where's my Air car Hannah Barbera?

Sony's PVM & BVM line, I believe the Ikegami line are good as well. A surprising amount of companies made decent RGB sets. Finding one however...well good luck with that.

1.- Old games were designed with old displays (CRTs) in mind, so it looks better at least for the most purists.
2.- No input lag on old games.

Obviously everything from ps2 games with widescreen support and most disc-based Wii games to today consoles is meant to be played on HDTVs.

I will as soon as I move. It's going next to my 4k TV.

Because imageboards have no property rights.

It's funny because I got one for free yesterday I found on some local website. I bought it because I plan to start collecting retro vidya and also because I wanted to play Kingdom Under Fire on my gf's xbox.

Thing is as I came back home, plugged in my old Xbox, I noticed it smelled like a decade of cigarette smoking.

I'll keep it, it still works well, got it for free. Although now there's a 2 meter radius of cigarette smell around it. I hope it goes away. I tried cleaning the outside but I don't think even 3 hours of cleaning will change much.

I do tho. I hava a 24" in my room.
Cool little detail in has, it has a component in, I could never get it to work tho.

because i'm not autistic

I have 4.
Toshiba 30HF83 for newer consoles
Dell P992 for current computer
Dell M993s for WinXP computer
Magnavox RX4030 for PS1 and older

>be a big guy
>had a 32" CRT in my bedroom in my old house
>not only lifted at the gym but I lifted heavy stuff for a living at the time
>had to carry that TV down a steep set of stairs when I moved out

Never again. If I do get another CRT I'll definitely be getting a smaller one, the big one I had weighed so much.

>Implying I don't I have a Trinitron

You seriously expect me to play PS2 or Gamecube games on a new screen?

Probably burning dust, like when you turn the heat on for the first time in the fall.

Assuming it doesn't catch fire, should be fine.

I do. I won two 20" PVMs in an auction for $70. Not sure what to do with them now though.

Was hoping to set up an emulator to it somehow.

Because I spent the first 15 years of my life on CRT and It was a fucking meme in the 90's and it's a meme now

I bet you think memesouls and witcher are good games

>No input lag on old games.

I can't play Metal Slug on anything but a Tube TV. I'm convinced most people that suck at old vidya have all just been playing on shit with tons of lag. It got to the point where I couldn't play music games, platformers, shmups, etc, pretty much anything where timing was important. Really made me realize how little timing matters in modern games. I don't think it's a coincidence that timing kinda disappeared once we went to HD TVs & monitors.

Well the people that gave it to me seemed like heavy smokers so ...I read somewhere online that after a month or so it could go away thouh

I gave it to my mom

My Seiki 27" TV from 2011 has a CRT mode so i can play Melee and PM without any lag.

feels good man

Try eucalyptus oil, or if youre not australian/it's hard to get try that citrus oil stuff you use to remove the residue left by stickers on things.
I imagine the latter would be available in a major grocery store. You could try hippie shops/head shops for eucalyptus oil

Reaction timing becomes irrelevant, once you get older than 16.

Do you have a Wii with GC compatibility? Hack it and you will have a good emulation center thanks to VC games and homebrew emulators + access to all GC library.

If you don't, get a Pi and make a meme emulator setup, it's not really that hard.

>Not having DVI/HDMI/SCART in
you bought the wrong model

because i actually lived in the CRT era and it was shit

>I noticed it smelled like a decade of cigarette smoking.

You sure it doesn't smell like smoke because something is burned out inside? I hear the capacitors on the Original Xbox die out & leak.

Does anyone's CRT send out a small electric pulse when you turn it on or off?

still have my crt
problem is dust

anyone know a way to clean a crt screen with 10 years of caked on dust, tried warm water but it seems really caked on.

>2.- No input lag on old games.
*No display latency on old games.

You mean the degausser, or a power spike?

Other than old rhythm games, I think anyone can cope with the extra 10 or so ms of lag.
Still, those old games feel so responsive on a CRT. The lack of lag just makes it more fun, and always will, even when I'm an old man with no reflexes.

this desu I just get component or rgb mods on my retro consoles now

Most modern TV's are awful when it comes to input lag. I got myself a Sony Bravia which supposedly has 16ms input lag, I haven't done any real testing but I tend to play a lot of older games on it, especially fighters and I haven't had any issues. I can really tell when I play fighting games on someone elses TV though, a lot of them have like 70-90ms lag and you can really tell. That's around 5 frames which is huge.

is it better to play Wii games on an HDTV or a CRT?

I have one in my basement under a pile of shit but honestly the only reason crts look better is because of the natural blur caused by the rng of the electrons blasting out and blinding you.

yeah that, you feel like a fuzz. It's one of those old small ones you can hold in your arms

>a meme.
>I don't fall for memes
>shit games
>be a big guy

I come for the buzzwords, I stay for the memes. Why does this upset so many people? What exactly is the problem?

Emulated on an hdtv, games like brawl are unplayable on a small crt.

I prefer on CRT for Wii, but both are good.

Could go either way. If you had to choose, I guess a CRT would be better, that way you could use it as an emulation box for 2D videogames.

Calling the only design format televisions had for their first 80 years a "meme" is a little silly.

Maybe they're all just huge vector graphics fans.

Set up my old 36ish inch a few days ago and I've been playing some gamecube games with Nintendont
Started with Vexx and I beat Megaman command mission today

I do.


Boy I sure love never being able to play the same game for an extended time thanks to the risk that images might be permanently burned into the screen.

This is not too different than the record thread we just had today where anons were literally defending vinyl degradation as part of "the experience". We're already reaching a point where input lag is almost nonexistent with certain TVs, and if you complain about images not "fitting right" on the screen you must have never had a Super Game Boy to play GB games on your SNES.

I got it from my aunt because she replaced it, so I couldn't really pick.
It's a fine TV at any rate.

I just wish Oscilloscopes took off.


I prefer to not emulate unless the game is expensive
also I have all my old consoles no need to emulate

also I'm playing it via Wii U with an svideo cale

Depends of the game. Xenoblade has an almost unreadable text on CRT but The Last Story plays fine on a CRT. A friend had an HDTV and downloaded Metal Slug VC versions and the Wii give errors, when he wanted to play those games had to change manually the display resolution of the Wii

>Boy I sure love never being able to play the same game for an extended time thanks to the risk that images might be permanently burned into the screen.

You're thinking of projection monitors.

>are heavy and unhealthy
>consume a ridiculous amount of electrical power
>kill our eyes with electron beams
>kill your hearing with noise
>bombard you with dust
>have geometry distortions
It's an outdated technology.

I do, granted it's a kinda shitty Zenith that a friend gave me.
The N64, PS1, NES and Genesis are all hooked up to it. It's nice to play the zapper/Guncon on it.

>Boy I sure love never being able to play the same game for an extended time thanks to the risk that images might be permanently burned into the screen.

If by play you mean leave idle for hours, sure. What fucking video game has you standing still long enough to burn anything into the screen?

The point is wii games look like shit at 480 despite the fact they have decent assets, it's just a bad resolution.
They look legitimately good emulated, but that's the only time they look good.

But oscilloscopes are one of the most common instruments in any circuits lab.
They didn't take off for dumb shit that is better done with other equipment.

It's a 90's thing.

>defending vinyl degradation as part of "the experience"
speaking as a record collector, thats fucking dumb

>becuz meme
>itz a meemee, dood
>didnut fal 4 te maymay
>el oh el mems
Can you guys just fucking stop?
Are you this insufferable in real life?

I do.

I have a 24 inch Sony Trinitron FD model I use for old games. The picture is pretty great.
I used to have an old Panasonic rear projection big screen in the 65 inch range, that was pretty dope but took up too much space to move across the country, so I had to sell it. I'll be looking for one of those when I move into a more permanent job though, split screen and fighting games on those things are great.

Nobody defends vinyl degradation. The only reason to own vinyl is for the artwork, & in certain cases they were recorded at lower volumes so they don't distort as much as the CD version of the same album. That's it.

He is right though. CRT TVs are made for full screen moving images.
Having a status bar sit there for hours is going to kill the phosphors.
Heck, even excessive letterboxing is bad.

The one I prevously had was really low quality, and its hard to find decent small size ones like in OP.

I would love to have one but they're hard to come by where I live and I currently don't have the space

But I do, I own a old 40 inch one.. but it doesn't power on anymore and it's a pain to dispose of.

Anything with a hud, so every gen1-2-3-4 game?

Yeah but I want to play Melee

Really? I never knew that. A quick google search just turned up results that said "it might be bad for your eyes", what else is it unhealthy for?

not necessarily recorded at lower volumes just mixed differently using the master tapes
a good example in the difference is the red hot chili peppers album stadium arcadium
as a CD it was loud and shitty but the vinyl version was mixed by someone else and actually won awards for its mix

the reason I buy records is because i think it's neat and I would rather buy a record than digital plus the record usually comes with a download card

although lately I've been gravitating back to CDs because once I got good headphones I realized how amazing my CD player sounds

1. The electrons aren't even what's dangerous. Can't piece the skin.
2. The minimal ionizing radiation created as a byproduct of the electrons hitting the phosphors can't even get through the glass of the TV.
3. Even if you broke it open and stuck your head in there for an hour, you'd get 1/1000000 the dosage you get on any given trip through airport security.

Just go to an eco-center and dump it in the electronics bin dumbass


Burn in takes years of normal use though. Unless you're doing something crazy like turning your tv solely into a pac man machine for a few consecutive months, you should probably be more worried about it dying of the age that comes along with all that use.

Yeah I had a western movie marathon on a crappy old RCA with my friends when we were about 12, 15 or 16 years ago, and I got the old "family TV" for my bedroom. After watching letterboxed movies non-stop for a whole weekend I wasn't watching anything that wasn't in "wide screen" format on that TV anymore.

I thought Windex was bad for CRTs because it ends up removing the anti-glare coating.

I do. I use it for my Genesis and occasionally my PS2.

I own one for time crisis

I used to have a big ol' Sanyo that was perfect in display and overscan portions on each side, and then my nephew topples it over while having a tantrum. My backup is too small for my liking and it's flat so the pixels are warped, shit sucks.