Who was in the right Sup Forums?
Who was in the right Sup Forums?
bear and dragon
the dragon is the symbol for the legion
the bear is the symbol for the NCR, i mean Stormcloaks
You are the dragonborn, the dragonborn is part dragon but also slays dragons.
So really it matters who you like more, the imperials tried to kill you at the beginning so the stormcloaks seem the way to go
Me. For never buying a Todd Howard game.
Whichever way you slice it Ulfric was an opportunistic piece of shit who was either too stupid to know he was involved in the thalmor master plan or didn't give a shit and would let skyrim bleed because he wants a fancy crown
>/threading your own post
>fpbping your own post
Both sides had their faults.
But as most wars tell us, the side that won is the side that was right.
>so whichever side you picked
imperials obviously
ulfric and his nordshit were too busy jerking off to notice how much better the imperials were
i started the game as dark elf for context
Skyrim belongs to the snow elves (falmer) not the nords
I wish the Empire didn't try to have you executed immediately because literally no one I know chose to side with them after that.
The Empire is a bunch of pussies and the Stormcloaks are a rabble without the capacity to defeat the Thalmor.
Out with Tiber's Empire.
Are you American?
retarded pawns of a power hungry vulture
shithead thugs terrorizing people in the name of a government that died centuries ago and just has a handful of bureaucrats who are willing to weaken men for the sake of clinging to the supremacy of the last era rather than naturally allowing the situation to evolve in to an equal league of nations of men and non-cunt mer to oppose the nazi elves.
For the last goddamn fucking time, the Empire was literally, objectively, and unironically the right side of that conflict. It isn't a debate.
Who cares they're both going to be BTFO by the Aldmeri Dominion
I side with them but what-his-face tutorial guy being stupidly nice help a shit ton. Also it help that I went through the wrong door when picking sides for the tutorial. Like if you remove meta knowledge of TES and went through the right door during the tutorial then yea, I can see why no one would ever choose Empirial.
I think it's because once you get into the story and lore and discover that the Empire is 100% objectively correct that they needed something to counterbalance it.
So, the people that just click through dialogue and ignore the books and plot tend to go with Stormcloaks because of that first impression. The people that paid attention always go with the Empire.
It's a pretty good pleb filter.
British, why do you ask ?
>implying elves have the capability of winning against men in the long term, ever
By the time the new generation of men are trained and ready to form an army to reclaim lost lands, all 15 of the elven replacements will almost have mastered not wetting the bed.
>play an altmer
>every thalmor treats you like nordscum
>people still discuss Imperials vs Storm cloaks even though it was poorly thought out and was handicapped by shitty writing and game engine.
your skin isnt jaundiced enough for their standards and you're not explicitly one of their agents
also dont forget the Thalmor are just the secret police and espionage arm of the Aldmeri dominion
They're this cunt-y when they're at home too.
it's the best thread starter because it inevitably devolves the thread into shitposting, which as you know gets 500+ replies
>spotted the thalmor
Both sides are part of the thalmor plan. They don't want either side to win. They consider both a "" unified "" empire and an independent skyrim large threats.
>implying they can ever win long-term
The universe has a defense mechanism against Elven empires. If the Altmer ever get too big for their pompous elven britches the universe will shit out a Shezzarine to murder them all.
The elves won't win, but the empire has been set up to fall since at least morrowind.
This is going to be the plot of TES 6, the player character will be the one tasked with organizing an uprising against the thalmor after the fall of the empire, and they will be known as the founder of the new empire
Y'know if the Telvanni got off their collective asses and stopped researching esoteric truths of reality for 5 seconds this whole Thalmor situation would be over by sundown
But I can't help but wonder why the logic of the Stormcloaks was so bad, maybe it's just shitty writing. Why do they treat the Empire like some invading force when Skyrim has been loyally a part of the Empire for what like a thousand years or something? And why do they ignore the fact that Talos himself founded this very empire. Wouldn't they be a bit more keen on trying to preserve the physical fucking representation of Talos' legacy and restore it's former glory? I mean I understand why they are pissed, but burning down your own house because you have a cockroach infestation isn't very logical. Be a bit more fucking tactful
Doesn't the Dominion have some super powerful mages of their own?
>Ulfric believes that Nords should have the right to rule over Nordic lands
>he brutally destroyed the Reachmen for wanting to rule the Reach during the Markarth Incident
hmm...really makes you think...
They were literally going to re-write reality to erase non-elves or some shit weren't they?
Tamriel belongs to the Khajiit.
>Why do they treat the Empire like some invading force when Skyrim has been loyally a part of the Empire for what like a thousand years or something?
Muh talos (nord jeebus)
>And why do they ignore the fact that Talos himself founded this very empire.
Tiber Septum was just a guy, not muh Talos.
That was actually done because the Thalmor came in the intro scene and demanded to have custody of Ulfric (the conversation was part of the cut content for the intro). Tullius was very suspicious of this, and decided he need to fasttrack the executions of the prisoners before the Thalmor could build up more claim or try anything.
This was also talked about in that note found at the Thalmor Embassy.
Nords are literally the niggers of Tamriel.
>illiterate savages
>unironically WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT when their "kingdoms" were just tribal bands
>of the non-Redguard men, only race to have never founded a Tamrielic empire
>Tiber Septum was just a guy, not muh Talos.
Same shit. Points still stand.
>Muh talos
Reminder that Talos was a Breton born as Hjalti Early-Beard who became Talos after the Underking protected him at Old Hroldan, and then took the regnal name Tiber Septim to appeal to the Cyrodils.
I don't think he really cared about them that much, the Jarl just jewed him into thinking he could worship Talos if he took out the Reachmen
Talos is just a composite identity of three individuals, formed from mantling and filling the void left by Lorkhan with the help of the Numidian activation.
Tiber Septim himself wasn't a Nord, he was most likely a Breton.
They believe that by eliminating all the races that consider Lorkhan their patron god (ie humans) they can basically undo the creation of the world and go back to being immortal spirits. tl;dr nazi elves
Breton Master Race,
Deal with it mead drinking scum
I missed that bit of lore but it's totally fitting tbqhwy, seeing as how Bretons are clearly master race anyway.
That's too grand for Bathesda to write, plus all heroes must be left ambiguous and disappear from history after they finish their task. Becoming the next Tiber is too big a spotlight to ignore the finer details, like their sex and race.
VI will just be another doom aversion story while a bunch of shit happens in the background that has no impact in history and can be left as not-canon once again.
>Their posted military leader is a complete cuck who couldn't be assed to give two shits about the province he's been sent in to deal with
>The second-in-command is one bad day away from siding with Ulfric
>The only real qualm anyone seems to spew about the conflict is MUH UNIFIED EMPIRE which, to date, has been cucked since the new emperor took power
>They signed a treaty to outlaw worship of a God among other things when they managed to turn the tide on the Thalmor and other provinces were even showing signs of pushing back
>Basically want sovereignty after the empire failed all their people
>Their leader isn't necessarily opposed to outsiders, but wants it made clear that the Nords take priority.
>Leader essentially friends with the High King and killed him as a legitimate grab at power
>Have culture and traditions that pre-date the Empire, was the staging ground for the eventual colonization of Tamriel in its entirety.
Either way you look at it, the Empire's justification for being there is flimsy at best while the Stormcloaks' reasons are based on pride. Both are equally stupid in their ambition. If the player could have influence over politics in the game, 90% of us would choose Balgruuf
Stormcloaks = Republicans
Empire = Democrats
We ALL know the right choice here.
The fascist Elves, they just want life to return to purity and godhood is all. I mean who wants a reality where daedra exist?
Once I studied the Stormcloaks I had to restart the fucking game. It makes zero fucking sense, like you said, and is the equivalent of 14-18 y/o's claiming that complete anarchy is the default setting for human civilization. Its just a meme, and a shitty written one at that.
oh yeah Balgruuf is definitely the least awful political entity in the entire game
His only major failing is he's half-assing raising his kids and they've become spoiled brats and sociopaths
Stormcloak supporters are good people with a fair cause and a want to see wrongs righted
Ulfric Stormcloak is a bad person with a lust for power who wants to be the next Talos
Stormcloaks. They actually have the balls besides a few Reaguard houses to stand up against the knife ears.
The fucking imperial cucks should be ashamed of themselves letting said knife ears torture and kill inmocent humans because they cannot grasp the fact a mere man achived godhood with CHIM.
>inb4 "building up numbers"
Those pathetic cunts let the knife ears walk all over them in the first war. What hope can they have in another?
>empire cucks being servants for the people who want to kill them and make Skyrim multiculti
>b-b-b-but stormcloaks are Thalmor controlled opposition to weaken the empire
Yeah like having the invincible save scumming dragonborn isn't going to make them legit.
I mean didn't the first war end by the elves losing the imperial city?
Talos didn't achieve godhood with CHIM
He achieved godhood by mantling Lorkhan through the soul of the Shezzarine Wulfharth and having a sizeable cult proclaiming his divinity in the Imperial province
That's why he didn't become a god until the Underking died at the end of Daggerfall/the Warp in the West
they are both a bunch of faggots tbqh
they should've tried to give each faction redeeming qualities to make it a tough decision, but instead they just made each faction equally stupid, leaving you with the easy decision of not doing the civil war plotline
I've had that exact same train of thought for a while when i saw Talos birth place...
The fuckers waved the white flag once the pointy ears breached the walls and started pouring in the marketplace. A real empire would have went down fighting and try to exterminate as many knife ears as possible before collapsing.
the first war ended with the elves capturing the Imperial City and then they signed it over in exchange for a very favourable treaty
>tfw only go empire so he lives
>what is now known as the Battle of the Red Ring, a battle that will serve as a model for Imperial strategists for generations to come, Titus II divided his forces into three armies. One army, with the legions from Hammerfell under General Decianus, was hidden in the Colovian Highlands near Chorrol. The Aldmeri were unaware that he was no longer in Hammerfell, possibly because the Imperial veterans Decianus had left behind led Lady Arannelya to believe that she still faced an Imperial army. The second army, largely of Nord legions under General Jonna, took up position near Cheydinhal. The main army was commanded by the Forgotten Hero wearing the Emperor's armor,[3] and would undertake the main assault of the Imperial City from the north. On the 30th of Rain's Hand, the bloody Battle of the Red Ring began as General Decianus swept down on the city from the west, while General Jonna's legionnaires drove south along the Red Ring Road. In a two-day assault, Jonna's army crossed the Niben and advanced west, attempting to link up with Decianus's legions and thus surround the Imperial City. Lord Naarifin was taken by surprise by Decianus's assault, but Jonna's troops faced bitter resistance as the Aldmeri counterattacked from Bravil and Skingrad. The heroic Nord legionnaires held firm, however, beating off the piecemeal Aldmeri attacks. By the fifth day of the battle, the Aldmeri army in the Imperial City was surrounded. Titus II led the assault from the north, personally capturing Lord Naarifin. It is rumored that the Emperor wielded the famed sword Goldbrand, although this has never been officially confirmed by the Imperial government.[2] An attempt by the Aldmeri to break out of the city to the south was blocked by the unbreakable shieldwall of General Jonna's battered legions. In the end, the main Aldmeri army in Cyrodiil was completely destroyed.
>Implying that one kid who helps you get the Ebony Blade isn't next in line for the throne
>Implying a true Nord wouldn't swear allegiance to a Skyrim run by the only guards/soldiers to not just kill a dragon, but also manage to trap another
>Oh, and he's bro's with Ulfric and has a generally high favor-ability province-wide
I mean, that one kid could potentially ruin his legacy; but, he's also pals with the DB and likely to give his ear to a fellow Daedra champion.
>around elves
>watched themselves
Stormcloaks would be right if not for Ulfric being a dumbass. If literally anybody else was in charge they'd be the correct choice.
Before anybody spews bullshit of dividing the Empire to make it an easier target for the Thalmor, just look at how Hammerfell handled their shit. They seceded and beat the everloving shit out of the Thalmor in their province and they're now comfortably independent.
Of course, Nords are Tamriel's niggers so they might not be able to pull off what the Redguards did.
>Was clearly a turning point in the war
>surrendered because
Fuck if thry needed more troops they should have convinced more Redguard houses to join. Blade dancer strikes are so powerful they can literally split the atom causing a nuclear bomb level explosion.
>Nords are Tamriel's niggers
>about to dispute this
>mfw I realize you're right
They would have broken the peace treaty by surprise and probably taken eslewyr and valenwood if they didn't have to fight a rebellion a few months after being able to sign a cease fire.
>Ask a bunch of coastniggers to join your front
>They cause casualties among both sides totaling in the hundreds per encounter
>Thalmor have a legitimate cause for concern, as do other races when you're unloading WMD's on your enemies
>Everyone wants to negotiate peace and treaties that benefit you and your coastal allies
The dominion was beat to shit after getting pushed out of Cyrodil. It's not like Hamm and Domi were at full power when they rumbled, the dominion was fucked up from the war and their own internal strife. If anything the secession might've even been a plot from the empire since the elvs got more fighting while the capitol continued to lick its wounds without breaking the treaty and going for round two, which would've been a complete unfavorable gamble for the empire.
Stop when you're ahead and take a breather, you can't turn every single scuffle into the penultimate battle. No one wants a Pyrrhic victory or to get fucked by RNG at the last minute.
>They cause casualties among both sides totaling in the hundreds per encounter
Err I don't think that's how blade dancers work. The explosion doesn't surround them. It inly happens were the sword struck. So if a Blade Dancer did a sideways cleave infront of an enemy army it'd send out a forward wavy fuck your day up magic sword slash.
So it's blade beam.
I'm betting most of the Skyrim's events won't matter in the next ES and there's going to be a lot of daedra focus.
Can only hope for something batshit insane like the Shivering Isles.
Except hamerfell got pissed that the treaty gave a bunch of their land to the elves, left the empire and removed elf themselves.
Pretty much. Once that blade beam makes contact it explodes violently killing pretty much everything infront of where the blade beam fired.
>the most powerful/influential mortal who ever lived who achieved CHIM, united Tamriel, and ascended to become a Divine was "just a guy"
Stormcloaks, even despite Ulfric's past they're not actually allied with a race of yellow lunatics who literally want to destroy the mortal plane.
Obviously the Aldmeri are the real enemy, not the Empire, but the White-Gold Concordat is the start of a slippery slope that can't be allowed to gather momentum.
>Blade beams with precision aiming
Just attach a scope to the hilt and call it a goddamn day
>Implying the Empire would have surrendered if they knew about/had access to nigger sword magic
It would have been a very different treaty, let me tell you...
he's obviously a thalmor with such little revere for the Man-God Talos
Don't try to argue with stormcloacks, they're like alt-righters.
Muh Talos.
when dealing with mortals, there is no right or wrong
Talos is about as much a "man-god" as Vivec is an "elf-god". Probably less so, actually. Just a god.
Go back to Sup Forums you CTR shitsucker.
Being a Blade Dancer is much more complicated than that. Just like shouting you'd need to study for years just to be a master swordsman before you can do Dragon Ball Z levels of sword magic.
What do you think about AM Aghs? Basically makes gankign him impossible witohut perfect coordination or a scythe/atos
>Being baited by knife-ears
Brother, let it go. They can't help but be uneducated in our culture. They need 3 provinces just to remain relevant, after all.
Is that why, by the time of Skyrim, the art is more/less irrelevant? Or do we not see it because Bethesda can't into simple mechanics?
I don't think its bad writing because somehow most players still picked stormcloaks, I think its good that they made so you can tell how casual someone is by the side that they picked.
Nords actually have accomplishments and built their position in Tamriel through struggle. It's elves who are the niggers. They're stuck-up but whenever they face an actual challenge they capitulate immediately.
Probably both. Blade Dancers are really used if their house or the majority of Hammerfell is in danger. That's why the knife-ear kikes avoid Hammerfell until one house became traitor.
Truly understanding the lore is realizing that the Empire has no reason to exist because it has become unnecessary for or failed at everything it's meant to do. The Empire of the 4th Era is not the Empire of the 3rd Era. Actually trying to claim that the Legion in Skyrim represents the legacy of Talos is laughable.
Bethe will/can never add something as simple/cool as blade beamsplosion. It'll forever be something we read in books.
If they do stuff it into a game as a hidden quest for 90+skill 1-handed technique expect a massive let down, something like a 200+ stamina power move for a 1 meter radius explosion with 5 dmg burn per second at 5 seconds.
Enlighten us on why instead of just making a statement
>The Empire didn't call on Hammerfell to aid in the war
>It's arguable that the Nord's even willfully sent any significant amount of their forces
>Argonians and cats most likely sided with the Altmer, and the tree-huggers probably feigned non-involvement
>Dunmer, despite sharing a significant amount of landmass with the Nord's, probably did the same as the tree-huggers
>Orcs are orcs
You have all these provinces under your control and you don't get the mind to tell at least 2 of the major races (Bretons and Redguards) to get off their asses and help.
Maybe, just maybe I want to pick the side that didn't arrest me for crossing the border and thought that I should have my head chopped off without a trial.
There were no more Nedes at that time, he was clearly Breton.
Aren't the Imperials strongly suggested to be planning for more warfare with the Aldmeri in the future and are only enforcing the Talos crap to buy time before kicking the Aldmeria out for good?
The Last Dragonborn. Seriously, since LDB shares their soul with Akatosh and Tiber Septim you can't really argue with their choices. If LDB wanted to kill the leaders of both sides, you couldn't argue with them.
Sadly Bethesda doesn't let that happen because they're fucking pussies. If Obsidian can allow the player to approach the factions however they want and have the world adapt accordingly with less than 100 workday of dev time, then why can't Bethesda do it with almost half a decade of dev time?
Yes. Altmer practice extreme eugenics and regularly murder babies that aren't up to par for them. Compared to the races of men who don't really care. So you'll have one elf against a dozen men.