>Patrician Choice
>Contrarian Choice
>Pleb Choice
>Kys choice
>Patrician Choice
>Contrarian Choice
>Pleb Choice
>Kys choice
What about Ground Zeroes.
>underaged e-celeb parroter choice
...Further evident by the fact that they hate 4, and don't even wanna count PW and up.
I think you meant to post this OP
This is good
Isn't it?
Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.
This old post is still wrong.
MGS1 was an insanely popular hit, like Jaws or the Matrix, calling it "contrarian" is ludicrous.
It was because of MGS1's success that Kojima had free reign to do all the crazy shit in 2.
Patrician Choice
MGS1, 3
>Contrarian Choice
>Pleb Choice
MGS4, Peace Walker
>Kys choice
Masterpiece tier
Almost perfect tier
Great but Overrated tier
Great tier
Hot Mess tier
Failure tier
>preferring 2 over 1
>when 2 is literally an almost exact copy of 1 just with a better story and worse everything else
>implying 1 has better gameplay
Wew laddy
lol la MGSV is bad meme os epic OP >.<
Fuck off with your shit, try hard faggot.
>better story
people need to realize that there's a difference between "story" and "themes".
MGS1 is still far easier to play than 2, which just is clunky as fuck in all possible ways. And this is coming from someone who's beaten the original trilogy's games a good dozen or so times, each.
Everything about this is perfect. Though honestly I'd bump MGS4 up to great.
>terrorists have taken over this place and you gotta stop em
>terrorists have taken over this place and you gotta stop em but they aren't actually terrorists and you were being manipulated by ai the whole time
you are wrong
Was on the fence about it but felt it should be in its own category.
Hot Mess is not used in an entirely disparaging way here.
Nailed it OP.
The first two chapters are good and the end is good. The rest is a contrived movie with absolute cringe even by Kojima standards.