..I've never played a Metal Gear or a Zelda game

..I've never played a Metal Gear or a Zelda game

you're not missing out much. both are overrated and shallow, they just happen to come first

What the fuck is wrong with you?
This person literally has an IQ in the single digits.

I disagree completely.
There's clear ups & downs in both series, but there's a good reason why they're so acclaimed and loved. And this is coming from someone who didn't get to play either one of the series before earlier this decade.

What's stopping you?

>Metal Gear
Not much of a miss, the game is pretty overrated and most of the public love comes from Kojima being very creative with PR and advertising. And most of the humans are dumb and eat shit happily.

Zelda has a few good game but if you played one game - you've played them all. I suggest to emulate Twilight Princess and be done with it. One of the best games + you will ge ta new waifu

What it like to finally be able to legally drink?

>most of the public love comes from Kojima being very creative with PR and advertising
Spoken like an Gen-Z Xbox kid whose first exposure to the series was via MGSV.

>Twilight Princess
>One of the best games
Choose one.

the MGS games are really really good. I recommend starting with MGS1 and playing 2, 3, and 4 after. Don't bother with Peace Walker or 5 unless you want too.

That's a lot of good games you aren't playing. Play MGS3 and Link's Awakening.

You need to be 18 years old to post here man.

For a "cyberpunk bartender action" game, there's not quite enough "action"

>recommends 4 and not 5

But four has ass story and the game's entire last half is cutscenes and setpieces

At least five has gameplay, in MGS4 you don't even do metal gear shit after act 2, you do a tailing mission then setpiece in act 3, you emp robots that you cant use 90% of your moves on in act 4, and act 5 is literally one stealth room and a gorrilion cutscenes

>Spoken like an Gen-Z Xbox kid whose first exposure to the series was via MGSV.
Granted I never played original Metal Gear games since I never had a chance to play MSX and for some reason my cartridges lacked it so I started from PS1 version MGS. And it was an okay videogame but nowhere as good as people make it look like.

That being said, I did take a tour back with emulators and tried original game and honestly they were pretty godawful. I say it as someone who loves Castlevania and Mana series, for example, including [especially] original titles

>Choose one.
Opinion/assholes etc

MGS4 is better than MGS5. Your opinion is wrong. I don't care what you think of the games because nothing you say will make your opinion right, you are starting in the wrong position, you can not move to the correct position from there.

Ignoring Zelda and playing MGS3 is the way to go.

or you could just play a better game instead with your time...

>hurr durr the only 2 MGS games are the MSX ones and MGSV
You need to be 18 years or older to post here. If you're over 18 the only explanation is brain damage.

Or I could just play the games I like, why don't you fuck off communist. I don't need the thought police to tell me what to like. I'll like whatever the fuck I want to and you'll deal with it.


>all this goalpost moving
The whole KOJIMA RIDE thing barely existed before MGS5 and its trailers started rolling. Before that, we got some cinematic trailers, even quite a lot of gameplay mixed into them too, but nothing too cryptic.

MGS1 has earned all its praise, and it's still one of the best games of all times. People love MGS because they successfully mix cinematic storytelling and very videogame-y gameplay, without mixing the two like modern AAA shit tends to do.
You also happen to have shit taste.

>what I think of the game

That post barely even had my opiniom. The back half of MGS4 barely has the metal gear gameplay the series is known for (not an opinion, an observation of how it's designed) and if you play MGS4 for the story and assload of cutscenes then god help your soul

Are you the same guy ?

Seeing the similarities in Sup Forums speak and that IP did not change I safely assume so. And i assumed your original personal shot at me was an attempt to humiliate by saying I;'m not familair with original Metal Gear games unlike, of course, like you.

But I'm familiar with these. And I never said I never played the modern MGS series. I think you were in such a hurry to make your spiteful post you, the mighty old fag and the column of gameindustry, forgot that Metal Gear is not the same as MGS despite being part of the series.

But hey man it's alright! You totally told me.

MGS5 was shit, and MGS4 was great.
Simple as that. No Raiden fangirl can convince me otherwise.

>The whole KOJIMA RIDE thing barely existed before MGS5 and its trailers started rolling.
Don't you feel ashamed talking about things you have no knowledge of? You have no idea about MGS2 launch ads ad PR and how Kojimbo trickled Everyone so please, refrain from making yourself look like a fool.

>People love MGS
That's true.
Does not make it worth all the hype.
People love Twilight too.

>Are you the same guy (You) ?"

Sup Forums on rustle.

MGSV had sneakan at least and a shit story

MGS4 has the least sneakan of any metal gear and a shit story

I like sneakan

Im one of those people. I never had a nintendo console and i was never interested in MGS and i own every Sony console.
I think im not missing much, Zelda was pretty much replaced with Dark Souls.


Do you want to?

Action as in "you're performing the action of bartending in a cyberpunk world", not the genre of action.

I've never played a Final Fantasy game.

>I think im not missing much, Zelda was pretty much replaced with Dark Souls.

Not really. Dark souls is like if Zelda combat was it's own game, but Zelda has a much bigger focus on plot and dungeon puzzles, and character progression comes from obtaining new abilities rather than just getting good

what game is this

If you're willing to look, there's probably at least one you'd like. I can't just recommend the entire series because most of them play nothing like the other ones, and this isn't even counting spinoff games.

Is there any game you like in particular, user? There might be an FF that's kind of like it. It depends.

the big one

go emulate one then

>I can't just recommend the entire series because most of them play nothing like the other ones,

Like, sure they all have different universes, but most of the game's up until X use the same basic rules. It's not like you would go from 4 to 9 and be totally lost. There's bigger differences between zeldas.

Eh, but there are significant differences, in how you level up, in what kinds of perks you're looking for, in how you get spells ,in what getting spells means, etc. Things like the Materia system in FF7 is way different from Espers in FF6 is a whole different beast from FF8's Junction system.

That being said, lots of the core mechanics are the same - ATB battles from 4-9 - But even then, there's a different thing to like about each of the games.

That's why opinions on it are so split in the first place. Honestly, XV being an open-world mod for Fallout isn't even that surprising at this point.

right right, yeah, the first 9 were pretty consistent

I mean even then there's shit still changing like job classes coming and going, and entire systems that only appear once; I was factoring in those, but yeah the basic gameplay was always recognizable (magicite to materia to junctions)

my bad

Play 6,7, and 12 and call it a day.