If a free game can have actual graphics, why can't all games?

If a free game can have actual graphics, why can't all games?

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It's 4K, dumbo.

Jesus christ do these faggots have a website so I can make a complaint about this shilling faggot?

>actual graphics
i want this meme to end, all graphics should be 100% fabricated

looks like shit what game


nice generic garbage that somehow manages to look plain yet overdesigned. that's neo-"""epic""" games for you.

Did these people ever see grass in their life or are they stuck in a hellish dimension made of papier mache?

its not going to attract players when they design characters like some graphic card box 3d models and everything is grim dark no fun allowed atmosphere. it just dead on arrival


that's obviously moss, it's growing on rocks. use your brain

Do you get paid per post or hourly?


Here's your (you)

All shilling aside, who here has played it? I'm actually enjoying it a lot since the monolith update, even though my former main Iggy got nerfed into uselessness.

Also I can confirm that the graphics are not actual. It's all a polygonal ruse you guys.

This game is buy to play you fucking idiot

>UHD-1, or ultra-high-definition television (UHDTV), is the 4K standard for television and computer monitors. UHD-1 is also called 2160p[6][7] since it has twice the horizontal and vertical resolution of 1080p.[6] It has a resolution of 3840 × 2160 (16:9, or approximately a 1.78:1 aspect ratio). UHD-1 is used in consumer television and other media, e.g. video games.

Boy you have idea what's going on here do you

I'd rather them get rid of creeps and towers. Could be WoW arena/Bloodrite/BLC. The whole Monolith update made the game faster, so you can fight players. Why not just go all the way since it probably won't gain ground anyways?




This thread is posted every day.
Please don't let these shills make you think this game is good.
It's moba hot-garbage, nothing more, nothing less.


Because that takes effort. Something no video game publisher is willing to do

It's been free since August, autist.

And it's been shit for longer


What's up with this meme that 3840x2160 isn't 4k
It literally is consumer 4K since the cinema aspect ratio is fucking retarded
You can still fit 4 1080p images into one 2160 image so what's the deal?
Did some e-celeb make a video lately about 4k or something?

>Map is really unpolished
>Mana regen is still trash
>Balance is totally fucked
>CXP gains are way too low
>Loot Crates are being added
Their on the right track, but Epic better get their shit together soon

4k means 4000 you retard

4 times 1080 is 4k you retard

>We have gotten to the point that people think that consumer UHD isn't 4k
Would you prefer to use a 1.9:1 monitor

You can exactly fit four 1080p images into one 3840x2160 image

Kill yourself

Is this some sort of new marketing strategy by Sony to just convince everyone that nobody actually owns a 4K display since they can't push 4K

haha jokes on them, I don't even know what game that is and now I'm leaving

4K is not an indicator of how many 1080p screens fit inside a display, 4K means 4,000. UHD is 2160p. 4K is a made up marketing term because your simpleton brain likes things easy and quick.

You realize cinema 4K is still 2160p right? Fucking moron

4K is four times the resolution of 1080p, that's what the consumer standard is unless you want to be playing games on a 1.9:1 aspect ratio monitor like a fucking idiot

UHD is still 4k by consumer standards user
your mommy isn't going to buy you a movie screen

>4320 = 4000
Fucking americans I swear

Who the fuck said anything about 8k?
You seriously need to improve your reading comprehension you moron

Because most games are made by corporations with shareholders that want money. Graphics require artists and artist cost money and corporate people have no respect for them in general.

Here is 4 1080p images inside of one 4k image
Kill yourself

Cinima 4K is 4096 x 2160, The 4K moniker works in that regard, 3840 X 2160 is the UHD standard. The difference is a whole half million pixels, and a completely different format. Which is why retards like you warrant the creation of the "Cinema 4K" moniker where as things would be much simpler if I could just call 4096 x 2160 "4K" instead of having to spend 15 min of my time explaining 3840 does not infact, reach 4k. So again I stand by my previous statement. Manbabbies like you are the reason the marketing 4K has so much prevalence in the market today.

I still don't get why it's called 4"K"
what does the K even mean



fuck off to Sup Forums you numbskull


Where did retards like you pop up from seriously, did some tech e-celeb just make a video about this lately?
four times the resolution, same reason why 8k despite not have 8000 pixels is called that way because it is eight times 1080p

I'll stop when actual graphics faggot stops making these threads.

k means thousand you mongoloid

>Getting this mad over fun threads
Holy shit you're actually throwing a temper tantrum like a child




>Literally just bumping the thread
congrats retard
>k means thousand
Not with resolutions, otherwise 8k would not be called 8k


>yes it is




I swear they're retarded. That or you're being rused.

Who knows, could just be a new elaborate trolling thing
Linuscucktips could have made a video about it or something and now a bunch of kids think they're intellectuals


What game is this?

Hopefully with that image they'll understand it... Probably not though.


how many cute girls does this game have? It's important


counted around 4


Newbie to Paragon and MOBAs overall, How do I git gud with Countess?


Most tv's support the full 4k resolution when hooked to a pc.


With shitty black bars

Well this thread turned to shit



How many people do you think can run this game? How long do you think it will last with the current population? Would you put your economical survival on the survival of this game? Does this really needs to be explained to you? Stop making threads with retarded or obvious premises.

It's like you are appealing to some form of casual discussion which even the worst of mouthbreathers can identify and join, and which should be the very thing you hate most. Even if you are baiting or whatever it is, in the long run it hurts nothing but your own enjoyment of the board.

But it is too late now, the stupidity has already seeped in and dominated everything, so knock yourself out and enjoy your hugbox of retardation.

a 750ti runs this game easily

it really is hard for some people to understand basic display ratio. Imagine trying to explain how compression for these ratio works. People who thoughts this through at first were complete math and computer geeks.

Its impressive how a company is so efficient in demonstrating their inexperience with an unfamiliar genre, i bet even Gearbox did more things right, i literally never heard anything good about this game except for the graphics.

It's the same people who try to get refunds for when they buy a 250gb ssd and find out its 230

What a brilliant way to derail a thread user.

Stop replying to yourself

>How many people do you think can run this game?

Literally everyone with a PS4 or a GTX 970 or above. If you don't have either of those things you seriously have no business posting on this board and you should go to /vr/ instead.

>How long do you think it will last with the current population?

I get matches within seconds usually and almost always under a minute. I think it will be perfectly fine for two years at least.

>Would you put your economical survival on the survival of this game?

I've got $170 down on it just to support Epic for saving the genre. You seriously don't have to pay anything though.

>It's like you are appealing to some form of casual discussion which even the worst of mouthbreathers can identify and join

No, I'm alienating poorfags like you.

Leaving this thread with a 4k screenshot
Peace niggers

No, he is definitely making a valid point. You make no attempt to start a decent discussion, never put any effort into providing thought provoking,accurate information in your initial posts. You don't even talk about the technical details of the engine. Your shit is yard grease dude.

What game is this?

also, since I no longer give a shit about these threads

As someone who has had sex with men, please continue. I assume you have more.

I haven't 'assumed' anything buddy.

Serious question: Why would you play video games in 2016 when you could be playing videogames?

>4k fits 4 1080's
>8k fits 16
