When will Sony and Microsoft copy Switch?

When will Sony and Microsoft copy Switch?
So if nintendo succeeds with the switch, when and how do you think they'll copy nintendo's idea of a hybrid console/portable device?

Sony is already working on copying it, why do you think the VITA 2 announcement was pushed back? They were waiting for Nintendo to announce the NX so they knew what they were dealing with.

Additionally, this is also why the NX took so long to announce, Nintendo wanted to give Sony as little time to react as possible before the NX went on sale, thus ensuring the NX will sell before Sony can respond.

Very basic business tactics.

why would they want to copy that gimmicky piece of trash?

fucking nintenyearolds i swear

Oh shush. You know damn well the NX is exactly what people want in a mobile device. The 3DS was a gimmick, the NX is less gimmicky than anything Nintendo has done in years.

No, pic related is exactly what people want in a mobile device.

Enjoy your piss-poor battery life whenever you leave the house.

ThisAlso, sony copied the most gimmicky thing that nintendo has done (pic), why wouldn't they copy this one?

because the wii actually sold

Continuum is a thing that already exists.

This should've been the Vita TV.


The catch is the Switch is as powerful as the xbone. Sony cannot sell the ps4 and a slightly weaker mobile ps4. Its bad business.

Yes because the playstation move was a resounding success.

Everyone has learned to stay away from Nintendo's style of "make whatever shitty gimmick console you want and let your exclusives sell it" by now.

meant for

So a psp that has an hdmi out?

How revolutionary. Good thing Sony doesn't have time to react

we knew exactly what the switch was going to be 6 months before it was announced, you would think a company as large as sony would have ways of finding out even before we did
I don't think the delay on vita 2 announcement has anything to do with the switch

>the Switch is as powerful as the xbone

There's not going to be a new Vita announcement you retard.

I'd assume sony is dropping out of the mobile gig since the vita sold not so well. The vita seems to be out the door as well since no one is restocking anymore.

>Sup Forums hates gaming laptops
>nintendo makes a gaming laptop
>Sup Forums loves it
hmm... really makes me think...

I'd kill for anow xbox version of this. Hell I'd kill for a Microsoft version of the vita

No because switch is a joke, and kinda shit

a pc and a gaming console is not the same thing you stupid cuck

Fucked up, an. Not anow


what console? Its a fucking extra large cheap chinese phone with some joysticks.

it's literally an nvidia shield with nintendo branding

can you play all the new nintendo games on a cheap chinese phone?
can you play all the new nintendo games on an nvidia shield?

they aren't the same fucking thing you morons, its about the games that you can play on them, not the hardware that's inside
nvidia shield is a pile of shit because none of the games that it can even run were designed for it

>literally a BOTW machine
kek, even better

>thinking some exclusive games would make it any different from it being a cheap giant chinese phone or a nvidia shield

Emulators will be out soon, don't worry.

if soon to you is 10-15 years

You're acting as if it were impressive. Xbone and PS4 hardware was outdated on release, now 3 years on even more so.

Now for a handheld? that's pretty good AND perfectly plausible now.

Because the ps move (wii) and the original dualshock 4 had a screen on the controller (wii u)

Dolphin had basic Wii emulation support about 2 years after the Wii's release, retard.

The Switch is basically what the Vita and PS4 already tried to do

It's going to fail and no one is going to try to copy them

The Xbox one is pretty weak, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Didn't Sony have a patent for one of these already?

Plausible, but not happening. Leaks from months ago said it's somewhere between Wii U and Xbox One.

If Nintendo wasn't retarded they would make the switch a cell phone. A 6 inch edge to edge phablet that you can clip the controllers on to. Make it run android and have all the cell carriers sell it on contract.

That would be the game changer. This is gonna be WiiU part two for them

that's because wii ran on hardware that was already 5+ years outdated when it was released
wheres all those ps3 / xbox 360 emulators, you know, the other consoles that were released in the same generation?

>Enough effort to photoshop on the PS logo
>Not enough for ╳⭕◻△ on the controller

It's not between Wii U and Xbox One, it's just under Xbox One.

Wii U is super fucking old and shitty tech.

>portable device that won't fit in your pocket
>home console with tablet performance

Gonna bomb so hard.

i really do not want this
let nintendo have their gimmicks
i just want a standard console to play on and if i want to play handheld ill get one
of course im happier with my pc though

Bethesda said some time ago that they won't bring games to it if it's not at least as powerful as the xbone, now bethesda and a bunch of other developers are bringing games to the switch.
Really makes you think.

>If Nintendo succeeds with the switch
Not gonna happen. It's a pretty fucking retarded idea. I don't know what they were thinking, but I swear this will be DOA. You guys were saying similar things about the Wii U but the Wii U turned out to be total garbage. Give Nintendo a few more years and they're gonna be completely broke. They're out of ideas it seems.

if nintendo released their first party games on android they would be saying goodbye to 90% of their revenue

Nintendo is always releasing shitty underpowered consoles retard. Coasting on Mario and Pokemon is their entire business model.

Unless the Switch is on-par with a shitty tablet you're gonna have 5 minutes of battery life undocked.

Both are already in the tablet markets. If the Switch succeeds, all they'll do is push more powerful games onto them.

The finger is cut off too.

>How long before Sony release a handheld you can plug into your TV

Gee I wonder.

Switch has similar architecture to the 3ds tho, and citra is kinda done besides thef act that you need a beefy pc to run it

>tried to do

You can remote play on the vita just fine and use its controls for ps4 games. Just no one wants to do it and thats not sony's fault. Although Nintendo thinks people want too and they are going to try and force this with their new meme console.

They could have thier games launch from a different app store that has lock down drm or even have the device run a custom OS and just run android in a virtual machine for phone use.

Forgot about that, sorry.

>Nintendo makes 90% of their revenue from hardware

Spot the fucking retard.

really doesnt matter if the console is garbage or not, as long as it has good games
wii and wii u (after some time) had shitloads of awesome games which is why they succeeded

He's saying it'd be an honest to god cell phone.

Truthfully, I'd probably buy one were that the case since it'd be a phone with a pad, akin to the one Sony did a while ago and never made another batch of.

Skyrim runs on a toaster. Switch won't get new releases.

Wii U got last gen ports too until devs realized it wasn't worth the effort.

No it's not but at the very least it's not yet another staple on to the gamecube tier improvement.

>The Switch is as powerful as the Xbox One!
>T-the Switch is j-just under the Xbox One!

The switch is nowhere close to the Xbox One.

The playstation logo does look good on that thing tho

Vita is a great source of japanese third party, they can't lose it like that

I don't fucking get people. Nintendo finally drops gimmicks and gives a convenience option. Then they bitch that it's stupid.
I have a Wii U and can recognize it's shit. But the Switch is literally just a console. Having fucking portability as an OPTION is not a gimmick.

What does that have to do with anything? Bethesda flat out said they wouldn't support the NX at all, whatsoever, if it wasn't at least as strong as the Xbone.

Who copy who again?

Agreed, but this time around it didn't sell too well. I think the lack of support the PSP got put people off from buying the Vita. PSP/Vita is really just used for CFW and emulators and occasional weeb game.

woah what is the one in the second row 4 over? looks nice.

>wii and wii u (after some time) had shitloads of awesome games
I guess the Wii U sort of succeeded in the end, but still sort of a failure imo. The Wii on the other hand, that was a massive success. Either way, for the past 5 years now, Nintendo has been nothing but gimmick central. I think it's time for their CEO to step down and let a new guy in.

android literally has a piracy rate over 98%, its hilarious how easy it is to pirate android games
it was obvious this is what I was talking about, but I had to explain it to do so who's the retard?

I think people are pissed the WiiU was an obvious fail and they are already dumping support for a new handheld that will also make them drop DS support. They haven't said it but the DS is done for when the switch comes out. Say hello to your giant 720p tablet with joysticks that won't fit in your bag or pocket.

>he thinks there will be shita 2: the shitaning

Bethesda said they would not work on Switch unless it were as powerful as Xbone. And whaddya know? They can't stop sucking its dick

>Sup Forums is one person

I can respect that, but I'm personally stoked that I don't have to buy two devices anymore. And I have a bag with plenty of room for a Switch that I already throw my 3DS in. Plus, if DSes really are done, it means all the handheld exclusive games like Pokemon are forced to be higher quality.

>the majority of Sup Forums hates gaming laptops
>nintendo makes a gaming laptop
>the majority of Sup Forums loves it

come on user, you knew what i meant.

Sure it makes wattage and active cooling of xbone chips possible on fucking tablet, drone ;-)

Agreed, but I feel the DS is the only thing saving nintendo currently. The vita was too "adulty" and didn't appeal to the kids. Since phones became so advanced after the PSP life cycle the Vita just didn't have a chance.

I like nintendo but the only thing that will save them is getting Rare back and its original team. Other than that, its not worth, buying a switch since anything I wanted from nintendo was already released on 3ds.

literally look up Nvidia Tegra chips. they are for mobile gaming, tegra x2 is more powerful than xbox one. this will be a custom chip slightly less powerful.

When docked, switch have active cooling.

ARM is far, far more power efficient than x86. The Xbone's was outdated and low end in 2013, its CPU is compete trash. Leaks are pointing to the Switch having very top of the line stuff, it easily could be within spitting distance of the Xbone.

>active cooling from a fan that sounds like a fighter jet from the 720p tablet trying to overclock a chip so much to play games with n64 graphics

Fair enough. On the bright side, if the placeholder prices are correct, it's pretty on par with what the original 3DS cost, so it's not like going all in on a console the same way.
As far as Rare goes, Playtonic is original Rare so with any luck Nintendo could work on that. And Retro is pretty close to Rare status as far as DK goes.

Go suck a cock. Microsoft did, or is at least trying to for like half a decade now. And they recently announced you can run x86 applications on arm tablets in the base future. And you already can use Xbox controllers with it. And you can use continuum, and connect all sorts of displays too

>copy the Switch
>nintendo's idea of a hybrid console/portable device?
>nintendo's idea

The Switch is not original at all.

>top stuff anything


switch is just a copy of Vita

You realize the Wii and Wii U are outliers right? Previously Nintendo always had the most powerful console on the market. Why is it impossible for them to go back to a higher end strategy? Especially when their last console flopped so hard.

It's not that the Switch is original at all. It's just the first of the 3 giants to do it. I mean, they both copied motion control after Nintendo took another swing at it.

>Now for a handheld? that's pretty good AND perfectly plausible now.
No it really isn't. Not if you don't want your battery drained in 10 minutes flat.
But hey, keep dreaming.

Dumb frogposter

I wouldn't go this far, but its obvious gamers want full console controls and it was awesome sony did that with the Vita, sucks though it didn't take off. Nintendo is trying to combine a full controller with a tablet and home console, but it just won't take off with phones being a viable portable gaming device that everyone already has.

Cheap or not, wouldn't get me to buy one since there isn't any games on it that make me really want to buy it. Rare gave the N64 a variety of different games to make it widely popular and no one else has done that for nintendo since. The playtonic will be nice to have just alone but they definitely need to get rare back as will for their titles to continue the games on the right way. Nintendo needs another conker.

It's possible there's a battery the size of the whole damn tablet in the back of it. That'd last a good while. Chances are there isn't, but I'd like to believe they learned their lesson with the Gamepad.
Of course, this time around they HAVE to give it a good lifespan due to actually bringing it out and about, or they are fucked.

Sony tried this long before Nintendo did with the Vita and PS3. They even got sued over it.

The last device nintendo had the most power with was the n64 and that was limited with its low storage cartridges. Psp out performed the DS by a long shot and same with the vita and 3ds. Nintendo got lucky with the wii, but their gimmics always kills them. The smaller cd the GC used was a completely dumb idea.

This picture looks totally legit and not modded at all.

I can definitely understand not wanting to buy it initially and I can't vouch for what is to come, but you never know. Could be a nice lineup eventually. Maybe a pricecut by the time you(might) consider getting one.
I don't buy much other than Nintendo shit and games on steam so I just take a chance every time. Plus personally, I don't want to play Zelda on the Wii U. I know it's going to run like shit.

No shit sherlock

Both the PS4 and Xbone have remote play game steaming now. The idea of making home console quality gaming portable isn't new.

It's called the vita

It bombed

Are you fucking serious, user?

Yeah good luck bringing those outside of your home. Especially PSNow lol.