Is this really the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2?
Is this really the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2?
For everything the game gets right, it gets 2 things wrong
It is the best multiplayer in the series.
fuck no. the multplayer is ass
It's good. I wouldn't say best, but the support has been there for the game. Custom browser just being released is pretty cool, and is something we've asked for since 3
At its core, it's a step up from 4's multiplayer, but there's so much wrong with it around the very core that it ends up actually being meh at best.
No splitscreen, no system link, resolution keeps jumping up and down in quality whenever there's things happening, microtransactions galore, the list goes on and on.
lol fuck no
Want to explain why without shitposting?
3 is still better than 5.
And you could make the case Reach is as well, because despite all Reach's worthy MP complaints, I can at least play on it with up to 15 other fitness offline with a much larger array of custom games. We literally only JUST got KOTH and Race yesterday.
>Better than anything but 4.
At least it wasn't trying to be CoD like Halo 4 was but they sure as hell fagged up the formula.
I can't play the game with friends Unless they go out and buy their own console, copy of the gane, and Live Gold subscription.
I can still play Halo CE with more than 10 people in 1 room to this day.
That is only one example, one of many, but it's a collosal failure for Halo 5.
It's not even better than Halo 4. But that's to be expected from a series that's only gotten worse since CE.
Reach had the goat customs community.
Obviously it's not a very good competitive game. 5 is better in that aspect, but 5's competitive playlists are so fucking dead that it's a moot point.
>Split screen multiplayer.
>In a shooter.
Who still does this?
Also, why would you want split-screen shitters joining up in matchmaking, did you forget how awful they were in Halo 2?
5 is a more well balanced arena shooter, sure.
And that's nothing to scoff at. If that's all you care about, then by all means it's fine to say it's a game you like more.
In every other aspect it's an overall worse multiplayer game than Reach.
Try to have friends over to play 5 with you. Oh wait...
>>Split screen multiplayer.
>>In a shooter.
>Who still does this?
I do.
>Who still does this?
Halo players.
Well... we did at least until 5 came out
This is an incredibly dangerous way of thinking.
It's a core staple of the series and the single biggest contributing factor to Halo's rise to popularity in the first place.
To simply cast it aside because maybe YOU don't think it has as much overall relevance in 2016 and say it's a non issue is pretty inconsiderate.
It's not as bad as the people in this thread will say it is (well, the campaign is. Holy fuck that was trash) but at best it rivals Reach, for different reasons. It is on paper a well designed sandbox arena shooter with an impressive console mapmaker.
But go beyond that and you'll start getting red flags in places the earlier Halo games didn't have any.
Halo splitscreen has always been a staple of the series. Fuck off you fucking M$ shill, no one on this board likes Halo 5, tell 343i to kill themselves.
>Who still does this
The Halo Community is built on splitscreen.
I was at the "Halofest" event at Pax last year and every single person I talked to, yes, EVERY ONE, still has people over to play Halo over lan or system link when they can.
Lack of split screen is a huge negative for Halo 5.
>Those post timings.
pic related.
>An obsolete and antiquated means of playing a video game when a superior, massively accepted alternative exists.
>It's a dangerous way of thinking.
Am I on Bizarro Sup Forums?
You DO realize that Halo: CE didn't even have online multiplayer when it came out, right? That the move to online multiplayer was the beginning of the end of of local multiplayer, that online actually contributed MORE to Halo's rise than local.
Everyone who played CE wanted online. When it did, Halo 2 solidified the Xbox's dominance and shaped console shooters until Modern Warfare came out.
>people stopped playing offline when online happened
Objectively incorect.
In fact, it was the preferable preference of play if available up to... hell, it still it.
Halo has become so fucking shit, why doesn't microsoft just kill it instead of slowing bringing it to a crippling death?
Reading comprehension, son. I never said it stopped, I implied that it was diminished as a result online coming to the game.
>it was the preferable preference of play if available up to... hell, it still it.
What planet do you live on? People prefer to play shooters online MASSIVELY over local.
I could say the same about any long running series as long as my nostalgia is used to justify my fun levels.
Halo 5 is shit, no one likes it.
Halo 5 PC BAY-BEE,
>People prefer to play shooters online MASSIVELY over local.
For convenience sake. It's like looking up something on your phone is easier because it's always on you. Your phone isn't better than your PC.
Tournaments use lan.
Social gatherings use lan.
Campaign players will go out of their way to use lan or split screen.
Firefight in ODST and Reach is a joke without lan.
Getting rid of it was a terrible mistake.
Yes, now stop making this thread twice a day, every day.
You sound new to the series.
Post your GT
Cause its fun?
Halo 4 was the killing blow. Halo 5 multiplayer (MP only, SP was shit) is the rebirth, as aside from the weapons it doesnt really play like any other halo game.
But at the same time offers a sandbox experience not found elsewhere currently. (which is exactly what the first halo did)
What's wrong with the single player?
343 dev here, I'm actually pretty satisfied with the campaign, although I really, REALLY wish we had gone with our original plan of Fireteam Osiris consisting of Locke, Vale, Jun, and Buck, but you-know-who insisted on two females per team, so that's where Tanaka comes from. Sorry guise.
>4 babbies
Reach was one of the best MP-wise. Hell, 343 and Microshit had to actively shut down their MP servers for Reach because 4 was such a joke and they foresaw 5's being equally dead.
Which were balanced and even the ones that were exploitable weren't that hard to deal with unless you were braindead
Which was fine, since rocket kiddies were at a distinct disadvantage because SWAT kids played matchmaking an equal amount. Even automatics were done right
Huge variety. Spent entire weekends feeling like a Spartan on the battlefield. Split-screen would have been nice, sure, but it was still pretty fun for what we got.
You can't play Reach multiplayer anymore? That sucks, Invasion was GOAT. Was honestly considering picking it up again.
The absolute biggest argument involving 5 is whether it's better than Reach or not.
People can't even come to consensus on that, so don't even bother comparing it to a much better game like 2 or 3
Last I heard, Microshit and 343 made the decision to kill the servers when they noticed people weren't play 4's MP. People don't like eating shit. Go figure.
Jetpack completely breaks map design.
You can play Reach fine you dumb bungie fag.
>You can't play Reach multiplayer anymore? That sucks, Invasion was GOAT. Was honestly considering picking it up again.
Reach multiplayer is still up and running fine.
It actually still has an active pop. Though it's a lot of mexicans.
Fuck you guys for making me check.
>Reach was one of the best MP-wise
The aesthetics are garbage (just ask anyone. No one likes the plastic "over designed" Spartans"
The maps are uninspired, uninteresting, and safe faced
The gameplay, while being "the best in the series", is just not fun
The campaign is ass on par with Halo 4, but at least Halo 4 had clear direction
Forge may be the best iteration it's been but it alienates the casual forger, thus very little content gets chugged out
On customisation
Armor variants are not needed, and I don't want ugly ass white marks on my "legendary" armor
Emblem customisation are a step down
Assassinations are boring variations of unpleasing wrestling moves
No one cares about your Spartan pose
No Spartan actually looks unique despite all the armor options
Game is not fun to play, customs have been a mess day 1, and customisation is in ruins
It was, maybe not from a "competitive" standpoint, but not every FPS needs to cater to MLG PROs.
When it comes to fun, zen, enjoyable gameplay with lots of options Reach is right up there with 3.
My bad. I heard it was kill because of 4. Good to know it didn't die.
>He didn't exploit their limited range and either pick up a DMR and git gud or fall back on rockets to deal with aerial assaults
My experience was that few people used them because there was too much risk involved with going up and having your downward trajectory exploitable.
Stop making these dumbass threads
>He didn't enjoy Invasion, BTB, SWAT, customs, etc
Pic related if anyone asks again
>fun, zen
Nice buzzwords reach fag.
>had to shut down Reach servers because 4 was shit
That's an unbelievably retarded thing to think. Mostly because Reach's multiplayer was hot garbage. Halo game I dropped the fastest after 4.
>Shilling this hard
It's okay if you don't know how to have fun, user
I do know how to have fun though, that's why I dropped Reach.
Tell me, user, where the SWAT kid touched you