Is Witcher 3 objectively the best video-game ever made? Overall?
Is Witcher 3 objectively the best video-game ever made? Overall?
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I'd be hard pressed to name another user
>inb4 muh combat
Funny how you don't see
>muh story
spouted in souls threads
It's not, it's not even in the first 10. It's pretty good game though.
>Muh combat
That is why I said overall. The combat might be mediocre but everything else is top-notch.
Story is worthless in a videogame you faggot
There's no such thing as a good game with shit gameplay and a good story
no, you see the opposite: dumbshits gushing over the """"lore"""" and wishing more games had a """story""" or """story-telling""" like darksouls.
It's not even mediocre
If you install the mod to remove auto targeting and have it based upon where your camera is pointing its like a different game
OP are you underage or what? Witcher 3 is a good game, but clearly not the best
Planescape: Torment
System Shock 2
Tell it to the 200+ awards anons
Fallout new vegas
by "awards" do you mean "garbage game journalism sites calling it GOTY"?
It's pretty good. Felt like a chore sometimes, but quests and dialogues were fun.
its a good game I played it more than Bloodborne
>No it's not the best game overall
>But i won't name any others
I can't think of any game I've enjoyed this much, but I'm only 30, still some life to live.
>people praise trash games like pillars of eternity and ffxv
>people ream witcher 3
The only thing I hate about Sup Forums is how bad everyone's opinions of rpgs are, all objective analysis goes out the window and all people care about is lore dumps and waifus.
I liked it less than bloodborne.
It's a good game but no, not even remotely close. This "Witcher 3 is goat" meme has gone too far.
Fonv has a shit story, probably one of the worst in any rpg, I mean it's a generic revenge thing which gives up half way and turns into star wars episode 3.
>Or state reasons why it's not
That because most RPGs are devoid of actual gameplay and are only carried by their stories and atmosphere.
it's not
that's a really bold statement that requires a lot of research
This desu, and I didn't think BB was GOTY material either
Yeah but witcher 3 was amazing in story and atmosphere and all people do is complain about the combat, while games like ffxv and PoE are terrible all around and people praise them.
What was ur goty of 2015
IT has huge world with not much to do other than collecting trash loot from random crates and killing respawning bandits.
The quests are generally good though if not sameish.
Main story mission is terribly mediocre and the game works best with smaller quests
Combat is average and at times straight up bad and it feels like step down from witcher 2 for some reason, it's mostly controls issues and animation issues that killing this game's combat for me.
Well it's not The Minish Cap, but it's good.
>Doesn't state any reason why it could possibly be the best game ever made
>It's everyone else's job to state reasons why it isn't
If you wanted to start an actual discussion on the game you can work on not being such a braindead cocksucker and also maybe contribute something yourself.
It's my 2015 GOTY for the PS4... because its the only fucking decent gaem in that year
fuck off casual
Do you have some objective metric of game greatness?
Try Halo (except 4 and 5), TF2, The Elderscrolls, Crusader Kings, etc. I think you will find that their are some greater games out there.
No such thing as objective when judging a piece of art.
But personally, I consider it the single best piece of interactive media of all time.
I don't call it a game because it honestly doesn't feel like a video game. It's nothing like anything else I've ever played to be honest. The gameplay isn't particularly strong, I'll admit. But everything else is amazing.
Also I take back what I said before about preferring Northern Velen to Toussaint. Nothing beats Toussaint.
But the story is shit in Witcher 3, too. It's presented in a way that you'd expect in an MMO or a shitty blockbuster game. Not only this, but it was so bad the writer of the Witcher novels had to make a public announcement distancing himself from it. The game has no redeeming qualities. It's just easily digestible crap that hits all the right notes for normies. It's like the devs went down a corporate checklist of what sells and then spent the other 90% of their budget on advertising.
Play Infocom games if you want good writing. They were made by actual writers. Don't pretend like Witcher has anything special when it obviously does not.
>But i won't name any others
Folks don't want to start pointless franchise wars son.
>the writer of the Witcher novels had to make a public announcement distancing himself from it
That's because he hates the fact that videogames are more popular than his books.
you'd have to research other games to see the quality compared to TW3
there are a lot of games out there user
>best video game ever made
>Isn't even better than pleb Final Fantasy VII
Please faggot, give me another game made in the last decade with even 1/10th the story.
People praise trash like dark souls for having a story despite the fact the game's entire plot consisting of a snake thing telling you to ring 2 bells, and fight 5 dudes being the entire story.
The thing about story and atmosphere is that they're very subjective and one style may appeal to someone more than another.
Awards from who? Journalists that were too shitty to get a real job? How shitty of a critic/writer do you have to be when the only job you can get is rating vidya for an audience that is mainly children?
>cancerous cucks still shilling this turd
>its literally mass effect for newfag generation
>all focus is on cutscenes and not about sub par gameplay and openworld that is just copypasted bullshit
>movement system so bad they had to patch in a new control scheme
>inventory management so awful they patch in storage box
No, it was because it was shit. I see you cumguzzling witcher fanboys jerk off over his works in these threads all the time.
Except they're not, twilight and 50 shades of grey are objectively trash stories, while something like don quixote is an objective masterpiece, it doesn't matter if you like it or not, some things are just more coherent, have more thought put into them, and are executed better with more layers than others.
Fun is subjective bullshit.
Story and feelings are metrics of art.
>foliage looks garbage
>pretending anything but painted skybox is worth screenshoting
>game treats me like ultimate badass from get go
>skills are all at zero
>if an enemy is one level above you they take 20 minutes to hack and magic to death
I lost the urge to play after the werewolf flashback, honestly dont see the appeal besides to looking pretty
>if you install the mod
wow good logic
The focus was the prophet of Lebioda statue.
And it still looks better than 99% of other games due to style.
Using broad strokes like best game ever is tough to prove.
I would say it is the best modern RPG overall. Modern being this generation of games. Of course in gaming there is no such thing as objectivity.
>supposed to be dark fantasy
>original bullshots show lots of brown and yellow mixed into the foilage
>gets downgraded and now everything looks like bright green vomit
Are you genuinely retarded?
Witcher 3 is a really brown game. The post you're replying to is from the expansion, which deliberately evokes a very vibrate, fairy tale like aesthetic.
It's pretty good.
>supposed to be dark fantasy
>citation needed
Remember the fields in TW1?
everything is generic you tool
the writing is in no stretch of the imagination shit
kys shill
You're probably too young to remember this but game companies used to put these things out called expansion packs that were basically full games.
havnt played it yet, not within my budget yet. any idea when the goty goes on sale again?
>courier who's greatest accomplishment is a 50% success ratio at not dying in the mojave, and seeking petty revenge
>single-handedly determines a war between 4 superpowered factions uncontested
No, it's a complete stretch of the imagination, and I suggest when you're defending a game for having good writing don't do so by following up with "well sure it's generic, but so is everything else!" because it just outs you as an ignorant philistine.
>ignorant philistine
>says the witcher shill
Both games are shit. Sorry guys.
It's because the courier basically holds the key to commanding a robot army, did you even play the game.
I wouldn't call witcher 3 high quality writing by any stretch of the imagination.
But compared to new vegas (and just about every other game in the last decade) it's the fucking brothers karamazov.
Sure it's nowhere near as good as an actual good book, but it's incomparable in terms of video game writing.
He only holds the key because house, despite being the smartest man in the world, is a fucking retard.
Besides even killing the robot army for either the legion or ncr you still single-handedly win the war.
Also, you can tell they had a debate on whether or not to work in micro transactions during crafting but ultimately decided against it.
Just passed it yesterday and it was breddy gud (10/10) but not goat tier.
You're right user.
They TOTALLY greened the fuck out of it.
You retard.
>an actual good book
Ironically, it's actually better than the Witcher books.
It might just be the translation, but they're fucking terrible.
What do you use to take screenshots, user?
I too enjoy piss filters. How dare they remove it.
The native polish versions are better but still pretty shitty. CDPR just does really well with the setting, tone, and themes.
>having shit taste
Lots of good games came out in 2015.
>Nuclear Throne
>Age of Decadence
>Cities: Skylines
>Avernum 2
>Aviary Attorney
Respond with 'muh indies' though, because obviously heavily focus tested blockbusters are targeted at hobbyists that are interested enough in vidya enough to post here.
>Nuclear Throne
I am laffin
It's such a shame that WRPG's are so shit right now that The Witcher 3 comes out and it's praised like a bottle of God's very own semen.
I blame Bioware, to be perfectly honest.
Mass Effect/Dragon Age 2 lowered the bar so fucking much that casuals could finally appreciate it and RPG fans had to develop stockholm syndrome to not fucking kill themselves.
Those aren't PS4 exclusives
Mass effect 1 was still an rpg, 2 and 3 were just generic shootan with rpg elements.
The top 3 I'd blame would be bioware (generic action movie bullshit and waifus), bethesda (open world you can do anything and be anyone bullshit), and obsidian (pseudo deep decision making and muh lore)
Witcher 3 just takes all the most popular elements of all of those and executes them in the least shitty way possible
Neither is Witcher 3.
I was talking about BB
There's certainly a lot of content but there's not a lot of variety or interesting stuff going on.
Yes user, that screenshot is extremely green, especially the foliage. I really like how the roads have bushes and long blades of grass in the middle of the road right next to a town. It's not like that would of been grazed or treaded down or anything.
I personally didn't like the game what so ever and really only see it good in graphical fidelity. The main protagonist was extremely boring in my opinion to where I even preferred most of the side characters over Geralt. I didn't like the music in the game really because it wasn't my style and especially in the combat section.
The side quest didn't interest me very much in terms of having fun and the story of most seemed bland, the main story of this didn't get me hooked either. The armor in the game looked absolutely hideous where the only good looking piece of armor I have seen was the armor you get at the beginning of the game (yes i know you can upgrade it through out the game, but i don't want to go through all that trouble).
i constantly experience a glitch with the sound where all background noise and some slashing attacks as well as music every now and then just completely got cut out and all I could hear were grunts and moans which really annoyed me, because the only way to fix that is to restart the game.
The only fucking thing going for this game, to me anyway, are the graphics and the sound effects when they are actually working. I know this a game a lot of people love but its just not for me, and anyone else that have a similar mind set to what I have, definitely look at some videos first and listen to the music to see if you like it, because that is something I regret not doing.
P.S. the combat felt clunky and you don't get any special loot if you fight a high level enemy at a low level, so i wouldn't bother putting in any effort trying hard on a enemy 6-10 levels above you, unless you just want the challenge.
Your fault for buying a console and expecting anything other than shit.
Just the Steam overlay saved as uncompressed.
Unfortunately it also means I can't post most of them as they exceed 4MB. I've compared the quality with a regular Ansel screenshot (alt+F2) and the quality is indiscernible. The super resolution ones taken in Ansel do look much sharper though, but those files are too large for my taste.
Nigga that screenshot is like 400% more brown than the real life one you posted.
In regard to the grass being too long, I'm gonna attribute it to the designers wanting the environment to feel cluttered and run down.
No you fucking idiot
I've been using Afterburners screenshot utility but it always looks like shit.
>Nigga that screenshot is like 400% more brown
All the foliage is 1 color. Perhaps it is a darker green, but it is still green. It looks retarded.
>I'm gonna attribute it to the designers wanting the environment to feel cluttered and run down
So your head canon makes the art design look good. Okay.
>Planescape: Torment
Gameplay is fucking horrible, man.
>System Shock 2
Story is mediocre.
Immersion is good in both games
Deus Ex is bettee
>Bad sound design
>Bad in-game animations
>Conversations are a static snooze-fest
>Not a single better than average armor set
>Only a few memorable songs (the ones you remember are great
>Small amount of memorable or likeable characters
Absolute shillary. The game is pretty good. I'd give e it a 7/10, quite above average, but nowhere near what you're saying it is. It's good parts have a hard time greatly out weighing the bad.
But I am not lying, that is the reason. I am not really a fan of Witcher games. Only the first one.
No you Polack fucking shill. Fuck off.
>Bad in-game animations
This is just fucking retarded, if there's one thing the game does perfectly it's animations, this isn't janky biowareshit.
Wait a minute
>of all time
When I made that comment I thought you meant on ps4/Xbox and pc. Get the absolute God damn hell out of here.
Good troll, legitimately got me angry.
Never used that. Does it pause the game? I know Ansel does which is handy. But for the method I'm using now it's tricky since everything is constantly moving. It looks better in motion and half of the screenshots I take are usually fuzzy, or someone is blinking, etc.
How's it feel that their opinions are literally worth more than yours?