Have you ever been caught playing vidya at work?

Have you ever been caught playing vidya at work?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope the guy who put this up left it up and ran, and some normals saw it. Great lulz.

I was caught playing some incremental games but it didnt matter as long as I got my work done

I work from home doing chat support, so I play video games constantly.


Sex with Aoba!!

In this shitty country, this is considered an actual crime btw

Why did you post a slut?

whoa there was an undertale anime?

>meme girls

He took his time to take a picture first

My wife Aoba is not a slut.

All anime girls are meme girls you stupid nigger.


The URL is literally in the image you stupid rotten pile of gangrene dickhole

I don't recommend talking to me like that.


Just in case you're blind.

This is porn of an recent anime, so your research.

Oh really? What are you going to do about it? I've mastered the fighting styles of the 9 great Fedora lords and I've become that which can only be described as a god.



I think it's time for you to go back to Plebbit.

What am I even looking at/

>having a job


What is it projecting on?

You became non-existent?

>m-muh spoonfeeding!!!

Either learn how Sup Forums culture works or fuck off.


>m-muh sekrit klub!!!!!!!!!!

one time I had an E3 livestream on a tab that I kept checking up on but that's about it.

Who are you quoting?

>new shit

These ruskies are some shitty hackers

They don't even bother finding porn in their runic language

>weeb get's mad that his cancerous board "culture" is not followed on other boards

>newfriend shows how new he is by thinking that "lurk more" only applies to Sup Forums


She is a loli, fuck off.

You are the only person here caring about spoonfeeding. You just look stupid doing it here.

grow the fuck up you fucking nerd

nah you are just a fag who can't read, you are like a little babby.

neo-Sup Forums

Aoba is not a loli; she has neither the age to be a loli as she is a working adult, nor the body type to be a loli as she has clearly developed through puberty.
Only an absolute retard who thinks that loli means nothing more than "kind of petite" would consider Aoba a loli.

>source is LITERALLY in the image
>"I-I can't fucking read, please, PLEASE GIVE ME A LINK! WHILE YOU'RE AT IT WIPE MY ASS TOO!

>weeb thinks that sharing the knowledge is somehow bad
does your sense of superiority fade away if someone tells the souce?
>inb4 learn to google

nice meme dude

Fuck off newfags, this is not the place to spoonfeed idiots whenever they're too stupid to even look at the fucking image they want the source for.
Give a man a fish and all that.

I could see the nhentai link quite fine. "sauce?" is a site wide shitpost that you got baited into getting upset about.

I wish faggots like you would stop mistagging shit as loli

Not everything has to be a meme you miserable pile of putrid smegma.

Confirmed retard
>I w-was only pretending :^)

The two of you ok?

go back to Sup Forums and post in your little generals

you know why Sup Forums is a dead board nowadays? because everybody there is a tryhard nerd where no fun is allowed

Looks like nu-neo-Sup Forums found its way ehre


I think you meant "you know why Sup Forums is managing to retain some degree of quality, unlike Sup Forums". And it's because idiots like you are not approved of.

When the source is literally in the image hes asking for source on he needs to fuck off.


1.6 was better

>m-muh culture!
Fuck off, we did it reddit, we finally took over Sup Forums

>degree of quality
>any board
fucking hell

If you think that none of Sup Forums's boards have any degree of quality to them, then why are you even here? Feel free to fuck off.

>Sup Forums is the internet's dump
you need to go back

Had a close call once, I was playing doom and when my boss appeared in sight going in my direction, I quickly alt-tabbed, but the fucking thing crashed

if that was the case then 85% of the threads on /qa/ wouldn't be complaining about the state of Sup Forums

Almost any other board has better quality threads than Sup Forums.

Just look at the thread we're posting in. This is a thinly veiled porn thread that has had nobody answer or seriously reply to OP's question.

>no good Nene doujins

Rozen Maiden. Has the best girl ever.

Nobody complains about Sup Forums because the general consensus is that it's a lost cause.

>go back
go back where?

I meant source for the artist who drew that picture.


they let this go on for 15 minutes?


Typical Sup Forums lurker here, I fucking hate the 'hurrr spoonfeeding' meme on there. You cannot discuss shit on Sup Forums they don't like without it seeming like you're breaking one of their sacred 'board culture rules'

Posters who say that and 'le recommendation thread!' should be purged form Sup Forums.

You have to literally stop aging and start reversing in age until you crawl back up into your mothers vagina, then continue reversing your age until you're a sperm and go back into your dad's dick where you are beaten by a sperm that won't become a total fucking retard when it is spawned into the world.

on /qa/ the problems about Sup Forums were faggots wanting naruto on Sup Forums, then pony fuckers trying to false flag, the usual "Sup Forums is a normie website so ban anime" posts, and now we have the general chatroom fags getting buttdevestated by actual moderation.

I obviously meant the store display.

There are threads that are generally "Recommendation" threads on Sup Forums. They're called One Page Threads.

I can play vydia at work
Are u jealous Sup Forums ?

fuck if I know. got it off Sup Forums years ago

I wouldn't mind rerolling my genetics desu

Your average Target drone probably had no idea how to shut down the loudspeaker

wtf there's a sad panda?? um can somebody fix this link?

Or maybe just stop spoonfeeding, dumbass. It's real fucking simple: if you can get the source yourself easily by fucking googling the image, or using one of the other basic image search tools provided to you by Sup Forums's native extension even before Sup Forums-X comes into play, then you're a fucking retard if you ask for source and the board would be better off without your stupid ass posting on it.

Help me please, Google is down.

What do you do?

It wouldn't be you though, the sperm that would become you lost the race. You don't exist to post your god awful posts on this website.

>Was going to save image and search it later
>Posted anyway

Not the beggar, but well, thanks

Stop being mad people are helping others rather than creating more cancer, faggot.

Yea well I design them at work
beat that, whos laughing now

You're trying too hard.

Shut the fuck up kiddo.

how to get past the panda?

You could have simply used SauceNAO like I did and you'd know already.

I know some people are a little stupid, but you make it seem really upsetting when it only takes up 2 posts in the entire thread you can gloss over.

>Person posts link
>Everything is fine, business proceeds as usual
>Person posts link
>Shitstorm from people complaining about spoonfeeding
>Turns into board circlejerking and complaining about "muh culture"

if you can't even RIS or put the smallest amount of effort in then you are the cancer.

How come Russians are such weebs, like even more weeb than americans

can you do it for me? im busy atm