What are some other examples of artificial difficulty Sup Forums?
What are some other examples of artificial difficulty Sup Forums?
git gut
I'm sorry but the meme is fucking correct with this game, its ridiculous. Plenty of situations were the player would have to tell the future to guarantee staying alive and extreemly harsh consequences for death.
I quit at the roller coaster wheel thing and I am not ashamed to say I was savescumming like a motherfucker since level 3. Really I hadn't even tried as many times in that level as i'de done in previous but I just had enough at that point. Shame the game had tons of really fun concepts and great nes visuals.
Fucking RNG, man.
Ain't that the truth.
Getting laid is the definition of artificial difficulty.
git gut faggot, people can beat this game with dozens lives left on stock
>He didn't make it to Intruder Extruder
>He didn't make it to Terra Tubes
>He didn't make it to Rat Race
>He didn't make it to Clinger Winger
Turbo Tunnel is baby shit
If you're dying on the turbo tunnel you're a fucking casual. The later levels will kick your ass so hard.
>the battletoads nes is hard meme
how about playing a game for real men, babies
git gud
>Turbo Tunnel
Come on, at least post Rat Race or those bastard rubber ducks from Terra Tubes something.
its just memory user, by trial and error
Battletoads is the one game where you can't possibly think it could more bullshit and it fucking does.
my fav part is the snake shit that is the moving platform kind of level
Do you think rhythm games are artificial difficulty too you big baby?
Any game that requires memorization is artificially difficult.
>Wooooow how was I supposed to remember that the A button jumps
So anything really fast paced and static? Sounds like a fine type of difficulty desu
so the playing the game of memory is just AD at its purest form and it requires no skill?
the binding of isaac
Most of the Ghosts 'n Goblins have poor weapon balance, and sometimes you have to land on a spot where bad weapon randomly spawns (which forces the player to pick up said weapon) just to survive.
The weapons don't randomly spawn, and you're not forced to land on them unless you take damage. The punishment is a bit harsh for what's just a minor mistake but it's still punishment for your fuck up. Also the flamethrower's fine if you know how to use it.
Torch I mean
Well there's a pattern but I mean you aren't always guaranteed to run into weapon X in spot Y every run... and I have had situations in which I had to jump out of the way, and the only safe spot was one with a weapon I didn't want to pick up. If there were a way to land on that spot without changing weapons, it would be fine (but that's not the way of the classics of course). Also for the GNG games with aiming up, you can't aim up when you're in front of a ladder (since you climb instead).
You're not supposed to beat a difficult game on the first try. Memorizing patterns is something they threw at you to make things more difficult.
How do you feel about mazes?
>left right left right left right is a hard pattern
Sup Forums really does suck at vidya
The Turbo Tunnel in Battlemaniacs is much harder to boot.
it's not that it's to give the game replayability. If you were supposed to beat it first try back in the day you would've just forked out $60 to beat a game in 40 minutes.
Battletoads is a very long game though. Even hardcore players couldn't make it past Volkmire's Inferno, that's not even half the game.
>it's not that it's to give the game replayability.
And? It's both to make it more challenging and more replayable. Far better than a lengthy game filled with easy, shitty, unmemorable content.
The game seems pretty kek worthy, I just saw a video of rat race
1st rat is hectic
2nd rat has a trap
But the 3rd rat
That is when shit gets real
My childhood can be summed up in seeing that little shit zoom right past me
What other levels do you reccomend watching ?
>it's not that it's to give the game replayability.
getting gut at a hard game was pretty fun for kids back in the day
playing the game again even after beating it was totally normal because it is fun to beat a very hard game because you got gud
I don't know if you can understand that because you already showed that you're just another casual
All of them. I can't name one boring stage.
Volkmire's Inferno is the craziest though.
>TFW the hardest game I every played was dark souls
>TFW I see gameplay of this
Jesus CHRIST, you old farts had it tough
Battletoads is leagues above any other game, Ninja Gaiden and Ghouls 'n Ghosts had nothing on this. It was fun though
Why do you say that?
The exhilaration, the pain of losing your last life and undoing your entire run, knowing that a better player would've just sat down, picked up the controller and fucking won
Everything on turbo tunnel is perfectly reactable. It's not even that hard, certainly there are harder levels later on. The last part is pretty tough and I guess if you have sub par reactions it won't be easy to see, but you don't even need to. It's just a simple left, right, left, right pattern.
In fact, the majority of the stuff in battletoads goes by that rule. Wherever you see the first obstacle, it will probably go left, right, left, right. It's pretty damn predictable, even if you have shit reactions.
Every single level in battletoads is like watching some completely different beast come out and try to kill you in ways that you wouldn't expect.
It's like the Australian wildlife of video games.
Except the clouds on the tower stage. Those instantly kill you if you try that pattern.
It's been awhile, but do you mean level 9 where you go up and there's that boss at the end? That's not a race, though. You're not being pressured by the screen moving you forward or something chasing you. I remember that level and after dying to jumping into one blindly once, I just made sure to get as close as I could and see what was there before jumping in like an idiot. Didn't really have many problems after that. Just have to make sure you don't pull the screen too far if you're going up.
Same with a lot of the stuff on the following level. Go slow in the water when you're not being chased by a wheel and you see the sharks or hammerfish ahead of time before you get instantly knocked into spikes and can work around them. The ducks are not something I had much trouble with either. Wait till they turn their back on you and kill them.
this game is incredibly easy, how the hell would you even claim this?