Are there any Japanese characters with a sidecut?
Are there any Japanese characters with a sidecut?
Hopefully not because fuck that hair style.
Gladiolus, FFXV.
Laura, SFV, sort of.
piss off to Tumblr with your shit taste
Nice boogeyman.
I find side cuts on beautiful women hot as fuck.
Being able to pull it off is like saying "I can shave off half of my hair and I still look better than you, I'm THAT drop dead gorgeous". Same goes with short hair.
Maybe I've been wearing rose colored glasses for the last few months, but redirrects and tumblr/reddit boogeymen seem to be spreading like cancer a lot more than usual more recently.
And it looks unique
>And it looks unique
muh special snowflake
>unironically liking reddit hair
kill yourself faggot
It's been starting to grow on me, I actually started crushing on Cassie Cage.
The hell?
This. It's not even unique anymore, everyone is doing that shit now.
Hilarious how she's no longer smiling on the second pic.
That's a bad fucking form.
why can't girls look nice anymore?
hist sap
best post
And you are done. You know this shit makes her stronger, right? Not to mention she has a dedicated fanbase that loves her for her personality and attitude. You? You're just another dumb hater trying to make an epic comment. Well, you failed. Now, fuck off.
Because you fat fucks keep antagonizing them! This whole board and its way of life brought this wave of bullshit feminist backlash.
>Under 10 layers of makeup.
I appreciate the sentiment, but caking on makeup is worse than a shitty haircut IMHO
>And you are done. You know this shit makes her stronger, right? Not to mention she has a dedicated fanbase that loves her for her personality and attitude. You? You're just another dumb hater trying to make an epic comment. Well, you failed. Now, fuck off.
absolutely disgusting
>YOU fat fucks keep antagonizing THEM
other way around
>This whole board and its way of life brought this wave of bullshit feminist backlash.
Actually it was by gender studies professors who just happen to all be lesbians. They are jealous of young women becoming successful and they misinform them to get them on their side. They hate men and try to destroy men because they are competing for the affections of other women.
>Reddit/Tumblr = Left
>Sup Forums = Right
it's used as an insult to call out an ideological standpoint without going on a full Sup Forums rant. At least that's how I see it.
she looks better like this.
Kinda looks bland and boring
this, that shit is ancient grampas.
it's not about the looks. it's about the personality.
>This is snake, do you read me, major?
I wonder how people become this fucked in the head.
>listens to lana del ray once
>see a few pictures of girls with a haircut you don't like
you definitely seem like you know what you're talking about
>foundation and eyeshadow
Nanashi from the new Smt does right?
would you prefer this instead?
Such a shit and trashy style.
>those silky black folds enveloping their homely physiques
>that mystery
gets my gears turnin
>fapping to the spawn of Johnny Cage
Best CG has something of a sidecut.